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55730225 No.55730225 [Reply] [Original]

Global civilization is literally collapsing because people aren't having sex: tightness in the labor market and loss of know-how due to a shrinking labor force, violent revolutions and pogroms due to people going insane over not having sex, wars being started because of a prognosis of a lack of future military manpower, the proliferation of unhinged belief systems online due to people being at home, online, instead of having sex. This then leads to hyperinflation as governments try in vain to keep financing social programs, mass famines because supply chains are collapsing due to political instability.
People make posts, typing "SEX SEX SEX SEX" constantly, yet they do not make the connection that the lack of sex is the major cause of the world's problems, including economic and financial ones.

>> No.55730229

Shut up incel, have sex

>> No.55730240

I have a white uncircumcised son. I'm good

>> No.55730243

Yes, that would be the solution.

>> No.55730369

>tightness in the labor market and loss of know-how due to a shrinking labor force
This isn't even true, boomers won't teach or hire people so there are always 'shortages' of zoomers who have 30 years of experience.
>Global civilization is literally collapsing because people aren't having sex
Millennials can't afford to 'settle down' because they were never hired for gainful jobs because boomers thought they could save money doing so.

You are retarded. But you already knew that.

>> No.55730440

boomers killed our civilization lol

>> No.55730447

its not lack of sex LOL its lack of desire to raise children. people are sluts rn

>> No.55730461

>i'm going to have 5 kids in my 3,000$ per month studio

>> No.55730494

>Global civilization is literally collapsing because people aren't having sex
Deboonked FUD
Everyone is having sex and it has nothing to do with the civilization collapse happenoon in two more weeks™ except as it serves as a distraction from the financial dynamics at play which is extracting value from the gullibly distracted to the suspiciously focused.

>> No.55730530

People aren't having children because they can not afford it.
They can not afford housing, child care, feesing, school, etc.
Wages are not rising, and the 1% just keep amassing more and more wealth for themselves. It's not trickle down economics.
It boils down to the ultra wealthy are ruining the world

>> No.55730536

that's why we need a world war

>> No.55730554

yeah, so the poor get killed and the rich get away scot free. what a "solution"

>> No.55730553
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>grind people into dust by working them constantly and demoralizing them outside of work

They brought this upon themselves. I'm never having a tax slave.

>> No.55730556

there are too many poors and they are competing with you on real estate

rich people don't even look at your pathetic 2 bedrooms cucksheds

>> No.55730574

I'm do not want to go die in China so that taylor swift can keep flying her private jet. I'm sure many Chinese feel the same way. Not a world War, just a class war.

>> No.55730584

yeah, a WW will certainly make things better. not. the drich wanted to kill the middle class and a WW will finish it off.

>> No.55730592

there are too many useless bellies on this planet
africans have to die
pajeets have to die
chongs have to die
mutts have to die

>> No.55730606

>Millennials can't afford to 'settle down' because they were never hired for gainful jobs
Basically this. My entire 20s was spent wage slaving for nickles because not a single boomer would hire me, despite literally all my career advice coming from Boomers. I finally got out of the situation by ignoring them completely, even doing the opposite of what they said when it was feasible.

I now understand that The Boomer is basically a retarded child in an adult body and to always treat them as such. Day of rhe Pillow can't come fast enough.

>> No.55730608

kek, those are precisely the people that'll survive a WW3, get the fuck outta jere John Bolton

>> No.55730641

Boomers were handed a thriving economy bu the greatest generation, and then got fat off the spoils and set in stone a system where they kept all the wealth.

>> No.55730678
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the fuck you on about ?
ive nutted inside my wife everyday for the last 12 years

>> No.55730748

>you WILL call them the "Greatest Generation" because... because you just will
>you WILL not reflect and realize that the generation that gave the world the Boomers can only rightly be called the Worst Generation
>you WILL listen to the experts and the science and the mainstream consensus
>you WILL not form your own opinions and make your own judgments

so have Tyrone, Devauntarius, Lil Sneed, and 100 other niggers

>> No.55730770

Lack of sex for OP at least

>> No.55730775

we need a new revolution, like the French revolution the current "aristocrats" need to be culled for the sake of humanity as a whole.

>> No.55730892

>we need to be even more cucked

t. french

>> No.55730911
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>> No.55730945

>posts picture of ultra overpopulated east asia
>doesn't consider Africa
The future is retard niggers tearing civilization down around them like a global detroit. Only genocide can stop this.

