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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 731x633, moonmission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5567915 No.5567915 [Reply] [Original]

BNTY to be added to six new exchanges CONFIRMED. Time to ALL IN, now or never boys.

Thank me in lamboland, use my ref if you're buying on KuCoin: 1ctMK

>> No.5567985

investments have salesmen now? WTF?

>> No.5568044

>he isn't familiar with multi level marketing
i'm not sure if this place is right for you

>> No.5568051

its called shilling nigga, u must be new to crypto

>> No.5568205

Amway is a scam. Is this too?

I work in finance. I heard this place was good for a laugh. So far it's been on point.

>> No.5568289

That's nice, Binance when?

>> No.5568308

So you work in finance...how much have you made in the past 24 hours? Probably way less than some of the ballers on here.

>> No.5568373

source ?

>> No.5568376
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>> No.5568439


>> No.5568450

KUCOIN, sign up with this code if you want to help me


>> No.5568467

KuCoin, easy sign up just transfer some ETH over and buy away, starting to dip atm so not a bad time to buy either

>> No.5568479

Are we even sure this is decentralized?

>> No.5568485

so basically a worthless coin until it gets listed on a major exchange

>> No.5568526

thats partners not exchanges retard

>> No.5568527

Why is the market cap of BNTY so low? Am I missing something? Seems like this should be almost guaranteed 5x.

>> No.5568540


>> No.5568560

That's the hope.

>> No.5568587

invest with vim and vigour!

and use my referral code if you wish :)


>> No.5568607

Thank you anon

>> No.5568618

sign up for gains use this 1ccgf

>> No.5568620

You might think that, but it's literally just a website. What real reason is there for it to be (allegedly) centralized? It'll probably do a solid 2x but it's gonna be risky as well

>> No.5568628

It just launched 2 days ago, it's growing still.

>> No.5568645

Those are not exchanges

>> No.5568648


>> No.5568658

It will be

>> No.5568707


What kind of quant are you doing to justify this statement. Market cap has what to do with intrinsic value?

>> No.5568709

Those aren’t exchanges

>> No.5568742

the fuck kucoin not loging in?

>> No.5568751

Gordon's been silent for awhile now, is everything still okay for BNTY?

>> No.5568758

never used one of those shit exchanges

>> No.5568797

Seriously though. We have no way to confirm this isn't just a random website. Do you care or are you just in for the gainz?

>> No.5568817

I'm stepping back for today, 35% in 24hrs. Thx biz.

>> No.5568839

If you care in crypto you're a fucking retard and will lose money. It's small as fuck market cap and for the last fucking time, zoom out on the graph.

>> No.5568884
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>without further adieu

>> No.5568887

>We have no way to confirm this isn't just a random website

Not sure what you mean. Seems like they have a working platform. Lots of coins above 100m don't have anything.

>> No.5568890
File: 59 KB, 625x352, d1c91fca-65b8-48a0-be34-97ea1e366db2_625x352[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man's been busy and all his bitches were getting lonely. He said this was a comfy hold for a few days, so he went to diversify dem assets.

>> No.5568905

> go to site
>see partners
>contact partners to see if it's real
>go to alpha product, see other ICOs putting up bounties
>contact them to verify it's real

The absolute state of this place.

>> No.5568930


I'm not part of these scammers.

I would never buy anything as an investment that someone tried to sell to me. If it was good why wouldn't they just buy it themselves?

>> No.5568937

those aren't exchanges

>> No.5568946

Yep, and these lying threads kill these coins and prove it's a pnd, nothing valuable long term

>> No.5568998

He wasn't lying, he's just a brainlet.

>> No.5568999

has some anon done that? i'd appreciate to know what their alleged partners respond

>> No.5569001

For anyone that sold coins because of this idiot, you deserve it.

>> No.5569003

hmm, so people here who been saying buy btc for years are probably scammers, ye buddy, they also were shilling XRB, XRP, and more.. i think you should go back to finance

>> No.5569006


>> No.5569020

I'll still prefer putting my money in stuff that can work long-term, chasing pumps can burn you bad

Do we know it's decentralized?

You sure did that, right

Yep this seems like one of the opportunities where you'll get to ride the dumb money if you're on time. Good opportunity but dirty

>> No.5569022

I used some anon's code (because why not) so can you tell me if it being slow is just part of this exchange?

