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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55708179 No.55708179 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, what will happen when the economy crashes this time? I was 20ish in 2008 so I didn't give a shit about the economy. How bad will it really be?

>> No.55708244

so much worse

>> No.55708256

Worse considering the media and politicians are telling everyone that the economy is doing great and that there will be no recession...this gives people no time to prepare whatsoever if they trust what these people say.

>> No.55708283

I thought this board was zoomers and some younger millennials only.

>> No.55708284

we already crashed all last year you greedy fucks. we will continue to rally and reach new ath because QE is back and bidenomics unironically works. inflatable is much better than the economy imploding and people being jobless.

>> No.55708319

Why would anyone under the age of 25 use this relic of the oldnet?

>> No.55708490

Kek this. The UI is garbage. Zoomers are all in Reddit. The youngest age group is probably /pol/

>> No.55708531
File: 535 KB, 500x281, 13838237358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

87 here my nigga

>> No.55708542

This is what they’ve been planning all along retard. Negative 5% interest rates and UBI that gradually transitions to a CBDC

>> No.55708573

it will never crash. theyll just print money to keep the shitshow running. not even the scamdemic was able to put an end to this.

>> No.55708619


Old millennial faggots built 4chan
Think of it like the TikTok of 2005.

>> No.55708644
File: 2.12 MB, 2944x2208, Hey Kid Wanna Post In My Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do fellow 18 year olds

>> No.55708647

A few options ranging from terrible to apocalyptic: 1) We go into another deep recession/depression like in 2008. Young people getting out of school will find no jobs, older people will have lost their savings, things will continue to get shittier for about 5-10 years, but in the long run we stay on the course we are on 2) The above happens plus the rest of the world decides it's time to dump the dollar. International transactions are no longer done in dollars, so countries quit exporting all their cheap shit to us. Fuel is more expensive and boomers won't be able to sit at home and buy the stuff they used to on Amazon. America can try to threaten the rest of the world with its military, but ultimately the cost of doing this will be more than the benefit of keeping the dollar. America will implode and become a regional power, but nothing close to what it once was. The decline in living standards will make things ripe for political turmoil and America will have the bloodiest civil war in history after it has been gutted by the rest of the vultures circling it.

>> No.55708686

Don't forget to take your meds today, honey!

>> No.55708703

Any geoguessr expert to locate that faggot and kick his fucking ass that way he stops posting his stupid walmart wagie face on this board

>> No.55708853

Are you a fucking massive retard? That shit has happened multiple times throughout history, faggot.

>> No.55709200

They aren't wrong you little shit.

>> No.55709209

Looks like the PNW. He also looks like an unironically pozzed Seattle fag.

>> No.55709242

Nice fanfic but there is and will not be any alternative to US dollar hegemony. The reason is that nobody actually wants the burden. You think operating the reserve currency is all sunshine and rainbows, but it's actually a massive spike in America's side most of the time. China is sure as hell not doing it. They're extremely protective of their currency for good reason. The UN has a hard enough time handling their internal bullshit, Russia is a pariah, and India is still stuck figuring out lootech. Nobody can do it. Nobody would really want to if they could.
The US dollar isn't going anywhere without the whole world falling into ruin for decades. It's just not happening. You're an idiot with no understanding of global finance if you really believe different.

>> No.55709251

A reserve currency doesn't have to be a national currency. Obviously the dollar hegemony is falling, it will probably be gone in 20 years, maybe 10 years. What will replace it will be some sort of globalist digital currency.

>> No.55709559

>I thought this board was zoomers and some younger millennials only.

Mentally 18
Physically 36

My bones are aching bros…

>> No.55709571
File: 2.42 MB, 498x373, thumbs-thumbs-up-kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all good you're going to make it soon

>> No.55709629

Why would anyone that didn't grow up with 4chan come here? Zoomies are already suicidal enough

>> No.55709641
File: 142 KB, 1024x473, 1689920147047751m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money is just an in-between to trade goods and services

Ideally countries will simply start trading goods for other goods
Like Russia trades grain for weapons
Simply put the idea that the world even needs to revolve around a central currency is simply retarded and was only implemented under the threat of force

>> No.55709664

Those are bald millennials too, for the most part. Zoomers are on TikTok and Whisper. Obviously not on Threads, because it was launched by Facebook (and NOT "Meta"), which is the uncoolest company imaginable to begin with - worse than some cardboard box factory, because at least the cardboard box factory doesn't pretend it's "cool" or try to get you into VR that's apparently also been made to be maximally trigger the uncanny valley effect.

>> No.55709676

You guys would be shocked if you saw the people who snoop your writings here.

>> No.55709691

Would I be?

>> No.55709721

>zoomers are all on reddit

i don't understand how people can deal with the upvote/downvote systems on these other sites. i guess they've been brainwashed since they were little kids so they don't mind leftist propaganda constantly being spewed in their faces? i don't get it, it's awful in these other places. you say something even a little off-script and they just downvote you into the ground, hiding your comments.

>> No.55709896

>he thinks zoomies will announce they're here
late zoomies are in their mid-late teens while early zoomies/zoomie-millenials are in their 20s-mid 20s. i've been on this site since I was 8. I am 26. Even at that age I knew not to say shit, because it would result in a ban.

>> No.55711187

>You're an idiot with no understanding of global finance if you really believe different.
And you're an idiot with no understanding of history or finance if you think the dollar is a perpetual motion machine and will last forever.