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55709202 No.55709202 [Reply] [Original]

People like pic related. Timothy Peterson from Cane island Digital. Raoul Pal.
All these people spew out TA and spend hours and hours and hours making convoluted charts and analysing data to make some kind of analysis and they are almost always wrong. coin flipping has better track records than these people. yet they have large followings.
I have seen these people scream Bear doom hyper world end shit for weeks on end then suddenly i see posts like" if you cant see the bull case now for BTC you are DUMB"

>> No.55709211

Have you noticed they're all saying the bottom is in with what seems like 90-95% confidence.

>> No.55709214
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by contrast people like Peter Brandt, pic related who literally just uses chart patterns and doesnt spend thousands of hours making elaborate theories and convoluted analysis is pretty spot on way more often and when he isnt he has clearly stated all he is doing is presenting possibilities which he expects to fail.

Arent the likes of Faggot Cowen frankly humiliated by this? Explains why they seems to seethe so much and block anyone who doesnt lick their assholes. How the fuck are those types of people STILL at it after just none stop failures after failures of their analysis... don't they themselves see how much of a waste of time they are?

>> No.55709218

Yeah pretty much. i dont pretend to know if it is or not but i think its quite obvious it is. the fact is these people are only just now saying that. they were NOT saying anything close to that around the bottom or even for quite a while after it...

I'm pretty sure we'll have some kind of 50% crash within the next year or two. just anyone's GUESS if that is from 50k, 40k, 30k or what.

>> No.55709229

they dont believe it themselves, they're selling it to other retards, just another form of grift, you new or something?

>> No.55709232

but when it was the bottom they were convinced it was going lower
theyre counter trade indicators.

>> No.55709237

They're just grifting bro. Retards unironically give them money for their bullshit takes, like simps throwing hundreds of dollars away on onlyfans whores. They probably countertrade their followers as well since they know their narratives are made up, but the have an image to maintain to keep the gravy train going. Either that or they're just retards themselves, but that's not as fun.

>> No.55709264

Have you ever heard the expression "fame is a mask that eats away at the face"?
Im not calling them famous. they are little ant micro"celebrities". however, the point is that they seem especially faggot cowen, to actually stat believing their own fucking bullshit and thinking they are actually productive and smart.

>> No.55709352

Technical analysis works you just have to do really advanced math, not basic bitch shit like RSI

if TA didnt work medallion fund wouldnt be BTFOing the s&p 500 for decades

>> No.55709512

Thats just confirmation bias. When you have a scenario with binary outcomes you could "predict" the results just by flipping a coin. That doesn't mean the experts are less qualified than any other asshat on the internet its just that pretty much any asshat is guaranteed a ton of right predictions just because theres two possibilities. Look who has more money and that will tell you everything you need to know about their ta.

>> No.55709546

They are basically just like politicians.. They just tell you the things you'd like to hear
>bagholder, your bag will go to the moon yo
>thanks man! here's $100

>> No.55709797
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You bought altcoins throughout the last 18 months didn't you? Heh, should have listened...