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File: 29 KB, 1200x630, Amw_Logo_AG_Site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55686135 No.55686135 [Reply] [Original]

Just got recruited into Amway. I don't now how to feel about this. People there are very nice and they recommended me god tier books like Rich Dad Poor Dad. But it seems like they're faking everything and reading from a script. The opportunity to be an IBO is cool though, plus Plebbit says they're a scam, which means it must be good, right?

>> No.55686551

Lmao see you in 2 years in MLM rehab retard

>> No.55686563

this is one thing plebbit is right about

>> No.55686957

See you homeless next year when you’re heavily invested in their shitty products.

>> No.55686979

It’s a scam. Either quit now or waste your time and money until you quit later. Not sure how washed your brain is yet, but you’re already making excuses for behaviour that anywhere else you’d walk away from.

Im 100% serious that you’d be better off as a burger flipper at McDonald’s.

Watch some videos on YouTube, post a thread asking about it on Reddit(they absolutely are right about it and maybe people posting there have been though it, so you’re getting first had experience).

If it helps to think about it like this, I spoke to a Scientologist last weekend, she was there for a few months and already spend 3.5k. She had to borrow most of that money but she still thinks her life is being changed for the better and she’ll walk away rich and happy. From the outside it’s clear she’s brainwashed and destroying her life. From her insider perspective we just don’t understand and should come in and try it out.

Listen to people on the outside who have been inside.

Look at how MLMs operate and the psychology they employ, watch exposes. Get out asap. If you’re already invested don’t fall for the sink cost fallacy. Just get out.

>> No.55686981

I was in for a time some years back and if you don't get sucked into their bullshit mindset and look at it as a business you can have some success with it.
The key is to filter out their drone-like mentality and just look at this as e-commerce.
You get some products cheap and sell them to others for profit.
I was in for about 2 years and made some ok money, but never cared about anything else in there. Not the "recognition", not the "team spirit" or anything like that. It's all bullshit.
Buy cheap, sell for profit and get some people to do the same below you and you'll be ok.

>> No.55687562

It's a scam, retard.

>> No.55687592
File: 718 KB, 655x953, merchants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a scam, don't get involved.

I recommend reading Merchants of Deception, it lays it all out


>> No.55687598

>post a thread asking about it on Reddit

I know reddit is frowned upon here, but /r/antiMLM would be a good place to ask.

>> No.55687672

if you need reddit to tell you mlms are scams and borderline cults you're ngmi
litterally only the dumbest of dumb NPCs fall for this

>> No.55687756

>god tier books like Rich Dad Poor Dad

>> No.55687761

LOL, OP you need to really think about why you have reservations about joining so soon. I had some guy try to recruit me to his shitty little group. Met him in the gym and he was talking about self-improvement, which I am fully into.

Long story short, this guy tries to connect me with his "mentor group" and it was nothing more than a hype farm where everyone cum guzzles the Amway jizz under the guise of self improvement and muh jeebus

Needless to say, it's a scam at its core. Your can treat it like a business in theory like the other poster said but I doubt the hype will live up to it.

Have fun hawking shampoo and vitamins

>> No.55690621

After reading this, Amway does seem like a scam. They didn't get into the details about the products. I'll try to question them more next time I meet up with my Mentor.

>> No.55690651

Kys mormon.
>t. worked for two mormon startups who also ran amway scams both robbed me and fired me while lying.

>> No.55690711

There was a guy that made a really good video on primerica (another mlm scam like amway and similar size) which was really good. The video was blowing up too but these devils got it taken down. They’ll do anything to shut down accusations of being a pyramid/Ponzi scheme

>> No.55690765

LoL I did Primerica when I was 19. I got sick of the bullshit meetings and team/family spirit bullshit and told them it's not for me after a couple weeks. If you're retarded or low IQ you can be successful in these cults.

>> No.55690816
File: 114 KB, 405x400, 168138154978563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder if it's a scam
>Literally everyone tells him it's clearly a scam
>Still gets in
Jesus fucking christ anon, I literally wish there was something like Arkham for garbage like this

>> No.55690930

It doesn't matter if it is or not a scam, he needs this experience to know not to fuck around

>> No.55690974

Get the fuck away from them, fast

>> No.55690978

Even if there was something similar it wouldn't work, niggers are just too retarded to listen

>> No.55690992
File: 97 KB, 1280x960, 168497983215487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the FUCK up you shill

>> No.55691372

ITT people that didn't get in at the top of the pyramid.

Go for it OP. Nothing screams success like trying to recruit your friends and family into your "business" under the direction of your "mentor".