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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 112 KB, 738x596, crypto millionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55679793 No.55679793 [Reply] [Original]

what happens to his tokens now?

>> No.55679807

>Premium Economy

They did him a favor

>> No.55679829

you could say he diversified his position

>> No.55679830

>jean jacket, shitty arm tattoo and gay ass haircut
What a faggot.

>> No.55679882

It appears the killer was a bagholder.

>> No.55679898

Maybe it’s time to stop identifying as a “crypto millionaire”

>> No.55679903

Wouldn't be surprised if they do the same thing to Richard Heart at some point.

>> No.55679916
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how do you protect yourself from being suitcased?

>> No.55679945
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>> No.55679963
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>He had reportedly run afoul of the Barra Bravas, a violent gang heavily involved in Argentina’s soccer scene, which reportedly demanded that he pay them a $40,000 loan

>> No.55679971




>> No.55679981

If you go around bragging about your wealth you deserve everything coming at you.

>> No.55679983

So what was the deceased's (rip) name?

>> No.55680040

Hopefully he used Guada Wallet or Trezor and hid is main wallet and only gave the thieves his shitty wallet.
P.S How do the journalists know he was a crypto millionaire? If he's dumb enough to tell anyone his fault.

>> No.55680061

>Barras bravas

If this is true, it would be even funnier. The barras bravas are somewhat like hooligans, but browner. Their main activity is to cheer on soccer matches and scare off the opponent's cheers. That's it. 40,000 usd would be the total amount of money to operate for several years.
This is a murder eith several levels of retardation baked into it

>> No.55680079

>makes 1 mil
>flexes new "millionaire" status
Cringe. 1 mil is not a lot of money.

>> No.55680093

>the "yeah, 18 year old zoomer girls love my daddy dick" starter pack

>> No.55680103

he was involved with drug dealers and shit
his twitter was laughable. all the trading shit is bullshit to launder drug money

>> No.55680104

Another thing to remind you that most 'millionaires' or 'rich wfh chads' on /biz/ and 4chan are underage larpers. Only a retard would relate how much they actually make in a public forum.

>> No.55680180
File: 105 KB, 757x758, ymcmb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live fast die young

>> No.55680202

rip in pepperonis

>> No.55680234

So why was he important enough to kill?

>> No.55680270 [DELETED] 
File: 761 KB, 768x1024, Blackswan Roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just a dead account. Sad really even if the guy looks like a huge douche. Anyways,
take a look at a project Blackswan. It allows you to bet on all eventualities based off the news. more info at : blackswan dot biz

>> No.55680312


I heard he also had debts. Never ever go down this path

>> No.55680355

Do you shills ever realize people here are not going to invest in your nonsense. You can't just spam junk here and think anyone with a brain is going to buy that. The most important factor you don't seem to have the ability to comprehend the loners on this board are not the general public, they are various ranges of above average. You have a better chance of finding a chunk of gold than pulling one over on someone here. Go to reddit if you want to spam your nonsense.

>> No.55680384

This, I'd made money here but it's because I'm a loner autist who talks to other loner autists, this shit shines to bright to people like us, regardless it's all bots and they won't stop especially now it's apparently scam season again.

>> No.55680414
File: 1.32 MB, 1438x3774, 20221205_080109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pack heat and shut the fuck up about crypto gains.

>> No.55680434

>advertise online you have shit loads of crypto
>advertise what you do, where you live etc
>get brutally tortured to give up your access to wallet
>get suitcased
I am sure there is a lesson here

>> No.55680441

damn this nigga trying to get in a knife fight. for me its the bear trap.

>> No.55680448

yeah he owed like 10-12 million usd to the argentinian mafia/barrabravas
some say they dropped his bodyparts as a message to someone bigger, more important than him

he also used to run some kind of car dealership scam. you pay now and he said he gave u the car 4 months later, then went to europe, etc

>> No.55680688
File: 26 KB, 472x382, 1684318979029977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares. Niggers like him get killed because they don't do a sliver of securing their anonymity. If you are on the blockchain and don't go by a hexadecimal string of gibberish that can't be easily connected to you, you deserve this shit. Flashing your wealth will attract a bunch of retards who want to take it.

>> No.55680704

Pajeets still try to phish me from the ledger leaks, I honestly hope they kill me and find out I have nothing left.

