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5568214 No.5568214 [Reply] [Original]

I recently made it to $100k, but have had a hard time making significant gains (could be partly due to Bitcoin's lethargy). I mostly attribute this to me being less risky and trying to be smarter about my investments. I used to go all in on coins, but feel more reluctant to do that these days since I have quite a nest now.

/biz/-brahs, who have made it to $400k+, how did you make the leap from $100k to $400k+?

Pajeets, don't reply.

>> No.5568278

100 percent same bro. I am less inclined to take risks since i got to 140k. I regret xrb tons. I dont know what to do i been at 140k for too long and its fucking killing me

>> No.5568343

everything's been going sideways recently. either wait patiently for your stuff to go up, or take a % and go buy an ICO or something.

>> No.5568404

buy PRL, BNTY and Deep Brain guaranteed 100000x from each

also get Bazinga

Join our discord and become a millionaire

>> No.5568470

XRB kills me man. The signs were there. I just slept on it.

>> No.5568484

Put it all into xlm, you will thank me later.

>> No.5568498

Same with 400k. Just got to wait a bit, nothing is moving right now.

>> No.5568524

What are you holding currently?

>> No.5568528

Be safe. It's easy to get greedy in this space and time slows down. Just two weeks ago, we had a sick bull market. Early 2018 is gonna be crazy unless major fud happens.

>> No.5568642

Yeah I feel like I am running out of time, since everyone is FUDing a imminent bitcoin crash. I just need one more 5x.

>> No.5568706

lol that's how you're gonna make a desperate move and lose. bitcoin isn't gonna crash. cryptos are not "running out of time".

>> No.5568820

Beginner here. Is actually making it to 100k in recent trading common here? How much was your initial investments?

>> No.5569275

Yeah this. He's got $100k diversified, that could easily 5X in 2018.
OP, are you too impatient to make $400k this year just holding and occasionally rebalancing? If so, you are too dumb to have money, and you deserve to lose it.

>> No.5569327
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2k initial

>> No.5569365

Seems about right for May

>> No.5569377

Day trading or hodling long term, or both? If you don't mind explaining.

>> No.5569379
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same here nigga, after 200k I totally stopped flipping. but u know link yet to moon, icx still had 3-4x from now. NAS yet to moon. so I am confy on current holding at least for next 4 months.which will make me 1 mill easy. so hold is meme if u are in good coins.

>> No.5569415

what exchanges you using CAD bro

>> No.5569432

but crypto is racist okay?! You need to sell and give your gains to the nearest black family.

>> No.5569519
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What OP is saying is the absolute classic end to the top of the bubble, and he’s far from the only one. Pretty soon you’ll start chasing ‘moonmissions’ to get those 5x gains ‘everybody else is getting’. And when those don’t pan out, ‘ok, if I get out now my losses are only 5%’....etc etc etc

>> No.5569527

your butthole will end up mushy after the leaf irs gets its turn

>> No.5569673


if I was u I would buy salt, pretty much guaranteed 2x return.

>> No.5569727
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Start investing in low cap shitcoins on kucoin. I went from 100k to 180k in 3 days.

>> No.5569763
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Go in with 10 - 20k at a time btw.

>> No.5569766

HODL ETH through 2018 and you will be a millionaire.

>> No.5569810

everyone is the same bro since last week or two.

unless you go crazy on absolute shitcoins

>> No.5569869


Cash out 1 years worth of living costs

Then go full degenerate gambling mode again.

>> No.5569908

This. I am stuck at 130 so I made a few cheeky bets on some ICOs coming into the pipeline.

>> No.5569913

what exchange do you use for nebulas and where are you from

>> No.5569918

Yeah, the last week and a half sucked for me. Before that I had a solid week of 5-10% daily gains just from holding, I want to back, this all started with Coinbase adding BCash FUCK YOU ROGER!

>> No.5569937
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your "desire to grow" has to be bigger than your "fear of loss".

>> No.5570009
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>june 2017
>start with 2k
>grow up to 21k
>back to 5k
>back and forth
>finally broke 20k curse
>now 37k

>> No.5570053

yeah I'm in the exact same boat bro. $100k to $500k for me was just holding honestly. Some big coins like NEO and XLM really took off and then LINK and REQ did OKishhh.

Don't listen to the guys on here telling you to go into these random coins and how easy it is to make money. It feels a lot worse losing $50k compared to $50. Just play it slow at this point.

If you really want though you can go all in. The opportunities are there but I don't want you to kill yourself because you fucked up.

>> No.5570108
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>made it to $800k in August
>started searching what ferrari to buy
>dropped to $500k
>can't break 7 figures ever since again
>feel like I'm completely useless

>> No.5570185

i'm buying into projects that have actual long term value.. no pump and dump shits

xrb still will gain when it hits exchanges and is a long term hodl - safe bet

>> No.5570426

eh... that's not what "7 figures" means

>> No.5570495

All in on Intensecoin my dude

>> No.5570783

>falling for the expensive car meme

>> No.5570816

I put in 12k over course of a month double it. With all this crashing and going back up to simply where it was i wanna fucken smash my phone REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5570847

Seriously. I'd much rather buy a house than a fucking lambo

>> No.5570853

just gotta be patient and holding something good.

i was stuck at 400k for like 3 months then LTC went to 300 and my portfolio went from 400k-1.8m in under a week.

>> No.5570950

newfag here, what are common signs?

>> No.5571009

There's your problem, you got caught up in the hubris and started looking around for what douchebag car you would by flashing around, and the universe simulation caught the error and needed your funds to take you down a peg.
Pro-tip: Only retards spend more than 10% of their net worth on a depreciating you car, even 5% is still mouth breather territory. You need $2.5-5M before you start thinking about such tasteless displays of wealth.
t. Poorfag who is still smarter than you.

>> No.5571053

yeah i'm around the same, well actually I feel like shit since I was around 130k and dropped back to 100k recently by panic selling for the firs time

i just feel like a noob again...do I even hold BTC at this point or diversify? At one point I had 30 coins, now I have 5

>> No.5571103

If this wasn't a larp I would shit on you for wasting half a mil on literally the gayest car it is possible to buy.

Literally the big bang theory of cars.

>> No.5571110

Fucking autocorrect. *buy not be, *toy car, *nerfed funds. I hate teaching a new phone how to stop turning what you write into gibberish.