>> No.5569034

Do it yourself for ffs, takes 5 minutes to send an email.

>> No.5569035

pretty much this

>> No.5569075

>Do we know it's decentralized?

Its an erc20 token...

>> No.5569124


Why would anyone tell anyone what to buy. If your coins are so great you should be trying to buy as many of them as cheaply as you can.

What advantage do you gain from the price going up?

>> No.5569134


>Falling for the finance meme.

How's it feel working at a soulless materialistic corporation that only cares about profits and fucking over everyone else?

>> No.5569156


If you own the coin...

>> No.5569161

That doesn't prove that anything about the platform is decentralized...

And why do we need a decentralized bounty platform?

>> No.5569178


Yeah its a pretty new exchange so it's getting fukken hammered right now.

>> No.5569213

Fugg, I have to get home and see if my buy order was filled.

>> No.5569252

I have had trouble when transferring, the BTC blockchain had 3 confirmations and it took another 20 min for KuCoin to give me my coins.

>> No.5569262


Read their white paper retard. Also, the bounty market is pretty big already and will become huge in the future with software companies needing bug catchers, Individuals needing small services, etc all needing a platform like this.

>> No.5569295


>> No.5569318


>> No.5569332

Literally just read the white paper. Are you genuinely this stupid? All your answers are right there, it's not even long or difficult to understand.

>> No.5569335

Can't be worse than coinsmarket.com I supposse...
Site-layout looks good though.

>> No.5569347

There's literally no mention about why it needs to be decentralized. Wouldn't it be smarter to make a centralized platform so that when there are disputes there would be a central authority that could resolve them?

>> No.5569359

if you ask this question you did not understand anything about the block chain technology.

>> No.5569419

The entire first several pages explain why it needs to be decentralized. You didn't even open it up, you're just fudding.

All of your answers are in the fucking white paper.

>> No.5569433


That's the entire point, to avoid having to pay the cost of running a central authority. They say bounty0x reduces costs of running bounty campaigns by 80%, read the white paper.

>> No.5569439

well then that settles it! Just bought 10k. Thanks Pajeet!

What a nice guy

>> No.5569450


House, car, great benefits and salary. I'd say it's pretty good. I'm on vacation so I'm getting paid to shit post and call out these Chinese scammers .

So pretty good on the whole.

>> No.5569462
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 1513958317685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the moon is over and I can go finally to DBC?

>> No.5569474
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HMM really makes you think

>> No.5569480

>that only cares about profits and fucking over everyone else?

>thinking crypto is in any way different to this

>> No.5569503


This is a sentence written by a native English speaker and is in no way a scammer.

>> No.5569515

epic, just epic

Just because we have blockchain doesn't mean everything should be decentralized or be reasonable to decentralize.

Quote me the part of the paper that justifies the need for a decentralized platform

Instead you pay the cost of running dozens of sheriffs

>> No.5569551

fucking one hour candles.

>> No.5569561

there's literally no reason not to sign up anonymously, put up a bounty, get it fulfilled, then never pay
good luck contacting someone for help when you get scammed on bountys platform

>> No.5569582

OP here, they are clients I confused them as exchanges. But if I drew your attention you'd be smart to buy in now.

>> No.5569595

Hmm it's falling bros

>> No.5569637

>good luck contacting someone for help when you get scammed on bountys platform
Yep, this exactly is why centralization is justified and desirable on this kind of a qualitative exchange. Why bother trying to decentralize it when it's not gonna give any benefits outside of not having to trust a company?

>> No.5569684

The case study and distinguishing from other platforms section.

literally all of it. Line by line.

>> No.5569695

>doesn't understand smart contracts
>doesn't understand crowdfunding bounties

>> No.5569701

Honestly, that's a really good fucking point. Fuck. Now I'm fudding on this right now hard.

>> No.5569716
File: 1.19 MB, 900x600, itvrl2wwrkhx[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're basically arguing "why do we need Faceberg if we already have Goyspace!" here.

No one *needs* a damn thing. Marketing is all about selling people shit they don't need. No one needed BTC; you could have had exchanges built on trading physical gold. But that didn't have the fucking cool factor, and mining is a lot harder.

