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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55688211 No.55688211 [Reply] [Original]

Were we in one, currently in one or it never happened?

I'm soo confused

>> No.55688227

government and jews in the news say no.

hiring slowdown, drop in manufacturing output, and the impending student loan repayments all point to yes.

>> No.55688232
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I was born in a recession, molded by it.
I didn't see a green candle until I was already a man,
By then, it was nothing to me but blinding.

>> No.55688235

Currently in one.

What you're seeing now is an illusionary stock market that is being artificially pumped by your dearest government, while in the background the mass layoffs from white collar (and really everywhere for that matter) and stagflation is still running wild.

Don't let the TV and government gaslight you into thinking "muh SEVERE RECESSION IS COMING! SELL YOUR BAGS NOW!" as we've already been in one since last year.

>> No.55688363

the hiring slowdown is being masked by the fake labor shortage meme they keep babbling about. but it's been going on since last year. covid delayed the recession by giving everyone free money to spend which created shit tons of artificial demand. now all that's over. loan payments are due and demand is gone. time to pay the piper.

>> No.55688488

If we’re in one why are the “official” numbers showing low unemployment and positive gdp growth?

Make it make sense

>> No.55688504

If Republicans take back a branch of government, then we will be in a recession.

I'm not even team red or team blue, but everyone else is, so that's how it goes.

>> No.55688519

>Why would the government lie?
I seriously hate you grotesque slop consumers so much it's unreal. Everything wrong with the world is your fault and I mean you personally. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.55688522

we were in one but they called it super shemita instead. now we are through it

>> No.55688527

>low unemployment
Unemployment only talks people reviewing unemployment. It doesn't actually track labor force participation or quality of job/ income.

An Uber eats driver making $100/week isn't receiving ui, so he's not counted.

>> No.55688531

In one. Depression is next, my guess is that it starts in August.

>> No.55688537

>talks people reviewing
*tracks receiving

>> No.55688541

2 weeks.

>> No.55688544

Based bobo born and raised up on the streets

>> No.55688554

you are stupid

and severely retarded

>> No.55688573

>If Republicans take back a branch of government, then we will be in a recession.
Are you saying they will cause one, or that only then will the existing recession be acknowledged?

>> No.55688616
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Get a load of this guy.

>> No.55688643

We are in late stage jewish disease. Demonrats are their chosen party. Cuckservatives are the controlled opposition party that is pro israel and supports strong borders and a strong sense of national identity for israel and the US. The US part isn't allowed so they promote feckless coward candidates that will be defeated by their chosen party and only ever effective at accomplishing strong support for israel. Trump blew a hole through their plan and that is why he is being openly persecuted so no upity goyim ever step out of line again. They are going to suicide him.

>> No.55688650

If we cant trust the official figures what metrics and data do we look at?

Honest question

>> No.55688776

By all accounts we aren't in a recession according to NBER. By their measure employment is still historically low. The problem is, in real reality unemployment is very high because the average joe can't afford to work for $18/hr when his daily expenses are 27/hr

So we have news outlets reporting GDP is up, yet GDI is declining, along with other measures pointing towards a contraction/recession later on down the road. Notice how no one talks about the other parts of the economy doing bad but they focus soley on unemployment and GDP


Ultimately, you have to take what the news and economists say with a grain of salt and learn to read the data that's being put out.
>GDP, Inflation rate, production of industries, consumer confidence index, sales data, yield curve, housing market, business investments, manufacturing activities.etc

This will give you a holistic view. Whats also important is that the fed is working on backwards data and the markets of today are very forward thinking compared to years prior.

>> No.55688920


I think it will start very early next year. Big players want to soak up every bit of juice consumers have left. Check >>55686235

>> No.55689052

easiest way is go downtown and look around, are there a lot of closed shops? are there many or very few shoppers? has the city infrastructure gone to shit?

this is the truth not some cooked up jew numbers that don't reflect reality

>> No.55689271

The word doesn't exist because newspeak

>> No.55689308
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> "fake labor shortage meme "
Fucking this. Had a recruiter call me out of the blue and shill me this marketing role. Whole call is like pulling teeth with extra hoops to jump through. End of the call she says I'm not a qualified candidate even though I'm 99% of what they're looking for and I'm willing to do the shit role for sub-standard pay at this point.

Snap at her and tell her what was the point if she already had my resume to begin with and she gives me the most condescending explanation how important staffing recruiters are in figuring out the right candidates. Should of told her to go herself right then and then but I got bills to pay smfh.

At this point "no one wants to work" feels like a humiliation ritual at mass scale. Bitch, I AM ALREADY HERE, WHATS NOT CLICKING!!!

t. 6 months unemployed and counting. I want my real life to begin...

>> No.55689338
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I make 10K/month pretax, what should I be investing in? I buy physical silver and should probably be buying bitcoin in Ethereum. What about stocks? Don’t you get a guaranteed 4% back on the S&P 500 or something? I don’t know shit about stocks

>> No.55689521

>what should I be investing in
This is a demoralization thread, why are you soliciting financial advice?

>you get a guaranteed 4% back on the S&P 500
Get a load of this guy. Ideally, yes. But the prime rate is currently over 5%, so you can make more in a saving account, with no risk. I recommend you start by allocating at least what your company will match in a 401K, if not $20K per year. Then, establish a Roth IRA.

Next, punch yourself in the balls. Every time you do, you're allow to invest $1 in crypto.