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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55695386 No.55695386 [Reply] [Original]

>saved up $20k
>can't even buy a halfway decent used car with it

this economy is completely and utterly ruined. how the FUCK am i supposed to plan a life and get ahed under these circumstances.

what option do young people have REALISTICALLY, except onlyfans and crypto scams

i HATE boomers so much it's unreal. they don't even recognize the absolute filth of a society they leave for the next generation, expect us to wash their asses and care for them when they all retire in a few years. un-fathom-able.

>> No.55695396

dunno. i think most young people will flee the duing west for less expensive living cost countries in asia that dont have affirmative action anti-male policies

>> No.55695411

Oh boohoo the little amerifat zoomie cant buy a car to drive to mc donald everyday

Suck a dick and import more blacks and mexicans so faggots like you go extinct in the long run

>> No.55695422

>how the FUCK am i supposed to plan a life and get ahed under these circumstances.
You’re not supposed to get ahead at all. That’s the point. Boomers robbed the country blind, and now we’re seeing the consequences. They laugh all the way to the bank, retire in comfortable wealth, and die of old age after a happy, comfortable, fulfilling life before anything can be done to them or about the situation as a whole. Baby boomers are THE jewish generation.

>> No.55695431

Dumbest take I've seen on this board and that's saying something.

>> No.55695465

You don't. Hard(er) times are coming.

>> No.55695473

>Hard(er) times are coming.
unfortunately true. This will get worse, nightmarishly worse, before they get better.

>> No.55695535
File: 1.02 MB, 2048x1536, P1830058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20k easily buys you this car. This is a real rally car. It goes fast and it's fun to drive. Reliable, easy to maintain/repair, minimal globohomo electronic bullshit

>> No.55695562

nah i'd rather buy 10.69ETH right now than that car. also, as if it's going to last 10 years, should break down way sooner and then i have nothing, how many miles on that thing?

>> No.55695568

Son, it's a Japanese car. They last forever.

>> No.55695597

That screams low test, daddy issues. Only the stinkiest of hogs would be attracted to that, and it WILL need over ten thousand dollars in repairs within 2 years, no matter what race made the thing. It has only been driven by retarded assholes and has been treated as such.

>> No.55695628

>can't even buy a halfway decent used car with it
Bullshit, post some of these listings.

>what option do young people have REALISTICALLY
Working any job other than the lowest tier wagie? Even the 10th percentile income (so lower than 90%) of college graduates have had real wage rises in the past 40 years. The median and higher percentiles have had even larger raises.
The only people loosing in real terms compared to "le boomers" are high-school job wagies.

>> No.55695681
File: 6 KB, 250x245, 1611262085906s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20k easily buys you this car

No, 50k buys you THAT car. 20k will buy you a clapped out, run down, shot to hell project car of a 17 year old tuner wannabe that needs a full engine replacement.

>> No.55695856

This is fucking /biz/ and you are doing it the fuck wrong.
I would put down 5k max, then sell 15k worth of puts on AMC. I like the $2.5 ones and I would do 60 of them at ~35 each, or $2100 over 7 weeks.
That's $300 a week if held till expiration.
Do you get it?
Debt is good if you can use your money to make a ROI that can beat your interest rate, that's what rich fucks do
You sound stupid if you're going to blow 20k on a used car all at once, imo, just order a fucking new Elantra or Impreza base model and wait for it to come in. Used car buyers are still getting bent the fuck over
This is not financial advice

>> No.55695915
File: 72 KB, 768x768, mot (137).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i HATE boomers
Don't be distracted from the real villains - corporations and the government.

You can't afford a house because BlackRock is buying thousands of therm.

>> No.55696008

I'm wanting to dump my BlackRock 401k and just roll the dice on Robinhood, yes I know it's a trash brokerage. Fuck Blackrock though

>> No.55696055
File: 63 KB, 138x156, 1672857959958285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Guy Gets It!

Blow Your 20k Wad and than what happens when your over priced used car breaks down

>> No.55696089

All the clowns praising Powell for successfully transitioning the economy to a soft landing don't understand that inflation is still going up albeit slower than before The prices of everything will still be be expensive and yet wages remain the same, so how are people going to afford to buy anything unless they take out loans with high interest or save money like OP which don't go back into the economy.