Crypto as a concept is going to go crazy in 2018 because we've breached normiespace. When your grandmother starts asking about Bitcoin, shit is going to explode. This is the year to bleed boomers of their retirement funds to build up your own... then when the time is right, bail hard. In 2019 or 2020, between the Feds trying to make clumsy crypto regulations to catch tax evaders (which will fuck over absolutely everyone except the criminals) and the jew banks moving lobbying money against crypto or propping up their own... everything is going to spiral into a flaming shit.

This is the year of the NEET renaissance. So many people will go from just a few autismbux to years of comfortable income, if not complete retirement, all in the span of 12 months. Smart trading if shitcoins, taking many small gains with an ever-growing stack... soon your parents will be asking to live in *your* basement!

>> No.5569726

Are you an idiot? Do you know what smart contracts are and what role the sheriffs play?

Okay dudes. Remember all the link fud in week 1? The same shit's happening again. Don't sell these pajeets your coins.

>> No.5569844

The case study is just comparing their platform to not having a platform of any kind. Nice analogy there

The distinguishing section gives no concrete reasons at all to prefer this over a centralized competitor.

such ideology

The white paper says not everything can be checked with a smart contract, which is obviously true

>> No.5569907

Also kek, team keeps 30% of tokens

>> No.5569921

If you read the white paper the middleman (sheriff) reviews each bounty case. The buyer and sheriff both stake BNTY that will be lost if they fuck up.

>> No.5569977

Okay so the sheriff reviews and agrees the bounty collector did his job
The person who put up the bounty says he didn't
the sherrif is now the sole decider of what you want? And this is...decentralized?
who holds the sheriff accountable?
who determines if a bounty is "fulfilled"? if it's complex code, how will this be handled?
good luck

>> No.5569992


DBC keeps 85%.

>> No.5570003

Yep, multiple sheriffs will confirm the thing. That will surely be more efficient than one trusted company employer checking it and handling any possible complaints later

Face it, there are things that make sense decentralized, and things that don't

>> No.5570012

Underrated post.
Quality stuff.
This is what I come here for

>> No.5570016

>10000000 million sheriffs reviewing cases is centralized

>> No.5570021

They are vested over 18 months though

>> No.5570036

both Bounty and DBC will moon

for more moon info get in here


>> No.5570040

>>10000000 million sheriffs reviewing cases is cost-effective

>> No.5570072

I think I'll become a sheriff and scam the shit out of bounty hunters just for fun
Who will police me?

>> No.5570088

I will. Or will I?

Whatever. Let the guys have their fun, I'm out

>> No.5570094

Look we all know all these ideas are bullshit, I'm just here for the gains

>> No.5570142

Enjoy your cuckcoin dickweed

>> No.5570151

Literally explains in the white paper how costs are reduced.

Which discord group are you from?

>> No.5570182

Everyone else in the network?

>> No.5570201

Mandatory ref-code post. If you use my ref-code to sign up with at KuCoin, I will send 100BNTY to your address. Just reply here and I know.

>> No.5570229


>> No.5570276

Oh okay so 500 people will review the code written for a bounty?
Are they classified by coding language knowledge?
who pays them? What if it's a large project, they sit there and read/test functionality of a website deployment, for example?
what makes them qualified to determine if the bounty was fulfilled or not?
what is their incentive?

>> No.5570332

Anyone with issues will to support. And there will be plenty of evidence to see who's lying, the thieves will lose staked BNTY. If you read the whitepaper, only the small bounties are automated. And yeah there are gonna be scammers but that's a problem that exists everywhere like paypal ebay and amazon but instead you have bounties which are arguably less harder to fake.

>> No.5570365

Post the full link and I'll do it.

>> No.5570367
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>> No.5570414

you fell for a scamcoin

>> No.5570440

The sheriffs will review it and will have to stake BNTY that will be lost if they fuck up. The incentive is that they get more BNTY if perform checks correctly

>> No.5570468

who defines "correctly"?

>> No.5570498

Ah shit. And what's the advantage of all this? Muh decentralization basically? In a place where centralization never was an issue.

>> No.5570518

Read the fucking whitepaper you mongoloid.

>> No.5570526


>> No.5570539

have, doesn't answer these questions at all

>> No.5570545

>he guys I did some freelance work for someone, here's my product, here's what they asked for. I didn't get paid as you can see on the blockchain.
>news breaks out, other people in the relevant industry see the situation.
>the stiffer gets fucked

Do you really think it takes 500 people and complex code to verify tasks such as someone writing a short promotional article for a site?

