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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55698511 No.55698511 [Reply] [Original]

If Kava doesn't turn things around for this shitcoin then there's no hope left. I miss the daily generals about it. I miss the daily Terra generals. I miss my niggas. Where did you all go...

>> No.55698521
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Yeah i miss good old days, now it's all scams and linkfags around

Biz isnt what it was anymore

>> No.55698524

Cosmos just keeps getting fucked from within. It's not our fault the guys in charge of your shitcoin have no fucking idea what they're doing

>> No.55698525

>implying it wasn't also filled with scammers in the "good old days"
Kek you niggers haven't seen shit. I remember back when the board was getting flooded 24/7 by literal pajeet rugpulls

>> No.55698529

Hmm i think you are missing the big spot or big play rn, cope and hold.

>> No.55698536

even pajeets know that biz has not the same influence or relevance anymore


>> No.55698538

Every chain is a complete shit show, evmos, atom, osmosis, juno, dvpn. The only chains that aren't run by complete retards are thorchain (but no IBC enabled) and Kujira (low TVL, hopefully it grows). Hopefully kava turns out decent.

>> No.55698545

Linkfags, Avax roaches and what else?

>> No.55698553
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Are you implying that the only chains that are not a shitshow are those that no one care about?

>> No.55698556

Pepe-derivated scams?

>> No.55698557

They don't because there's no fucking "hype" around crypto anymore. It's pretty much just a wasteland

>> No.55698559

Discreetfags have been uppity lately.

>> No.55698561

and that's something possitive, Hype just makes retardeds drive in.

>> No.55698567


>> No.55698568

Interoperability was a mistake. Chains should've stayed completely isolated from one another.

>> No.55698572

Retards are pretty easy to rug, though. That's a good thing in my book :^)

>> No.55698577
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>> No.55698579

Say goodbye to your bags, OP.

>> No.55698582

I mean hopefully thorchain gets more traffic, since it's one of few non KYC cross chain exchanges available. Same with Kujira since they have a not-retarded stablecoin and lending system, and the UI is kino.

Also secret is a dumpster fire, a pity since it would have been nice if their Monero on/off ramp took off.

>> No.55698583


they need more liquidity + dev adoption for that to happen. right now their ecosystem is pretty barebones compared to the competition

>> No.55698591

Take me back....

>> No.55698608

Maybe by the end of next cycle, so I can offramp to BTC during alt season. Either that or nomic gets its shit together and stops taking forever.

>> No.55698620

I've used the nomic testnet and it works great, sent testnet BTC straight over, bridged it to Kuji, worked perfect. So I don't know what the holdup is.