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55687546 No.55687546 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this happen to crypto millionares?

>> No.55687559

one thing boomers did right was making it so they could get wealthy without the risk of being killed for their wealth they created an entire system of trust that requires kyc and insane government verifications and checks to for example transfer the title of a home, so you cant just kill them and move in. crypto doesn't really have these same safety from robbers conceptually.
but also commies.

>> No.55687581

>dismembered in a suitcase
where was he going?

>> No.55687600

Crypto millionaires love flaunting their riches for the lambo memes, while being a step above the blue collar lottery winner. I just try to be like Satoshi and blend in humbly and anonymously.

>> No.55687604

>Brag about having money
>Flex on poors in third world country
>End up chopped up in a suitcase

Sad! Many such cases.

>> No.55687612

It's called not going to South America

>> No.55687623

>crypto millionares
>crypto influencers
FTFY and it should answer any further questions.

>> No.55687643
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>run to 3rd world taxhaven shithole country
>still can't resist the urge to not flex and dab on the poor locals who smuggle drugs, weapons and people jus to make end's meet

>> No.55687656
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>from argentina
imagine you made but you chose to live in that shithole instead.
He deserved it

>> No.55687688

Because they go around telling people they're crypto millionaires.

>> No.55687696
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we need to seriously stop immigration

>> No.55687713

This guy borrowed money off a gangland loan shark that knew everything about him.
crypto influencer =/= crypto millionaire
Literally just a retard with a gambling problem
Probably one of the only instances where there was nothing suspicious going on. Plenty of other questionable deaths though, I won't argue that.

>> No.55687914

The other questionable deaths have demoralized me somewhat to be honest anon.

>> No.55688069

could be sergey next, but a suitcase won't cut it

>> No.55688092
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>> No.55688096

> Argentina

There's your answer. Same type of thing happened in Brazil with some YouTuber flaunting his Porsches & Lambos - gangs chopped him up.

>> No.55688120

>1pbtid bot thread
anyways, since the botnigger OP is too lazy to report the link: https://nypost.com/2023/07/27/millionaire-crypto-influencer-found-dismembered-in-suitcase/

>Police have arrested one suspect in connection with Algaba’s death. And while the motive behind the alleged murder remains unclear, authorities suspect that the influencer was killed over his numerous debts.
>He had reportedly run afoul of the Barra Bravas, a violent gang heavily involved in Argentina’s soccer scene, which reportedly demanded that he pay them a $40,000 loan.
>“If something happens to me, everyone is already warned,” he wrote in a message.

many such cases when it comes to """rich""" minorities.

>> No.55688194

they can still be robbed. you just have to be ready to get your hands dirty. anyone will hand over the loot if they are scared enough.

>> No.55688202

you can't rob me of my house deed or 401k you absolute retard. (or yuropoor)

>> No.55688230

at this point im convinced that crypto has been taken over by scammers and organized crime. i sold all my coins except btc today and i suggest everyone else do too. no future in it if you dont have the corrupt connections

>> No.55688243

Can confirm, this place is a shithole.

Help me get out bros, know any quantum resistant coins to take advantage of the superconductor hype?

>> No.55688315

It looks like he mixed with the N- of latam
Black-latinos are even less aggressive and less machiavelic than the mestizo btw

>> No.55688362
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Oh look, another porteño trying to scam you.

>> No.55688379

Cuz they talk too much.

>> No.55688386

He was acting retarded thinking he owned the town he moved into. Funny how these deaths always tend to happen in south america
These faggots think they can just waltz in the place and not put a target on their back

>> No.55688594
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>> No.55688641
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>> No.55688667

a harry potter trunk or two

>> No.55688714

He was an influencer, so he probably was giving horrible advice and telling people to ape their life savings at the top. When you screw over so much people you paint target on your back

>> No.55688739

More like crippled millionaire

>> No.55689044

This is just the cartel funded by the cia getting rid of crypto common man millionares.
Tons of them 'die' each year, even billionaire crypto common men are killed.
3 billionaire anons are killed each year, they fear actual people getting that rich.
Crypto was supposed to be their money laundering not ours.

>> No.55689056

>I know, I'm going to flash my wealth like a nigger and then go live in Hispanic countries

>> No.55689065
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dunno. maybe the whole point of crypto is to keep a secret, not flaunt wealth, and never borrow to buy it.

>> No.55689081

Because, as with the existence of beer, God likes to prove that He loves us and wants us to be happy.

>> No.55689189

imagine taking a pic of yourself sitting like that on top of a purple car.

>> No.55689382

>hundreds of downsides and one upside to the system
>setting up this system is something they did right

>> No.55689411

Shut the fuck up. The CIA is responsible for tons of shit but not this. This was a guy who flaunted wealth and got involved with third world loan sharks.

>> No.55689412

Very dangerous to brag about your bags publicly. Just takes one local thug who knows a little about keys and that cutting off body parts is one way to get them.

>> No.55689445

Yea, maybe don't go around broadcasting in the shady areas.

>> No.55689452

To meheeko

>> No.55689471

Probably scammed drug dealers or HSBC clients

>> No.55689536

The case doesn't even match with news title
They really hate crypto aren't they

>> No.55689666


>Move to South American shithole
>brag about being rich, show off lambos n shit

What could possible go wrong

>> No.55689726

You crypto bro idiots all of your funds will be known about as well as your whereabouts. You're wasting your time trying to make it you're just gonna get wacked if you ever did..

>> No.55689856
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Its a really bad idea to live in 3rd world countries even If they are cheap. Its better to live in expensive boring countries where you dont get murdered.

>> No.55689893

so is it socially acceptable for me to still dress like a teenager in my 40's now?

>> No.55689905

I was planning on fleeing to argentina in the next 10 years.