>> No.55730966

my brother in Christ.
Klaus and the elites are the primary source of all the cancer that is happening right now, from covid to the war in Ukraine, to wokeness and promotion of liberal life values etc.
they have a vision in which they see 99% of the population as not more than cattle that they rule over and they sadly want most of us gone.
these people need to be removed

>> No.55730970

You're supposed to have several

>> No.55731015

>...with a woman who herself is functionally a child and who can't cook, leaves a mess everywhere she goes, and has achieved nothing of any sort worth passing down to a child unless you want to include her various psychological and physical health disorders. Oh and her loser family view your relationship with her as their meal ticket and those would be the grandparents of your kids if you had any...

The situation is so much worse than the financial one. Women bring absolutely nothing to the table anymore and that is paying them a compliment, because in truth they actually bring an enormous amount of life ruining bullshit with them. I have tried to prove myself wrong on this, but every single girl I've dated I haven given an honest assessment and going all in with any of them from a business standpoint is like buying a company that is going to contaminate and fuck with all of your other successful operations and ultimately collapse anyway. It's hard to make a relationship and possibly eventually a family work when the other person just gets heavier and heavier.

>> No.55731032
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kek the jews really did a number on you kiddo

>> No.55731034
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It's because most people simply cannot afford making children and have also realized how incredibly cruel it is to subject an existence (you're supposed to love) to a life of poverty, servitude and goyslop consooming in the west "just because".

Minorities and third-worlders are retarded/low inhib, following the biological imperative without questioning it because it's their survival strategy. If you're smart you'd realize that unless you are in 8 figs AND have enough time to dedicate to your children during their life, making any is the most evil act you can commit as a parent and person. The financial burden of having to raise children while not being able to fully support oneself as an average middle class adult is the main factor behind all the retarded hedonistic behaviors plaguing society at large, only exaggerated and propagated via social media because it's a problem everyone faces.

>> No.55731167

it has always been like that
but at least before they were silent + you could beat them
women can't even cook and clean, everything they do is is a mess they will just hide the dirt and make awful dishes

>> No.55731200

My grandfather raised 6 kids on a postman’s salary. I’m a lawyer making 6 figures, graduated 2 years ago, and I have zero money saved.

>> No.55731234

>Global civilization is literally collapsing

The poos are spilling out all over the planet like a tidal wave of raw sewage.

>> No.55731315

stop simping on onlyfan then

>> No.55731322

I'm 30 and I was born in a basically white Civilization and by now I'd say 50% is some subform of shitskin and I'm not an Amerimutt.
The ship won't turn around, prepare to become a Nomad on horseback.

>> No.55731329
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There is no tightness in the labor market, boomers/tiny hats just refuse to jack wages high enough to entice people to work.

Real wages are less than half what they were in 2000, and were half in 2000 of what they were in 1980, you need a $200k/yr income just to buy a 1940 700sqft cuckshack, "gee it's a mystery why no one wants to work!" What's the fucking point? Stop debasing, adopt BTC as global money, and there will be an end to the horror.

>> No.55731344

Incels don't want to have sex, they just want to complain about women on 4chan.

>> No.55731379

>take home 6k a month after taxes
>rent 2400
>student loans 1000
>car 400
>gas 200
>utilities 300
>phone 100
>food 300, I don’t eat anything frozen
And the rest gets spent on other shit. I don’t eat out. I don’t do Uber eats. I don’t do anything.

>> No.55731381

Africa has less than half their reported population, their pops are extrapolations from colonial censuses taken during the 50s, the numbers don't get corrected because they get foreign aid based on population

>> No.55731418

I'm not knocking anyone for not being able to afford children. That is a huge part of the problem, but it also makes the situation worse: due to pension systems if nothing else depressing birth rates, long-term budget deficits develop, causing governments to increase taxes. People also hoard real estate and the prices of become inflating, preventing young people from forming families and worsening the situation in a vicious cycle.
They did, yes.
Wars make the demographics even worse because the few young people are sent off to die.
That's also true, unfortunately. The current hysteria around the topic of sex in society also doesn't help, nor do government measures to further suppress birth rates (divorce laws, etc.)
The natural end result of this, sorry to say, is mass starvation and societal collapse for the old. For everyone else too, but the old are also largely defenseless.

>> No.55731427

>rent 2400
found your problem

>> No.55731514

>jus commute 4-6 hours a day!
kill yourself.

>> No.55731518

It doesn't help that the media is pushing a narrative of complete hatred of all men.

Look at all this Barbie hysteria.
Soon men will be a persecuted group. Held down and castrated at the age of 14 to suppress all patriarchal desires. You will comply and be a slave to women. You will work until you die.