>> No.55696242

2011 camry has entered the chat

"I won't stoop THAT low!!"

Enjoy poverty

>> No.55696649

Just move to Vietnam and live on that 20k for the rest of your life.

>> No.55696674

That's your disgusting gook spy brain talking and you should keep your delusion to yourself. US gonna be fine after Civil War 2.

>> No.55696677

nice rěddit spacing, faggot. kys

>> No.55696681

You can totally get an 08-10 car for like 4-6k. I drive my parents old car, it’s got 170k miles but it runs perfectly still because my dad took care of it. I think I could sell it for 3-5k.

Stop complaining you nigger, you just want a new car with all the worthless new shit. You could drive a ‘10 Avalon but you don’t want to.

>> No.55696702

>sell puts
Am I tarded if it literally always takes me 30 seconds to work out the writer/seller side of these?
I've been toying with this but with a stock I actually want to own not amc (maybe just spy?)

>> No.55696758

>what option do young people have REALISTICALLY, except onlyfans and crypto scams
Your optimal course of action is to convert excess savings into BTC/XMR, and to keep necessary liquidity in USD. Doing this isn't really investing; it's minimizing currency risk.

>> No.55697274

>buddy leaves home at 18
>haven't seen mom in like 20+ years
>news that she died
>he came back for the house and whatever is left in her savings
>stupid bitch literally put a reverse mortgage on the house before she died when she owed only fucking taxes
>zero in savings
>credit card maxed out
>went through her statement history
>bitch has been wiring money to fucking india
>take out cash on credit card to send to fucking india
>apparently got scammed by some pajeets
Boomers are fucking retarded dude. My buddy got screwed out of literally a quarter million dollars because bitch fell for some stupid fucking spam mail scam.

>> No.55697870

>>buddy leaves home at 18
>>haven't seen mom in like 20+ years
Why would somebody do this?
>muh inheritance
>a whole 250k
Unless she kicked him out he's a shithead too

>> No.55697921

I've never spent more than 2k on a car. Why are people buying all these expensive cars? Is it an American thing? I heard they take out loans to buy cars lmaooo. Are their cars super expensive or are they just financially irresponsible?

>> No.55697981

Nah you're good, man. Time is on your side with one, not the other.

>> No.55698169

IDK all I know was he, his brother and his parents was not on speaking terms. He didn't even go to his dad's funeral. Now that I think of it he's kinda a dick, but with me he seems chill as fuck.

>> No.55698369

What do you mean by halfway decent because you can buy a lot of used cars with 20k you just can't buy something that's like "big dick mobile, 2022, 0 miles".

>> No.55698431

But investing should be good, anon, so OP can make a profit and buy luxurious cars. I don't know which crypto will take off, but I already have secured my Kava, Krest, Zil, Iris, and ETH. Krest will be listed on MEXC on August 2, and I don't want to expect much as I want to witness the trading performance live.

>> No.55698593

>Used car
The absolute state

>> No.55698600

>Why would somebody do this?
Because living with Boomers is traumatic.

>> No.55698694

Fucking kys you pathetic worm. But make sure to go to therapy first to heal your meme trauma.

>> No.55698992

If you can't understand why it might be traumatizing to live with brain-damaged narcissists who are themselves traumatized by growing up with PTSD-addled vets and their social-climbing housewives, you yourself might be brain-damaged. Take your own advice, be an hero.

>> No.55700586
File: 417 KB, 2500x1500, 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this for 30k, it has 14k miles on it. New one was going to be 36k and wasnt the color I wanted. Has a turbo and AWD, 250hp

>> No.55700618

Carvana keeps reminding me that my cars value is plummeting but I don't believe it. I'm seeing a lot of people buying new instead of overpaying for used

>> No.55701682

>I'm seeing a lot of people buying new instead of overpaying for used
It's more value for money buying new when 10 yo cars are valued a few grand below the price of a new car. Dealers bought these cars at inflated prices due to the pandemic and can't go any lower or otherwise make a loss so the whole used car market is inflated and unless a recession comes and put most used car dealers out of business it will remain the same.

>> No.55703338

This. Even buying used CPO is a shit deal when the extended warranties are only for a few years.
Brothers, I tell you I will never drive a modern car without a powertrain warranty.
Fyi: dual-clutch transmissions make me just as nervous as driving a CVT