The irony itself would be worth it.

>> No.55680713

Don't live near non-whites

>> No.55680722

No u don't understand I have to secure Zoey.eth so that people can type out my address instead of just copy pasting it like a normal person

>> No.55680757
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, 1690398012922241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a bot, and it's not a scam. Stay poor.

>> No.55680765

No one cares about you

>> No.55680821

> Find a crypto millionaire
> force him to give his private key
> Put him in a suitcase.

it's literally that easy.

>> No.55680995

Pretty good starter pack ngl

>> No.55681025

post your outfit and face bitch. your such a stupid pussy for talking shit online about a dead person.

>> No.55681101

Nice stolen art faggot. I hope you get more back than the minting fee from scamming rajeet.

>> No.55681225

Quality seethe

>> No.55681323
File: 25 KB, 400x337, 1651653542138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55683211

Barrabravas nowadays are criminal organizations disguise as hardcore fans of a club, they are in charge of the drug trafficking and all the activities outside the stadium, they launder a shit ton of money too so 40k is not an amount of money to operate for several years but it is an amount to be murder by

>> No.55683239

This is totally made up. Why did you post it?

>> No.55683245

Stop being a new money retard flexing your showy lifestyle on social media for starters.

>> No.55683528

Coinsquare employee or ceo prolly did the hack themselves kekay0rdy

>> No.55683579

Consult your full time executive security staff on the matter.

>> No.55683604

You can claim them on the blockchain.

>> No.55683908

hmmm anon, I don't think this means one deserves to be murdered and dismembered. I don't really think that consequence is deserved from the action. I think you have an odd sense of justice.

>> No.55684025

i sincerely hope you don't resemble this person, i can't imagine spending money to look that tragically unwanted

>> No.55684495


>> No.55684534

God that would be sooo terrific, really!

>> No.55684565

in argentina you are a king with that kind of money

>> No.55686557

You are a schizoid retard if you think flaunting your wealth on fucking /biz/ puts you in any danger.

>> No.55686587
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>> No.55686594

The retards on this board have zero idea what it's like to be rich, they think that having anything above 6 figures puts equals being in a manhunt and they have to use burner phones and boot their OS from an USB stick. There are rich fucking celebs and influencers with thousands of eyes on them and they are doing just fine without bodyguards (at least in white countries). This guy died because he lived in a south american shithole and was gang affiliated.

>> No.55686610


>> No.55686693

My net worth is three figures and I don't even go to restaurants in fear that the chefs will poison me and steal my money.

>> No.55687201

Could have been either of the two or sylo smart wallet since it keeps all transactions anonymous with military-grade encryption and hackers so hate whoever does that.

>> No.55688879

You like crypto? Why isn't your body decentralized, huh?

>> No.55688931

Are you a total retard? You're posting in near anonymity. Why don't you go ahead and explain how anyone is going to find out my identity if I were going to say I'm a millionaire right now. Just explain the steps.

>> No.55688951

sup Joe

>> No.55688981

Bro you should just be using names of zoomers since that's 90% of posters here. Next time shoot with Aiden or some shit, you'd have a good chance of guessing right

>> No.55688992
File: 274 KB, 550x417, 8CD4E775-A6CD-4F99-8F05-8F8BDC9752D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s truer than you realize

>> No.55689022
File: 41 KB, 878x585, oscop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same vibe

>> No.55689025

my point exactly

>> No.55689202

Glowies trawl this site. Pictures contain exif data.

>> No.55689247

>explain the steps
bribe a mod with $50 to give you the access logs, write the isps a scary letter, receive address

>> No.55689255

he's well organized now

>> No.55689296
File: 24 KB, 448x274, 9928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just another victim of the $5 wrench attack

>> No.55689599

How do you find the mod, why would writing any isp a letter have them give you NPI, this idea is literally Hollywood-tier stupid

>> No.55689941

are you actually assuming people post on fortune in a way that can be traced to their real identities
its not even about hiding (crypto) wealth its about the risk of being either depersoned or vanned because of what you post
never forget we are living in our own bubble here: content that sames lame or even social acceptable here is in fact extreme far right terrorism to the mainstream

>> No.55690034

do you really think that isps respond to this and that you know how to properly format such a request in hungarian
or that even if successful such an action will yield my real address, aprox location sure but thats still a lot of houses you are gonna have to trail and error

>> No.55692302

That is a possibility anon, Wasabi wallet would keep his funds in ghost mode and the one Nexera ID is building would even enable recovery options. Thieves wouldn't get a cent.