>> No.55731560

>boomers/tiny hats just refuse to jack wages high enough to entice people to work.
imagine unironically posting an offer for even a YOUNG professional for $60k/year in 2023, let alone for soulless work like codecucking

>> No.55731575

nah it's just Asia, look France & Italy, they have quite a lot of sex.

>> No.55731593

so you're a city cuck and still spend 200 for gas?

>> No.55731628

Yea 100%. I'll just sum it up with this because it applies beyond women to all of the other aspects of society right now that are malfunctioning: you can eat something great with no nutrition, you can eat shit with great nutrition, but it's hard to sell mankind on eating shit with no nutrition. Whether it's dating, whether it's a job, whether it's school, whatever, humans have a very limited tolerance for complete downside with limited to no upside.

>> No.55731671

>Soon men will be a persecuted group. Held down and castrated at the age of 14 to suppress all patriarchal desires.
I know the feeling, but doing something like this is not actually possible. Men wield force in a society overall. Even in purely economic terms: society is being rapidly hollowed out and can't function without welders, truck drivers, oil rig workers, mechanical engineers, etc. It doesn't matter what the government or anyone wants: without men doing critical work, it collapses, it's that simple. Men are already checking out of education and the work force, exactly due to the sentiment you have.
But, in fairness to women: we all know what sorts of things they do, no need to re-thread that, yes. But they also live in a highly unusual environment of non-stop social media that hijacks their otherwise completely fine desire for social harmony and fitting in; society is telling them that they need to divorce their husbands because someone better is supposedly around the corner; Tinder makes them think millionaire model athletes with chiseled jaws are the norm; some new fashion trend sweeps the globe every 3 months. They're also feeling increasingly insecure and thus want "the best men", which is partially what leads to the phenomenon of Chad getting all the girls (though Chad is also generally depressed), and also makes the situation worse by enraging the broad majority of men who can't understand what they're doing wrong.
One would think so, but: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/14/world/europe/italy-births-fertility-europe.html#:~:text=They%20were%20part%20of%20a,and%20within%20days%20were%20withdrawn
But yes, I shouldn't have just said "sex". The issue isn't so much the lack of one-night stands.

>> No.55731682

>turn world into prison planet
>humans don't breed in captivity
>why they not breed???! Tyrant angry!!
World leaders at >80 IQ

>> No.55731884

It seemed like a reasonable idea back then. Adenauer said in the 50s that "people are always going to have children", so they kept essentially taxing child-bearing more and more:
>divorce, child-support etc. make marriage more costly for men
>women having to work because real incomes keep falling makes marriage more costly for women
>the pressure to go to college necessitates huge college funds
>every company markets plastic knick-knacks to children that they nag their parents into buying, increasing the net cost of children even more
>the cost of labor goes down, increasing debt among consumers which they then have to service with future income, leaving even less money for children
This is an example of the tragedy of the commons, with the commons being family formation: everyone thinks that it's "free" to load just a bit more bullshit onto the family, until people stop forming families out of necessity or simply as a protest vote. Eventually, social collapses, and even for the people who benefitted from the exploitation.

>> No.55731953

The collapse will continue until the elites are forced to make it better.

>> No.55731960

According to the game-theory, what you're doing is correct, by the way. Why would you have a child, when that only means hundreds of hour of frustration with Tinder et al.; the near-constant dominance-games, often induced by issues of "sexual politics"; having to go into massive debt via a mortgage for a relatively tiny amount of living space, and then the constant fear or even reality of divorce - only to raise one's own child into some serf who'll have to pay 70% tax to finance the poverty-level living afforded by some failing pension system, while we have 50% inflation that we'll then duly pretend is not there through increasingly unconvincing creative accounting.

>> No.55732000



>> No.55732062
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Population crisis will resolve itself when fat cheeseburger scammers go to prison and they are liquidated. Pic related is responsible for food inflation.

>> No.55732194

The only thing that will make anything change is if they are no longer able to fly on private jets

