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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 512x512, PEPEFEMALE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55686261 No.55686261 [Reply] [Original]

I cannot bring myself to work. I find it metaphysically repulsive and utterly gay. Even owning your own business is so fucking retardedly faggy its insane. Imagine owning a company that produces concrete for example, or anything else to be honest. How grotesque that is, to piss a significant amount of your life away for the sake of that activity. Im not even going to touch on waging because that is so repulsive even the npcs get it

>> No.55686298

Nobody asked. Dumb thread. Faggy pic. Blog post.

>> No.55686337

Are you tired of feeling left out, my dear Anon?

>> No.55686356

you should be grateful you're in a position to choose. develop perspective.

>> No.55686368

Congratz you are gonna make it. This website is created with love <3

>> No.55686384
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Being a working is literally the only respectable thing on earth.

>> No.55686400

And youre on biz gambling? Take your own advice dipshit

>> No.55686413

I aint giving you my thoughts you uncreative jackoff. Fucking kys leech

>> No.55686416

Not so happy seeing your "frens" on CT effortlessly turning their 0.05 ETH into 5-10 ETH?

>> No.55686419

What are you going to do instead? Be a boring do-nothing? Nice existence.

>> No.55686437


>> No.55686462


40k mcap get in or stay outside u fags

dev is based rug is not an option

>> No.55686463

I dont care, if you were set financially you wouldnt be here.

>> No.55686497

Me too anon. I shouldn't say I don't like work, rather a job. I was just working yesterday at an old ladys house who needed a lot of landscaping done, painted the interior of her house a couple weeks ago. None of her family wants to help her with the house work. I have no problem doing that. You think I will ever get a warehouse job again where you have to walk through security and get micro managed every 10 mins about some quota? Would rather commit a fedpost

>> No.55686501
File: 49 KB, 512x512, AUTISMPEPEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

420,690,000,000,000 + L + RATIO

>> No.55686692
File: 153 KB, 700x933, IMG_2541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t get a job fuck working Pepe fork it is

>> No.55686740

Who asked, who cares about your thoughts, retard.

>> No.55687149

You're ill and also autistic. Clearly avoiding work like Chris-chan is proof enough

>> No.55687178

>metaphysically repulsive and utterly gay

>> No.55687209
File: 45 KB, 500x577, 1687870090335604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Improves your shirt design*

You can thank me later

>> No.55687246


>> No.55687508
File: 292 KB, 828x813, 76A7AAD8-09C3-4CD9-A08F-F05875957A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pepe emperor reporting in.
what’s your rank, anon?

>> No.55687621

Wow, we're getting bigger. We can be added to lbank or mexc. It can happen if we go naturally and get more attention.

>> No.55687632

begone bot

>> No.55687668
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>> No.55688046

U dont have to go job anymore if u already throw some bucks in PEPEF. Wagmi

>> No.55688066

>I cannot bring myself to work.
You sound arrogant, anon. Try to be more humble. See the reward in honest work.

>> No.55689024

I try to buy but uniswap fucks up my transaction. Watch it moon without me now...

>> No.55689041

Try 1.1% slippage

>> No.55689185

I bought half a trillion at 100k mc, kek. Will I make it?

>> No.55689284

unironically yes

>> No.55689478

well how do you plan to get money to eat and have shelter? You think people work because they like it?

>> No.55690547
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>> No.55691246

Every once in a while, a rare occasion happens - an honest developer coming from the biz comes to rescue us all. The last time I saw something like this was with $CLV Clover. That dev made all of us fucking rich in 2021.

I bought 0.25 at WL and I added 0.3 more during the launch. Godspeed to all of us.

>> No.55691307
File: 170 KB, 619x598, 1690571647559299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy 100x too bad most of /biz/ will miss it like always

>> No.55691332

same here I'm a painter and everyone I paint dies so I painted myself. I'm ghost

>> No.55691333

I just want to give my sincere thanks to jannies for not banning us. Based jannies have my respect sirs

>> No.55691398
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>rainbow colors

>> No.55692116
File: 22 KB, 310x411, 1625843613854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a tranny nigger, imagine despising the effort put into a business kek, you'll never make it, perhaps that's what you want, and I feel shame, but that's none of my business now, I'm deep into arkm

>> No.55692130

Well regardless of the thread OP is always a faggot

>> No.55692134

nobody gives a fuck about your assets nigger, nor about OPs sexual preferences

>> No.55692148


Do wageslaves really?

>> No.55692154

Literally the lamest shill of the week, seethe

>> No.55692157

It's unironically over this time if this is the kind of niggers that post on my board

>> No.55692850

poor people have jobs. middle class people have businesses, careers, professions. wealthy people have projects, hobbies, skills, interests, passions.

>> No.55692884
File: 52 KB, 660x555, Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 22-34-36 NIOƆꓕIꓭ $0.00002795 nuI01ɔı̣uoSɐɯɐqOɹǝʇʇoԀʎɹɹɐH chart live forecast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh? you missed pepefork? buy upside down sonic token

>> No.55692894
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>> No.55692904


>> No.55692915
File: 14 KB, 250x250, PEPEF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the faggot that made the 2 percent down scam wick. Fuck off jeet WAGMI

>> No.55693747

we’ve already 10xed. how many more digits will we add before you finally buy in, anon?

>> No.55693866

I wish I would have bought before this afternoon

>> No.55694050

ygmi anon. we just hit $200k!

>> No.55694098

jaredfromsubway is dumping on us kek

>> No.55694104

$215K now damn I'm finally going to make some money in crypto holy shit

>> No.55694181

if you own your own business or don't have a boss.

>> No.55694402

I just drink water, eat bread with honey, feast on liver, drink orange juice and milk , shit, piss and sleep. I go for walks and I meditate. My hobby is to paint and read. That's my diet and my life. I don't work because it's the death of the soul

>> No.55694813

So why make this thread? Youre a waste of air. Go gamble and be somewhat useful.

>> No.55694819

This is a shill containment thread

>> No.55694827

..and post on a Hainan basket weaving forum