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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 1271x726, avax supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55713557 No.55713557 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55713578

>its all about supply and production
typical retarded communist thinking. One wonders why that school of thought applied to reality always fails at demand

>> No.55713601

Max supply has always been 720 million. Sorry if you missed that. Checking the Fully Diluted Valuation is the very first thing you should do when investing in crypto.

>> No.55713625

>max supply of your shit is xy
>demand for your shit is not present
communists, fail to understand basic supply and demand functions

>> No.55713650

reminder that all coins dumped during this bear market, even those with no high inflation

>> No.55713691

where there is no demand it doesn't matter what supply or production is. Adding credit tightening and higher interest rates to the mix that function becomes a hell of a lot more funky

>> No.55713749
File: 93 KB, 736x736, IMG_8150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New 40iq FUD just dropped
Poor Poomar, imagine having to miss out the most technologically advanced DeFi platform for like 4 icypees a month, almost pity him.

>> No.55713753

>720 million
wow sounds like we've got a long way to go

idk man avax has hundreds of partnerships and hundreds of millions of dollars from VCs and is literally going to tokenize every asset in the world and there's so many organic memes and shills on /biz/ and the leadership are literally 180 IQ geniuses!!

>> No.55713764

what is the fud it's literally just a true statement

>> No.55713772

who cares? it already failed.

>> No.55713817

>wow sounds like we've got a long way to go
Yes, that's why you buy a percentage of the max supply and not the circulating supply and then stake if you plan to hold long term. Otherwise you're just getting diluted continuously.

>> No.55713829

I don't know why avax gets so much hate. Yes it's a scam, yes it's artificially shilled here. No, it's not special.

>> No.55713884
File: 39 KB, 710x384, meanwhile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55713892

After August 2024 the only inflation will be the Foundation Unlocks and Protocol Inflation, which occur until the max supply of 720M is hit sometime after 2030.

>> No.55713914

Fully diluted cap is completely retarded metric because coins with infinite supply (Majority of coins) don't have one.

Total supply valuation is the far better metric

>> No.55713922

Why do you violently fud this coin every day, I don't get it

>> No.55713951

Nothingburger as most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators.
high demand for Subnets will make it pump to ATH and far beyond.

>> No.55713974

AVAX protocol inflation isn't even high (The only kind of inflation that matters expect maybe token sale coins, Which in Avax case already distributed completely months ago), It's around 4% yearly and decreasing. This fud has no legs, Never did, In fact, AVAX pumped x50 during the bull when yearly inflation was at literally 1500%, It's nonsense garbage that's trying to justify itself by riding on the typical bear market price action

>> No.55713976

cause the avax shills are annoying. This board is next to dead and they still come on here posting the same 3-4 threads at the same times every day. And any sort of rebuttal and they just call call you an indian. And if you post a hand or make them look stupid they just make a new thread. The weird Avax vs ICP meme was funny but obviously these same people derail any sort of organic posting like >>55713749
it's so painfully obvious

oh wow and what happens with all that staked avax?
>2 more weeks and it will pump
alright bro I got my suicide stack

>> No.55714012

It’s a deluding nothingburger as
>1. no token unlock in the past has ever affected AVAX’s price
>2. the first two unlocks were the biggest, and they’re already water under the bridge, oncoming distributions are a negligible % of the total supply)
No AVAX Chad worries about these premade shitty FUD campaigns as they only affect retards (you) who’re completely out of the loop.
Lurk moar or ngmi.

>> No.55714041
File: 82 KB, 792x844, 18653257228169522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bobos mad because AVAX continues to supply.
>Bobos mad because AVAX has limited supply.

>> No.55714239

Idiot chinkoid frog poster
How hard is it to understand that production and control over production and supply is irrelevant if there isn't any demand and that you cant create demand out of thin air. That concept really seems to be alien to socialist retards

>> No.55714274
File: 243 KB, 1560x1440, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1. no token unlock in the past has ever affected AVAX’s price
kind of hard to prove that no? i mean ill plot avax against btc and it definitely seems correlated

>>2. oncoming distributions are a negligible % of the total supply)
are they? what % will be be added by august 2024?

>> No.55714538
File: 43 KB, 1190x265, stay poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah yes, now that avax is bottoming against eth, NOW is the time to get bearish on avalanche, and now that a shit load of vested tokens have already been released, NOW is the time to start getting worried about the entirely predictable supply schedule known ahead of time by all market participants

this is the reason why most people don't make money trading, they come to the right realisations too late

>> No.55714571

>buy my bags
>come on
>look at random esoteric indicators I made up to convince you to buy my bags
there is no reason and there is no demand

>> No.55714662


I am simply enjoying how I know you're not going to make as much money as me.

>> No.55714696

Doubt it. Crapto is over. ponzi market saturated, too many shit fund raising scams, with no demand while credit tightening is increasing. Enjoy your bags and learn the lessons of offer and demand with a reduced access to loans and a reduced demand

>> No.55715154

>what happens with all that staked avax?
its staked and out of circulation

>> No.55715968

>Crapto is over
How does it feel to be 100 iq and poor?

>> No.55716889

The supply went up more then 900% kek

>> No.55716897

Kek youre power posting today i see your language all around