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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55728650 No.55728650 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the fuddies so riled up today? They're not normally this energetic.
What are they trying to distract us from?

>> No.55728662


>> No.55728772

the fudders are linkies. that's why the fud is at its highest when the price crabs. they're just as bored as us, but they have nothing better to do than post on /biz/.

>> No.55728940
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Nah, the current spammers aren't regular linkies in the biz sense - they dont undeestand any of the old memes or references
they're post 2021 twitter tourists, pol, r9k subhumans and plebbitors that think biz is some kind of financial darkweb that fucked them over
so they spend thousands of hours a year trapped here screeching about it hoping they can make ogs sell but they cant influence anyone

>> No.55729459

Based 'cisco

>> No.55729470

>muh pol
kill yourself shit colored low IQ creature

>> No.55729479

Yup, this guy gets it. Don't forget Celsius/Bancor/LinkPool fags too.

>> No.55729511

>kill yourself shit colored low IQ creature
no u
/pol/ has been subverted for a long fucking time and they no longer consist of anything but the very same you accuse anon of.
They are actively recruited by FUDposters because of the low IQ nature of the board nowadays. And it works. Go into any potentially lucrative thread and you will see /pol/-ACKs seething and reeing about dajuice and how x method of profit or investment is juice. And that is when they're not just happenoonposting threads all over the catalog over any headline. Either this is actual /pol/ACKs or imitators trying to divert blame.
At the same time, there is a spawning of new threads about shitcoin pump and dumps. The demoralized poor are the primary customers of a casino.

>> No.55729517

That sounds like all the projects CLG shilled

>> No.55729564

plebbit was a mistake

>> No.55729601

The real joke tho is that nobody with a functional brain believes there is half an army out there tracking every minute detail and commenting on it for an investment they despise and dont hold and not have hidden motives for doing so

I mean nothing is rugged and yet where are all the threads about the coins of yesteryear that fucked people over harder
Ever heard of dash eos ever again or even lol litecoin

>> No.55730007

>That sounds like all the projects CLG shilled
Then how come I didn’t use any of those scams? Turns out you’re fucking stupid and deserve to lose money kek

>> No.55730036

the back and forth cope and seethe between link baggies and fuddies is basically the only thing going on on this board now.
actually entertaining, although probably not for anyone that's still holding link.

>> No.55731065

DARPA bots you noobs, XRP about to go haywire and they’re trying to keep the cat in the bag

>> No.55731149

Okay SargeComfy, we all know you're an angry neckbeard with a glass jaw that a 12year old girl could shatter. If you weren't dirt poor and had to resort to offering to suck Rory off in an effort to become a Community Advocate you might actually have a shred of credibility.