Go back to your fucking discord group, you're not fudding anyone out of their coins.

For those of who haven't read the white paper, if you go to the alpha you can see that projects like ETHFINEX and other ICOs are ALREADY using it and putting up bounties.

Have fun continuing to fud a functional alpha product.

>> No.5570583

Centralized services have no scalability issues friend

>> No.5570587

okay so this is for short articles only then?
good to know, thanks.

>> No.5570590

Literally the case study for why centralization is a suck ass process

>> No.5570598
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Ok guys, I'm selling. Don't wanna feel the pressure anymore. At the least nice 2 gains for me

>> No.5570613


I feel bad for the handlets who actually panic sold. It's going all the way back up AGAIN.
When this hits Binance, hoh boy.

>> No.5570620

is this Confido 2.0? At least the team doesn't look as shady as "Joost's team"

>> No.5570651

In any centralized site it takes 1 minimum-wage pajeet and 1 click to confirm. You can file a complaint if the pajeet failed. Everything works.

Or, you could go through this muh decentralization bs

>> No.5570687

This exchange is so shit oh my god
i've 'signed in' like 30 times already and accomplished 1 trade

>> No.5570736

The whitepaper looks good, better than what I remember from Confido and their LinkedIn profiles are well connected, A LOT BETTER than Confido. I almost sold due to the FUD here, fuck it, if I get cucked it'll be a lesson

>> No.5570766

Well I've read in the whitepaper the sherrif loses staked BNTY if he fucks up, so this incentivices him to do his job well.

>> No.5570769

>It'll probably do a solid 2x
Already did for me. Should've put in more than just my few measly bucks.

>> No.5570791

And so they wouldn't reviews jobs that are too complex for them.

>> No.5570796

ok cool why would anyone stake BNTY when it's a token that has a volatile value?
You put up a bounty for $100 usd worth of BNTY and by the time the bounty is done it's $200 USD worth of BNTY

>> No.5570805

The team looks legit and they're probably in it for real, but in the end the idea just doesn't seem to make sense. This is part of the decentralize everything crypto hype

Well, congrats. You got in early, but couldn't have known it would take off like that. Don't get too greedy now.

>> No.5570808

fuck the fud is getting to me. im already up 150& but im a greedy bastard

>> No.5570810

The description of the bounty and a product that is not complete shit

The difference is that the quality of work on the bounty platform is gonna be much higher bc you have more to lose

>> No.5570859

lol @ all the FUD shaking out weakhands while this recovers and rises every time

>> No.5570871

It's just FUD. People also post fake githubs in other coins' threads, dig up and spin old news, make up all sorts of shit. Once money gets involved, everyone is at each others' throats, genuine trolls are almost honorable compared to these outright scammers who are just trying to squeeze a few more cents out of some unfortunate anons.

>> No.5570874


lmao this is the most guaranteed 5-10x in a while. Get in on this dip or be kicking yourself when it hits $1.

>> No.5570877

i bought 1500 bnty at 1600 satoshi

am i gonna make it?

>> No.5570886

>at 340 sats and dropping

>> No.5570893


Done, used your ref code

My bounty0x wallet address is


>> No.5570913

Just letting you normies know that it is now mandatory to be signed up at KuCoin if you wish to make it to the moon. Literally every new coin listed here is going 2/3x minimum.

If you wish to sign up with my ref-code, I will be thankful.

If you sign up with my code, I will send you 50BNTY as a thank you. Post your address as reply here.

>> No.5570933

You've made 9 posts here.


Why are you so desperate to FUD? Someone can't invest in time?

>> No.5570970

Hey guys is KuCoin ok?
My bank account was hacked into lately I want to make sure it doesn't happen again

>> No.5570999

bought in at .06
seems like you can't answer my concerns, making the FUD real

>> No.5571065


>> No.5571075

The answers were already given to you multiple times; you just don't accept them.
You sound just like someone else who's spamming in the DBC thread. I'm assuming it's you, and you're just pissed that you traded all your BNTY for DBC.
TBF, DBC is okay, but BNTY is the clear better choice for an investment. Done replying to you since you're obviously just regret-trolling.