>> No.55732232

Not wanting to go into any of the customary conspiracy theories about the "elites": they couldn't be expected to a significantly better job than they're currently doing. They seem reasonably competent, often even very competent. I'm sure the people e.g. running the FOMC are very good at their jobs; or at least I sure as shit wouldn't know how to do it.
The issue is that people tend to be only very good *at their jobs*, and any "extended knowledge" - the kind you see in interviews with macro-economists who have these "big theses", for instance - is done on the side, or at most treated as this "esoteric, nebulous thing". The by now proverbial "recession of 2024", for instance, which yet does not even meaningfully influence day-to-day monetary policy, let alone any meaningful, cohesive plan of action. It's just one of those kinda-bad-sounding models that people maybe think makes sense, but which is not translatable to actual solution.
That's because the theory is not fully consistent and contains latent contradictions - in the operative sense, so not "it immediately blows up", but "things become shittier and shittier over time due to some malfunction".
As a result of such contradictions, the system does degrade over time, but as a "mirror-effect", they generally also appear unsolvable. See the regular unprecedented financial crashes, each more unprecedented than the previous one.
While each one results in - I'm sure, very well-thought-out - new regulation being written, these regulations do not appear to prevent crashes. That is because regulation is, to some degree, the categorically wrong tool, and it does not matter how well one knows how to use the wrong tool, as far as getting the job done is concerned.
The technical reason is that what's not modeled in a theory is, well: not modeled. Interest rates are not fully modeled, thus it seems impossible to solve these periodic "unprecedented calamities" stemming from the unknown information about the system.

>> No.55732260

While taking no pro- or contra-position to any particular "elite": the Fed, e.g. is like some market-jannie at also wants to set interest rates for some reason. What magical "regulation" are they supposed to write? The market will always crash, and then people will blame the Fed. The same is often true for politicians and such.
People are as competent as can be, but they can't do magic. Given that, it'd be quite understandable why the world is this way, despite more or less everyone trying to do a good job.

>> No.55732918

My brother is very low IQ drug addict and he managed to get a girl pregnant. How do you address this?

>> No.55733204


its the tragedy of the white because the niggers suck off all the gibs

>> No.55733230

Hahahah 100%!
Our leadership wants to turn us into a global fucking favela. Not only do they not enforce the basic requirements of functional states (borders), they even actively go out their way to run cultural psyops. But they also want you to contribute to the economy while they rape you.

>> No.55733356

By addressing the root causes of addiction, i.e. life being shit. There's always going to be some people who are seemingly determined to fail, no matter how good the society is, but e.g. the current opiate-epidemic is not some natural state of affairs. In a more healthy society, most people wouldn't feel the need to take heroin.
The IQ-question is a bit more complicated (meaning a 50-page wall of text), but we can argue in general that, in stable families, people tend to have "normal" family sizes of around 1-3 children, thus stable family formation would reduce the problem by a lot.
Many of the concrete problems (drug abuse, knocking up 7 different women and leaving them) are downstream from the underlying dysfunction in society. We can always point to someone we deem unsympathetic, and maybe we even say that his fate is well-deserved, but everyone has a story, and that story very often involves factors like drug use to deal with the stress, losing one's job, divorce, someone's suicide, and that maybe also due to drugs or depression, and so on and so forth.
Also, him having one child with a woman wouldn't be a problem if so many other people didn't have any children with any women. Your brother is actually more functional than, I would guess, most of us; preventing him from having any children too would lower the birth rate even further.
I don't want to speak for anyone else, but in a dysfunctional system, everyone is affected by the same problems, just maybe to a different degree, and maybe in different ways depending on circumstance. The African-American population of the US is largely concentrated in the South, which was historically agricultural, and settled by the Sco'ish and the Oyrish (no offense), who were known for being rambunctious (doing impromptu kamikaze steamboat races in the 19th century). The "White-Black" politics of the US might be a evolved memetic descendant of the "English-Scottish" conflict of Britain.

>> No.55733369

That’s great. Now have 3 more, assuming you’re not fat and/or ugly.

>> No.55733388

>oy veg goyim don’t have children
tl;dr rabbi

>> No.55733393

kek this is literally what boomers wanted, they didn't want to maintain or pass anything down so they sold everything to rich pedophiles and now all their societies are crumbling.

>> No.55733408

The immediate problem is "pension systems + Triffin's dilemma"; you can't reasonably expect some random guy in Townsville, ST to have known about that somehow. Or even a financial analyst, for that matter, since evidently things have been allowed to get this far.

>> No.55733494

remove all welfare apart from if a native married couple (native going back 3 generations minimum) have children, for each child the amount of tax write offs, grants, and allowance from the state increases peaking at 7 children. open gold windows for every fiat currency, get energy from molten salt reactors. problem solved.

>> No.55733509

Can I be your son? I can't have sex because of botched circumcision.

>> No.55733614

When were you circumcised? I didn’t want my son to be cut, but my wife’s family is super catholic and wanted it done. If it was good enough for Jesus, I thought. I regret allowing it now.

>> No.55733676
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At birth. Jesus was not mangled nearly as much as modern circumcisions. The bible also says not to, it is not for Christians.

>> No.55733933

Stay in your containment thread schizo