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55698476 No.55698476 [Reply] [Original]

Got charged with assault lads for defending myself against a drunk guy with a bottle. This country is a joke

>> No.55698489

Uh clearly you had it coming

>> No.55698500

you should have called him a nigger ang got the hate crime charge tacked on

>> No.55698516

double wham Kek

>> No.55698543

Which country, anon?
I'm here for you

>> No.55698723

Sounds like the U.K…

>> No.55698729

lol what? Did you hang around afterwards for the police to show up? Why didn't you just leave?

>> No.55699049
File: 2.89 MB, 498x498, john-thaw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal bong dindu
bang to rights 'e was

>> No.55699169

Sounds like a country which won World War 2.
Also sounds like a country that evacuated troops at Dunkirk

>> No.55699238

I could smell the bong on this post. If it was in the US he would have shot the guy and walked

>> No.55700370

He was yelling and pushed me so I punched him once and then called the police. I wanted him to get medical attention so I waited for the police and then they just arrested me after talking to him

>> No.55700389

bro u so dumb

>> No.55700392

stupid situation. Only thing for you to do at this point is hire a lawyer and eat the cost. Obviously, don't talk to cops. They don't care about justice only dumping charges on people.

>> No.55700398

I mean he was drunk with a bottle I just figured there’s no way a cop sees me as the aggressor in this situation

>> No.55700408

... Did you tell the cops you hit him? DON'T ANSWER THEIR QUESTIONS DEMAND A LAWYER FIRST. This assumes you're in the US.

>> No.55700412 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 768x1024, Blackswan Official Make it Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did that work out for ya?

Anyways, check out a project called Blackswan.
website: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55700444

holy fuck you're retarded. first bar fight faggot? you give him a bandaid because you're fucking gay?

>> No.55700462

Sorry I’m a good person and don’t understand how retarded everything has gotten

>> No.55700473

The police are not your friends and they do not have your best interests at heart.

>> No.55700479

>how retarded everything has gotten
no retard. YOU are retarded. the world is functioning more or less as retarded as its always been. make sure to suck his cock before court too. ngmi.

>> No.55700503

t. Dumb redneck moron with a history of voting against his own economic interests

>> No.55700665

The irony in you calling someone dumb.

>> No.55700788

Imagine calling the police on yourself.

>> No.55700941

Neither is the drunk guy. Should not have stuck around.

>> No.55700956

Drunk anon here, gonna find you snitch. If you call the cops I'll tell them you punched me again

>> No.55700958

>I punched him once and then called the police

>> No.55701425
File: 1.04 MB, 896x1496, D00MER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me waiting patiently for the slightest trace of violence so I can "defend" myself with my new .44 Magnum
no one should feel insecure

>> No.55701437

>This country is a fucking joke
No OP, you're just retarded, massively retarded
>Bar fight
>Drunk guy shits on you so you punch the drunkard bastard
>Oh no I hurt someone :(((( gotta call the police to check if he's alright
>Fucking WAIT for the police to show
>They show and you explain what happened and you walk out with cuffs slapped on you.
No matter how you look at it, you called the police on yourself AND you talked to them without a lawyer.

>> No.55701438

>drunk guy with literal deadly weapon in his hand pushes me
>I punch him once to get him away from me and then call the police
>somehow I’m the bad guy

>> No.55701441

I never talked to the cops retard they only talked to him

>> No.55701455

You still called the cops on yourself, get fucked dumbass.

>> No.55701467

You are a dumb nigger and don’t belong in white society

>> No.55701468

dude, it was a bar. People have bottles in their hands. its not a weapon. he was only walking by you and nudged you a bit, and you punched him becausae you were drunk.

>> No.55701482

This didn’t happen at a bar it was an apartment hallway. I was not intoxicated.

>> No.55701486

A glass bottle is also a deadly weapon and it was a two handed shove

>> No.55701491

who filed the charges? the prosecutor or the guy? you can file charges against the guy you know.

>> No.55701578

oi mate, you goh a loicense for those fists?

>> No.55701593

Projection, you are literally the only person here who will be put away.

>> No.55701684

>jail for a first offence misdemeanour

>> No.55701689

Hire a lawyer and buy a body cam.

Or move out of whatever Soros run shit hole you call home.

>> No.55701723

I can guarantee you're a pussy-ass bitch irl

>> No.55701725

I guarantee the situation was avoidable and you started a fight because you wanted to feel like a tough guy. That's always how these things go.

>> No.55701733

Just plead not guilty and tell them you thought he was about to hit you you were scared so hit him as hard as you could. There's no duty to retreat in English law.

>> No.55701758

>drunk guy with a bottle shoves me
>I started the fight
You people are retarded

>> No.55701794

I feel for you mate, crap situation but you shouldn't be up late at night drunk - the party is over. It's time to get right with God, get your finances in order to escape the UK system and better yourself for the coming storm. Drunks with bottles in hallways is only the beginning, that's level 1 stuff. Praying for you mate.

>> No.55702141

Why did you post this on biz? Did he try to shill you obamap00coin or what? Also, any kind of street fight should always end with you getting tf out of there in a goddam jiffy. People have friends that may be armed and the police will always try to pin the fight on the victor. You're not in some live action cape shit now.

>> No.55702308

ignore the trolls OP, yeah the world has gone to shit
I will never give up though, I tell the truth, stand up for real justice and do the honorable thing

from looking around, it makes me ten times happier than the miserable sheep who do as they're told and claw for money or out of fear of big brother. No wonder birth rates are plummetting, no one wants to bring children into a life they themselves don't enjoy. Most people are fucking lost.

>> No.55702339

You drive a ford truck, huh?

>> No.55702349

I'm a bong and got glassed in the face by a stranger on a night out, pretty much out of nowhere (no escalation or "warning"). I needed 13 stitches, have permanent scarring and came about 2mm away from damage to the eyeball.

The police took statements but their friends just chimed in to say that glass came from "somewhere else" and definitely not from the person who did it. I had to go out and get the contact details of the "suspect" myself, lmao, and give them to the police. They wouldn't lift a finger.

The whole time the cops gave the impression that I was annoying them, wasting their time etc. Was discouraged from making a complaint in the first place, lot off huffing and puffing that I decided to do it.

Honestly they're fucking useless, completely fucking useless. Idk what it took for you to get arrested/charged, OP - did you hand yourself in and call the office by the wrong pronouns?

>> No.55702413

Why put yourself in these situations to begin with? Why are you in a room with a bunch of drunk and angry gutter trash losers to begin with? I will never understand UK pub culture. No wonder pajeets are buying up all your property, they don't waste their time and money on this nonsense.

>> No.55702459

pajeets bought my local and turned it into an unlicensed dysfunctional indian vegan restaurant. Absolutely no fucking reason for such behavior - could have at least still sold beer along with their dandelion pakora or whatever the fuck. Fuck fucking pajeets, coming here and stealing our pubs - zero respect for are tradition.

>> No.55702539

You made a mistake by calling the cops, should’ve just yeeted out of there