>> No.55691324

>Why does this happen to crypto millionares?
What is opsec?

>> No.55691572
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>> No.55691905

Literal FUD
>His bio says he made millions when he was 24, this happened when he was 41, crypto wasn't even born yet
>I looked over his insta and there's no mention of crypto, the only thing I saw was tau/usd yen trading currencies

>> No.55691970


He probably fucked around and found out.

I'm not saying he deserved to be murdered, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had some dealings with a cartel in South America and he reneged on an agreement, or stole something from them. Generally, organized crime groups don't randomly go out, kidnap and murder random people (yes, I'm aware there are nutcases in any criminal organization that will do heinous things for no reason).

>> No.55692012
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The article reads like it was only one case they put him in

>> No.55692282

ye i love digital usury too

>> No.55692765

You're missing the big point here.
There's no issue with investing in altcoins, especially if they have great potential. I'm not selling my XTP bags while managing other digital assets on Tap's app. This is a good play for me — money here and there. There might be another reason why this guy is being killed outside crypto. Who knows?

>> No.55692926

You only have to worry if you have like a billion dollars. Elite Jews will send hitmen after you if you don’t bend the knee to the globohomo, they hate goys that have tons of money that may be potential threats.

>> No.55692937

It's not my fault that Argentinian women make my peepee the BIG AND HARD.

>> No.55692956

Crypto millionaires die violently for one of two reasons:
>they flaunt their wealth or it gets to their heads (this guy probably)
>they learn too much about the rich and powerful (mushegian)

>> No.55693049

Most likely answer.

>> No.55693062

>so you cant just kill them and move in.
literally happened to my mom's friend's brother a few years ago (in the US)

>> No.55693441

Use the Bermuda dapp bros. Don't lose your head.

>> No.55693453

After holding bags for so long in Russia, bags hold you

>> No.55693515

>then call the police and report the murder

>> No.55693531

Maybe he was going to Benihana

>> No.55693564
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a real mystery, goyim

>> No.55693579

on the contrary, Argentina taxes you for everything.

>> No.55693678

>South America
This isn't even news, why the fuck are you posting this?

>> No.55693695

What the fuck are you talking about this is in Argentina the boomers there eat possums for dinner and murder children for breakfast it's a country of savages that this guy was a crypto millionaire is the oddity in this story not that another Argentinian was found chopped up in a suitcase.

>> No.55693919

What does it say about me when her weight bothers me more than the mustache?

>> No.55693958

if you want to live like a pirate you have to totally commit. You need to basically be John McAfee.

>> No.55693961

>get rich
>move to third world shithole
>criminals kill you because you're a retard showing off your wealth in a country where people can barely afford food

>> No.55693989

From what I understand he was a rich shut-in, they killed him and sold his house and went to Mexico or something.

>> No.55694014


if only psychopaths would focus all their energy on cocksuckers enslaving us all the world would be a better place and they would become heroes. Unfortunately, they are pussy ass nigger faggot cowards afraid to engage in any real threat

>> No.55694015

Jeet, that's why there are privacy solutions and private wallets for trading. So no one sees shit.

>> No.55694018

>open the safe and give me the seed phrase or ill set you on fire in your home
>shit man regulations and stuff that stop that
future of finance

>> No.55694020

House theft is a real problem for the elderly. Happens all the time.

>> No.55694024

Kek they probably thought his billion dollar wallet was a pager and sold it for forty bucks.

>> No.55694047

if you put crypto in cold storage on a wallet like ledger or trezor you are a complete fucking retard...not you personally anon but just in general

>> No.55694054

The word "influencer" is horribly creepy.

>> No.55694150

Boomer burger retards ITT thinking that Argentina is the same as Honduras. Buenos Aires unironically feels like a Euro city and is more white than many of them. It's also safer than quite a few US cities lmao. Argentina is unironically whiter than the US btw too.

>> No.55694183

how about we let stupid n|ggers believe what they wont to believe so we dont ruin it for everyone else? in other words, just stfu and keep it to yourself putito

>> No.55694205
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>> No.55694240

>you can't rob me of my house deed
Oh you didn't hear? We opened up an HOA and your home isn't in compliance. We had a period where you could opt out but we seem to have forgotten to send you the letter including that. Oh well, now we have a lein on your home and sold it at the sherif auction. Here are your eviction papers.

>> No.55694244

see just like this^

>it's a perfect depiction>>55694150

>> No.55694325

post inflation rate

>> No.55694337

No it didn't
No it isn't

>> No.55694349

>No it didn't

it did, see >>55693989 I don't know anything else about it other than he lived near Las Vegas

>> No.55694634

When I made 200k in the previous bullrun I would scroll through my portfolio at McDonald’s or Target nonchalantly. I’d make it goal for them to catch a peep of my screen with 200k on it and I’d put it away fast so I could pay or order. Got a few smiles, smirks and quick jaw drops/confused looks.

How I didn’t get robbed or my ass beaten is beyond me. I can only imagine he did something as stupid as this but in a 3rd world country.

>> No.55694883

In what way is crypto attempting to replace house deeds and 401ks, retard?

>> No.55694904

You done goofed!
I contacted the Cyber Police!
Consequences will never be the same!

>> No.55694909

Damn, I think I met that guy during a hurricane in Key West. RIP sweet prince.

>> No.55695160

fr ong. as soon as you make you have to move to a city where they don't let their millionaires just get murdered like Singapore or Dubai.

>> No.55695332

All these faggots with conspiracies and FUD around cryptofags.
Influencers are not fucking people and they get what they fucknig deserve.

>> No.55695391

nah sergey works for globohomo

>> No.55696171
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>> No.55697064

>The word "influencer" is horribly creepy
Why? Or how?