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55704523 No.55704523 [Reply] [Original]

>xrp holders don’t even know what xrp does

>> No.55704527

>P-please spoonfeed me

nice try

you've had 10 years retard

>> No.55704529

Op is not wrong

>> No.55704537

Do you know what ANY of your coins do? Checkmate, gaytheist.

>> No.55704539


So what does XRP actually do? Can the schizo's even answer this? And where do I buy it? Whats the SUI/Make it stack and price prediction? Not that I have any interest in buying any for myself, I just want to laugh haha

>> No.55704556

i don't know what the coins i hold even do

>> No.55704560

Biz isn't a search engine.

>> No.55704561

I have never once had a discussion with xrp tards were they are forecasting how the technology is going to morph in the future.

It’s always a buzzwords like “cross border payments”, “big players”, “cbdcs”. Never had anything to do with actual underlying technology and why xrp is a desirable. Their explanation is always because the people involved are just connected.

I’m also betting you will not prove me wrong.

>> No.55704564


>> No.55704578

XRP's primary use case is in cross-border payments. When individuals or businesses need to send money internationally, traditional banking systems can be slow and costly due to the involvement of multiple intermediaries and the need for currency conversions. XRP offers a more efficient alternative by serving as a bridge currency. Let's say a payment needs to be made from Country A to Country B. Instead of directly converting Country A's currency to Country B's currency, the sender can convert their money into XRP, which can then be quickly and inexpensively sent to the recipient. Once the XRP arrives in Country B, it can be converted into the local currency, completing the cross-border payment. The speed and low transaction costs of XRP make it an attractive option for cross-border transactions.
Large financial institutions, banks, big players, and multinational corporations, have recognized the potential benefits of using XRP for cross-border payments. These entities deal with significant volumes of international transactions and are continually seeking more efficient ways to move money across borders. Many big players have partnered with Ripple and integrated its payment solutions, such as RippleNet, to leverage the benefits of XRP's technology. By using XRP as a bridge currency, big players can expedite cross-border payments, reduce fees, and improve overall transaction efficiency. While XRP is not a CBDC itself, it has the potential to be used in conjunction with CBDCs in the future. XRP's underlying technology and the Interledger Protocol can be utilized to facilitate the interoperability of different CBDCs and traditional payment systems. Ripple has been exploring partnerships with central banks and government entities to integrate its technology with CBDC initiatives. If CBDCs gain wider adoption, XRP could play a role in enabling seamless and efficient cross-border transactions involving these digital currencies.

>> No.55704598

If you mean XRP holders don't how the tech works you're mostly correct.
If you mean XRP holders don't know what it does you're mostly incorrect.

>> No.55704608

> Let's say a payment needs to be made from Country A to Country B. Instead of directly converting Country A's currency to Country B's currency, the sender can convert their money into XRP
How is A to B less efficient than A to XRP to B
Honest question

>> No.55704612
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That was the idea like 10 years ago. Banks showed no interest because the price was too volatile. Since then it has done absolutely nothing and almost certainly never will.

>> No.55704614

because you cant send something A to B lol

unless you got really long arms i guess

>> No.55704624

You bloody bastard bitch fudder please delete this fake image you repost it how many times?!?!

>> No.55704641

>what is swift

>> No.55704646

>10 years in crypto
If you hold crypto for more than 5 years you’re doing it wrong

>> No.55704652


>> No.55704671
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>swift will use xrp!
>xrp will replace xrp!
Absolute state

>> No.55704682

You have to distinguish the difference between speculators who have XRP and XRP holders.

Many people are only speculating on XRP and they intend to sell the first chance they get. As soon as we make a new all time high they are going to sell. There are many examples of this kind of person. Just like Moon Lambo. He often says he is gonna sell the majority or all of his XRP even before it makes a new ATH.

XRP holders are in this for utility because they know what XRP can really do.

XRP speculators are putting in alot more money and exposing themselves to alot of risk because they are trying to sell out early. XRP holders will probably never sell. They will wait till the moon happens and then they can stake their XRP and earn from it.

