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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55707651 No.55707651 [Reply] [Original]

$500k is life changing money

>> No.55707680

As someone with almost exactly $500k I can tell you it is and isn't at the same time. I can't change anything about my life, but I could use the $500k to expedite changing something about my life. Instead of retiring at 95 or whatever (I'm 40 with an income that lets me save about $20k a year because millenials and zoomers were born FUCKED) I can maybe retire at like 50 if I don't fuck it all up, which I probably will because I'm a desperate degenerate gambler who just wants out of the system already.

>> No.55707690

yep, and I had near that. I had over $400K and let it all slip away. now I have nothing and have to go back to waging...fuck crypto, pump and dump scam.

>> No.55707710

it's a lot to spend, it's not a lot to have to live on forever (boomer dividends style)

>> No.55707801

I have a little over 1m, I'm 25.

I am poor, just kill yourself if you don't have 1 million by 25 at this rate in this shitty world.

>> No.55707810

500k is nothing. $10 million is life changing

>> No.55708220

have that, still feeling so fucking poor i garantee you

>> No.55708370

No it's not. Invest in $hams. Just got bought out by an American company. Your 100x shot is annon don't miss out. join the TG and let's fucking rip together.

>> No.55708373

Is now annon*

>> No.55708446

atr stop loss

>> No.55708449

5k is life changing money.

>> No.55708473

Did you start this thread becuase someone else said 500k in the other thread? Is that what you faggots do all day?

>> No.55708476


I could maybe buy an old house, but still would feel pressure to pay insurance, taxes, and maintenance.

>> No.55708585

>4 fucks a year ID
Buying HAMS will guarantee you only have to give four fucks a year maximum, probably less than you're giving now.

>> No.55708630

Live on a carribeaner beach with 100k and blue chip stocks loser LOSER LOSER FROG PosTER

>> No.55708794

I am 22 and 5 months old but only have $763k in my brokerage. Feels so bad and it does nothing for me

>> No.55708804
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I halve a networth of like 10k and i'm 32.

>> No.55708809

This exact post is made semi regularly.

>> No.55708815

and i lost all of that and more. its over for me