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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55697904 No.55697904 [Reply] [Original]

(I wasn't fast enough)

>> No.55697925

Better luck next time champ

>> No.55697932
File: 130 KB, 756x768, CA22C9EA-040C-4E74-BF4B-5651F4DEE22E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once got fired and then I discovered unemployment and had a nice long paid vacation

>> No.55700154

i wouldn't worry about it anon life's too short to worry over stupid jobs. What did you work for fast food or some wagie tier shit job

>> No.55700164

Take meth, get paid

>> No.55700181

Stop being a lazy dipper

>> No.55700435
File: 139 KB, 615x338, faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to become a woman

>> No.55700654

now you are free again

>> No.55700658

>Meaning billionaires bias the figures
So, ignoring that whoever made this chart can't do math, Kanye, Jay, and Oprah are carrying me now, we're Gucci.

>> No.55700668

Something really freeing about being fired from a job they hire retarded people and felons and illegals to do. You wouldn't have wanted to settle into a job like that

>> No.55700680

Try that in a small town

>> No.55700719

oh wow, thank god i didnt get married young and have a wife that forces my son to wear dresses. millenials are unironically turning their kids into a bunch of faggots because its trendy. myself? i'm on the sidelines as with everything else. just watching and waiting for this madness to subside or kill itself trying. no house, no job, no wife, no kids...starting to thank myself. i unironically date long enough to fuck then bounce as soon as they start trying to control me and shove feminist garbage down my throat. fuck em.

>> No.55700733

I love you anyway anon. Everybody on this site is fucking hilarious.

What are you going to do next op?

>> No.55701302

Work at a factory. As long as you show up on time and put some effort in they will keep you around even if you're slow. I was slower than most at first (took me 6 weeks to not suck some reach that in a couple days) but now im a team leader and could get a supervisor job if i wanted