XRP speculators dont care what XRP does because they are just betting on it making a new ATH after bitcoin does.

>> No.55704700

Xrp can’t be staked?

>> No.55704722

I am talking about an after XRP moon scenario. I would never stake my XRP before utility takes off but after we have a large price appreciation there will be new ways you can stake your XRP. You will probably be able to hold your XRP with Polysign or Ripple and get a % return paid to you each month.

>> No.55704748


Its going to hits 3 figures. Just you wait anon. Keep laughing. Its going to 589 dollars.

>> No.55706463


>> No.55707923

None of you know what any coin does, dipshit

>> No.55707944

Actually it’s pretty simple
>bitcoin- first ever crypto
>eth- creates smart contracts
>link- makes smart contracts usable

>> No.55707962

Too bad it's still eth baby dick contracts

>> No.55707992

i have 100 xrp and im gonna be rich, hows that for what xrp does lmao

>> No.55708053

What does xrp do? Are you going to post another paragraph worth of babble to explain? Kek

>> No.55708079
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>> No.55708311

I'm fully committed to this crazy XRP journey, Faggot. Don't spill the beans to those retarded fags that I own a piece of Tesla on Eloop, raking in profits from their daily ridesharing revenue

>> No.55708332
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Keep a tight grip on your bag, Jeet. I'm holding KREST for that sweet PEAQ airdrop. It was a genius move, Anon.

>> No.55708344

I remember reading about it several years ago. Isn’t it’s utility basically like Bitcoin, but with faster transaction times?

>> No.55708345
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I know what it does : it transfert goyim's money into jewish grifters' pockets.

>> No.55708354

>I just bought the recent top and it's already overwhelming my life.

>> No.55708357

>the price is too volatile
Isn’t that irrelevant though? In theory bank A would purchase xrp as soon as a transfer is needed, then send it to bank B, where bank B will immediately cash it out. All within the span of seconds.

>> No.55708543
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>liquidated as soon as jewbase opened trading
>made several hundred dollars of gains
I bought like $300 worth several years ago, before coinbase stopped trading. They mentioned we could sell or they would lock it, I had faith retards would raise the price a bunch if they added it back or they survived the SEC. The risk paid off, I sold, now it can crash.

>> No.55708715

Nobody knows what XRP can do because nobody is going to use that dogshit. Token not needed retard

>> No.55708729
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>> No.55708764

LINK is vaporware. It will never do anything.

ETH is smoke and mirrors. No one uses it for anything. Except monkey pictures.

XRP is in use in ODL today.

>> No.55708843

thats the secret: it doesn't do anything

>> No.55708862

bros if I go on vacation, would it be cheaper to transfer my money trough xrp so I get the other currency? Like from euro to dollar? Because now I pay way to much transaction cost whenever I get some cash at a bank in another country

>> No.55708880

It’s actually hilarious how half this bitnigger board doesn’t even know XRPL is the very first DEX and introduced the ability to create trust within it’s ledger which mETH tries to replicate through “smart contracts” which is essentially a “”trustless”” shitcoin casino.
It’s 2023, bitniggers still believe ripple runs all the nodes kek kys faggots

>> No.55708893

You'd have to have a foreign bank account linked to your exchange account.

If you already have that then I would guess it's very likely.

If you don't already have a bank account at the county you're visiting then it would probably be a huge pain in the ass to get one just for that purpose.

>> No.55709243

I am going to look into this, if this saves like 5% every vacation in my life its pretty substantial

>> No.55709297


>> No.55709578
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It just does XRP things, okay?

>> No.55709732
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>xrp holders don’t even know what xrp does

Gonna make me rich you absolute faggot

>> No.55709771

it makes us rich

>> No.55709840

>XRP is in use in ODL today.
You have no idea what that means do you?

>> No.55709847

reminder yandex is a kremlin asset.

>> No.55709893

muh ruskies stfu boomer