>> No.55692706
File: 12 KB, 239x360, images - 2023-06-21T074137.257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He shouldn't have flexed his crypto millions to stay safe, but he's dead, and I feel sorry for him. I'm flexing my ROSE, AVAX, and XTP bags, but I won't worry at all because I'm an anon.

>> No.55693449

Well its a no brainer to keep your assets on a low chad for security reasons. I for one keep it easy by switching between fiat to crypto easily on the Tap app while transactions remain confidential.

>> No.55694068

Stay out of south America

>> No.55695164

Change your name, email and phone number and move out your home. It isn't worth it if you didn't change any above. Next bullrun is the last bullrun, whales would do wash trading to pumping up the prices. Many people would lose their money

>> No.55695328

I'm a couple of discord messages away from doxing you right here just to demonstrate what a stupid, ignorant faggot you are.

Tárgy: Azonosítási kérelem IP-cím alapján az EU jog megsértése miatt

Tisztelt Címzett!

Remélem, hogy ezt a levelet jó egészségben és kedélyben találja.

A [Céged neve] nevében írok Önnek egy súlyos üggyel kapcsolatban, amely egy az Önök hálózatához tartozó IP-címről eredő, az Európai Unió (EU) jogát sértő esettel kapcsolatos. Úgy véljük, hogy ez súlyos kérdés, amely az Ön azonnali figyelmét és támogatását igényli.

Az alábbi IP-címről származó, az EU jogát megsértő tevékenységeket észleltünk: [IP cím]. Ezek a tevékenységek a következő időpontokban történtek: [Dátumok és Időpontok]. Az ilyen tevékenységek nem csak a szolgáltatási feltételeinket sértik meg, hanem az EU jog által védett jogokat is, beleértve, de nem kizárólagosan a következőket: [Megsértett Jogok Megjelölése].

Mint az internet-szolgáltató, Önnek egyedülálló képessége van segíteni nekünk ebben az ügyben. Kérjük, hogy kövesse nyomon ezt az IP-címet a hálózatában, és adja meg a felhasználó azonosítóját, aki ezt az IP-címet a megadott időpontokban használta. Tudjuk, hogy a felhasználói adatok védelme fontos, de a jogsértés súlyossága miatt szükséges ez a kérés.

Az EU 2000/31/EC irányelvének 15. cikke szerint, amit az Európai Parlament és a Tanács 2000. június 8-án fogadott el, az internet-szolgáltatóknak kötelességük információt szolgáltatni a felhasználók azonosításának segítése érdekében, ha jogellenes tevékenység merül fel. Ezért tisztelettel kérjük az együttműködését a fent említett IP-címhez kapcsolódó szükséges felhasználói információk megosztásában, hogy jogorvoslati lehetőségeinket gyakorolhassuk a szóban forgó jogsértővel szemben.


>> No.55695352

wanna dance?

Tisztelt [Címzett neve]!

Szeretném megköszönni a gyors reagálását és az ügyben nyújtott segítségét. Az Önök együttműködése nélkülözhetetlen volt számunkra a szükséges jogi intézkedések megtételéhez.

A továbbiakban, a teljesség igényével és a folyamatok átláthatóságának biztosítása érdekében, szeretnénk kérni, hogy bizonyítékul szolgáló dokumentumokat juttasson el hozzánk. Kérjük, küldje el nekünk azoknak az értesítéseknek a másolatát, amelyeket az ügy kapcsán küldött nekünk. Ez lehetővé teszi számunkra, hogy nyomon kövessük a helyzet alakulását, és bizonyosodjunk meg róla, hogy a szükséges lépések megtörténtek.

Megértését és további együttműködését előre is köszönöm. Ha bármilyen kérdése van, vagy további információra van szüksége, kérjük, ne habozzon kapcsolatba lépni velünk.

Köszönjük szíves együttműködését és segítségét.


[Teljes neved]
[Céged neve]

>> No.55695360

you are not anonymous

>> No.55695476

anyone got a non blurred version? I want to see this fags last moments of agony

>> No.55695494

NEVER show other people the extent of your wealth, Stay humble.