>> No.5571093

I guess that's a problem with crypto in general though, the positive is that it would make it the more rewarding especially as the system grows on the other hand it might stiffle people too, especially when the crypto-market is playing tricks. Kind of makes you wonder if a fiat or a very big transaction crypto like XRP would be more suitable then tokens.

>> No.5571147

All of a sudden kucoin is working fast as fuck for me.

BNTY looks fine, trading within the current channel.

>> No.5571159

Many shitters around here and FUD'ing around. Most likely people which were 'too late' for BNTY, had an investment, now that DBC launches think they are in "from the start" and try to shill it to make their investment in there more fruitful even if it means pulling arguments out of their ass. They just salty.

>> No.5571188

no, they haven't.
actually address my concerns and we'll get somewhere

>> No.5571233

also pissed I traded bnty for DBC? LOL
bnty is at 330 sats from 380 an hour or so ago
dbc is at 136 sats from 80 sats an hour or so ago
Who is the one FUDding?

>> No.5571244

desu I fuded pretty aggressively but that was only because I was looking for validation for going in late. didn't really get satisfactory counterarguments so I'm moving on. good luck to you folks though, and remember to take profits

>> No.5571265

This is the new link

>> No.5571281


Shitty trading platform, takes 3 hours to log in. Then they ask you to login again because your connection was lost.

Bounty0x is a fucking shitcoin but I invested so much in it I had to hodl. The lesson has not been learned wih Verge, I am a dumbass don't be like me.

I have to hodl because I need this money or medical purposes and if it crashed, I have got enough Dilaudid to end my days.

Christ crypto is hell.

>> No.5571302


Thanks Chang. Can I get that guarantee of growth in writing? I'll invest once it's delivered.

>> No.5571311


Weird because DBC is like the opposite type of token as BNTY.

BNTY was only a 1.8m ICO with very little allocation to devs. Only 100m tokens.

DBC is something like 10 billion tokens, with the devs taking 85%... and a market cap already 10 times what BNTY is right now.

>> No.5571312

God damn even if it never comes to this, I am honoured to be dreaming big with you guys.

>> No.5571333

news on bounty soon buy anons

>> No.5571337

Compare their values in a week.

>> No.5571376

Sold my bounty for kcs. Kcs is mooning harder. I actually lost money holding bounty
Who cares about bounty

>> No.5571425

will do
jan 1 dbc lists huobi

>> No.5571434

> I actually lost money holding bounty

That's not holding.

But yeah, even though I would never sell my BNTY at this point, KCS is great too, so I think you made a decent choice regardless.

>> No.5571514

>hurry up so I can dump on you with my ponzi coin.

No thanks

>> No.5571534

KCS will probably keep pace with all the shitcoins you can get on kucoin.
Unless you got in early there's no point in selling your kcs to get into bnty

>> No.5571543

This place is so fucking embarrassing. Just look at you faggots spilling your beans. This is not how you do marketing you total fucking autistic losers.

>> No.5571568

Feel free to deposit the BNTY anon.


>> No.5571607

Just letting you normies know that it is now mandatory to be signed up at KuCoin if you wish to make it to the moon. Literally every new coin listed here is going 2/3x minimum.

If you wish to sign up with my ref-code, I will be thankful.

If you sign up with my code, I will send you 100BNTy as a thank you. Post your address as reply here.

>> No.5571660

Signed up, my ref code is 1b4aP

Send to 0x45e3064c4031b6d05a14c273554bb8af11c8001d

>> No.5571701
File: 43 KB, 434x528, colonized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just letting you normies know that it is now mandatory to be signed up at KuCoin if you wish to make it to the moon. Literally every new coin listed here is going 2/3x minimum.

If you wish to sign up with my ref-code, I will be thankful.

If you sign up with my code, I will send you 100BNTy as a thank you. Post your address as reply here.

>> No.5571906

We can put a bounty on it

>> No.5572067

You got pajeet'd, son.

>> No.5572530

you are your own hell.

Never invest what you can not afford to lose.

Easy gains, easy losses.

Nothing in this world is free.

>> No.5572896

Only one person in the entire thread notices this.
The absolute state...

>> No.5572944

Tfw cashed out at 400 eth

>> No.5572963

"nothing is free" is a self-limiting meme created to keep you in a scarcity mindset

>> No.5573055


>> No.5573068

haha right.