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55738378 No.55738378 [Reply] [Original]

What does he know?

>> No.55738399

It was nice knowing you guys

>> No.55738434

politicians living so comfy, can’t wait til I’m one

>> No.55738461

He probably checked the chart

>> No.55738523

"Carper has been married twice, first in 1978, to Diane Beverly Isaacs, a former Miss Delaware, who had two children by a previous marriage. They divorced in 1983. In a 1998 interview, Carper admitted, "I slapped my then-wife, Diane, during a heated argument," describing it as a mistake. A New York Post article in 1982 stated that Carper hit Isaacs "so hard he gave her a black eye" and that his wife's two children from a previous relationship "were slapped around and bruised by Carper for doing such things as leaving the family dog on the bed." Carper denied these claims."

>> No.55738563

Most child abuse comes from step parents.

>> No.55738576

Nigger war kicks off tomorrow this weekend but I don’t see how that affects US stocks?

>> No.55738578

Can confirm, step dad was a total cunt. Would kill that fucker if I ever saw him again

>> No.55738603

>the stock market is the economy
I hope whoever runs that account is reading this and knows they’re a massive faggot

>> No.55738606

Buying PSQ now.

>> No.55738796

This man has a NW of $10m. A $30k hedge is basically meaningless, and for everyone "success" he had with one, there are probably 5 other hedges that expired worthless. Because it's a hedge, not a directional bet, you fucking loons. Ironically, me with my 1/10th of his NW is short SPY with 1/10th of his sizing. Go figure.

>> No.55738833

Buy SQQQ instead.

>> No.55738835

Dubmest take every take.

You guys understand what "hedge" means right? He's not "shorting the US" he's hedging his long positions in tech against what he expects might be bearish for his portfolio.

Go ahead and keep reposting X trash retards.

>> No.55738843

Yeah I'm pretty much fucked I got nothing left to buy resources with, least I got my car.

>> No.55738855


>to bet line go down while leveraging it to go down

>investing in inverse etf that is essentially shorting it enmasse using a pool of investors funds.

How many steps up do you have to go anon before you realize there are both singular instances and plural instances even to exponential degrees of the same phenomena occurring at the same time.

>> No.55738876

snap out of it dumbass. When the senator's portfolio manager thinks his 8% allocation to tech is too big he rebalances using the market pivots with an inverse etf from time to time and the disclosure makes it look (to retards) that hes "shorting the US"

>> No.55738900


>> No.55738902

Anon putting any amount of money for any amount of time into an inverse is essentially shorting it via an etf managed account.

The senator is still for the time being shorting the economy. It’s a distraction story meant to slander him but it’s still here for the reasons provided. The mechanics of it are factual, the reasons why the article exists are opinion driven.

>> No.55738915

>democrats destroy america to make a quick buck
>democrats will defend their poverty as they eat the bugs and live on the streets because they can't afford pods

>> No.55738976

Digits holy shit

Can confirm, holding sqqq, it’s old faithful

>> No.55739050
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Gay and cringe. That shit isn’t even leveraged unlike SQQQ. Yep, I remember shilling SQQQ here none stop in 2018 leading up to the market tantrum. Those were the days. That LABU nigger probably roped by now

>> No.55739064

>The mechanics of it are factual, the reasons why the article exists are opinion driven.

Mitocondria are the energy factories of the cell.

>> No.55739082

Imagine buying boomer stocks when boomers are like half of the population

>> No.55739118

tailor swift sore throat

>> No.55739180

I don’t get it. I dated a girl with kids and I care for those two kids even a decade later, they were a part of her and I loved her.

Though her and I were friends before we dated for years

>> No.55739602

>on July 13
hmm today is
>Aug 3rd

>> No.55739623

Every once in a while I still see intelligent posters on /biz/.

>> No.55739839

My step dad has cancer and I am happy that he does, I hope it makes him suffer for years before he dies.