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5570953 No.5570953 [Reply] [Original]

TFW 100mg adderall a day

>> No.5571006

pure? that's a hefty dose anon. cut down on that shit, you're most definitely overdosing it

>> No.5571028

You may as well be a meth addict. Better start working on that now. Tomorrow. Good luck.

>> No.5571044
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>tfw on 6 xanax right now

>> No.5571105

but i have no energy

>> No.5571128
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>> No.5571157

Take modafinil

>> No.5571176

I don't know if you're supposed to use it for that. I guess it's ok. but you just gotta cut down your dose a lot.

keep a day or two off to let your brain adjust, then start with a minimal dose that lets you get out of bed. 5 - 25 mg a day should work for anybody who hasn't already destroyed their brain.

>> No.5571194 [DELETED] 

if it's prescription you're fine. can't OD on pure xanax. lil peep got killed by fentanyl

CoinLauncher btw -> https://discord.gg/8dkr8WJ

>> No.5571209

That's how the drug gets you dependent on it.

You have to stave off and change your diet, exercise, etc. Also get as much sun as you can even if its cold outside.

>> No.5571223
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There's nothing left in your body to give. You need to fix your health not try to crank more out of your body.

>> No.5571264
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Fuck anon. I know that feel, I'm at the point I need 50 or 100mg Vyvanse a day to be useful and not completely lethargic.
>I'll stop once I've made enough money

Why did we let it get this far?

I grabbed some armodafinil a while back, doesn't do shit for except literally make it impossible to sleep. No focus, no clearing of the brain fog, just no sleep. Did I just get a shit batch from pajeet-istan or is moda better?

>> No.5571286

Just wait until you go off it. You are going to sleep for a week straight hahahaha

>> No.5571292


>> No.5571339

Take a week off. Decrease your dose. It works. You've made your brain get used to overly high doses, but most of the damage is not irreversable.

At worst you'll have to be a few months off, but that's for die-hard speedheads only

>> No.5571369

for >>5571264

>> No.5571415

>most of the damage is not irreversable.
Says who? Its neurotoxic, the pattern has been engraved in his brain too

>> No.5571416

at least it's not tramadol, I'm rapidly getting myself into a hole

>> No.5571428

Maybe a bad batch. Get modvigil 200

>> No.5571448

I hate fucking hate coming off this shit. I not sure about OPs case but I abuse the fuck out of addy/vyvanse as well (>>5571264), but I don't think I'm at total junkie status yet as I always try to take at least 2 days off every week (3 or 4 if I've binged more than usual). So, at least right now I'm not a total junkie and I'm usually only tired as fuck for the first day off and after that I feel normal (just less focused).

Yeah, see above text, I'm definitely try to at least minimize the damage I'm doing by taking a few days off each week. I've really just been wanting to do a month off, but with work and crypto I haven't been able to talk my addicted ass into it.

>> No.5571464

I've been where you are. I kept at it. It was only maybe a year of heavy usage. My memory is now shit. I went into a period of derealization for over a year. I am NOT as bright or clear as I used to be, before I started adderall, and I likely never will be. The depression is deep and constant and I feel that I am forever changed. I have so much regret.

It's not fucking worth it, anon. Save yourself.

>> No.5571490

What is a good mind boosting drug? I have a bunch of buttcoins that I could spend and I need to finish my academic shit, but I've lost my will
Is xanax as good as people say or is there something better/less addictive?

>> No.5571537

It's not as drastic as people make it out to be. You can be a hardcore crackhead and eventually recover just fine. Look at Jordan Belford for example, if he did half as much of that shit as he says he's made an impressive recovery.

>Yeah, see above text, I'm definitely try to at least minimize the damage I'm doing by taking a few days off each week. I've really just been wanting to do a month off, but with work and crypto I haven't been able to talk my addicted ass into it.
It's ok anon, at least you have self control. Just minimizing the dosage should be all you need, few days a week is a very healthy break as long as you don't binge and overuse in between

>> No.5571595

>What is a good mind boosting drug?

NZT-48, thank me later

>> No.5571648

Modvigil 200

>> No.5571727

Sure you can recover but you will not be as good as you were before. Amd you will always crave a taste of those sweet amph salts. Moral is, dont go too hard, use responsibly for a lifetime of happy drug fun

>> No.5571867

Yes, some damage will be there for years if not til you die. But the good news is that you can mostly recover

Agreed on your last statement

>> No.5572006

I feel really bad for you. Get help if you need it, just get off the damn drugs. I have no room to talk, I'm a bit of an alcoholic and addicted to kratom but that's not nearly as hard on your body as adderall. You must feel fried all the time. Just get off the shit or the sun will never shine again.

>> No.5572062

>mind boosting

anon no. that shit turns you retarded.

>> No.5572126

Hit the gym PPL 6 times a week, replace the pharmaceutical jew with natural endorphine rush after heavy benching and watching asses of gym braphogs

>> No.5572426

Take magnesium every night so you won't build a tolerance to Adderall.

>> No.5573108

I've worked in the mental health field for several years, I have several friends who take Adderall/Vyvanse, and I abuse it fairly regularly. 100mg is an enormous dose, I've never seen a prescribed daily dose of anywhere near that. Not healthy dude, get yourself to a rehab center and start fresh.

>> No.5573699


Thanks for reminding me, i needed to order more

>> No.5573750

I'm taking piracetam. works good and no side effects till now

>> No.5573791

Work with what you have instead. Don't start drugs.

>> No.5573844

tfw Kratom saved your life

>> No.5573855

That will make u a retard in no time anon.

This. You are fucked buddy ive been there and you will go insane. Take yerba mate in large brews instead.

>> No.5573878


Been on for 12 years - 30mg/day five days a week. Xanax to sleep.

It’s not that bad.

Will go off when I can and or ready too.

>> No.5573943

>I'll stop once I've made enough money