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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55678900 No.55678900 [Reply] [Original]

where do I preorder

>> No.55678915

not business or finance related >>>/lit/

>> No.55678917

You already know there will be assassination contracts

>> No.55678928

>Teach, research, and write novels on the side
How does he have the time to do all that?

>> No.55678956

he doesn't do any of them. He's a pseudointellectual academic grifter who has produced nothing of value for the chainlink team. His work has had no impact on the price of the token. He's better off being a full time novelist, useless retard that he is.

>> No.55678971


>> No.55678972

No kids

>> No.55678975

you should tetra kys

>> No.55678991


>muh mixicles
>muh fss
>muh deco
>muh candid
>muh DONs

all fucking dead ends without products, meanwhile ccip was produced fully to mainnet completely without any input from him

>> No.55679302
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>> No.55679310

kek, this is the exact pose I've been in as I've been fudding LINK for the last 7 hours straight.

>> No.55679321

LOL seething no mark launches unhinged attack on someone far more successful than anybody in his entire lineage has ever been.
This shit is why I come to this board.

>> No.55679408

ok Ari calm down

>> No.55679416

Ari I need 5k linkies

>> No.55679419

>crypto thriller
he means like another definition of crypto right? "crypto thriller" like "crypto kike" or something, not crypto as in the pump and dump scam I hope.

>> No.55679436

I can see it now
>The stunning thriller about an investment that's haunted where the holder kills himself after three years of negative downturn.

>> No.55679486
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CHECKED and finally, i know he mentioned that he was writing a new novel at some speaking event that got scrubbed from the internet. finally good to have confirmation on the new book.

>> No.55679500

Tetraktys was badly written. Ari should stick to what he's good at: writing academic papers that don't do anything and stealing other peoples ideas.

>> No.55679512
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hopefully it gets released in more than an ebook

>> No.55679531

>Fears of a weaponized blockchain become reality when a software developer races to deactivate the rogue smart contract targeting him for assassination.
>Life is comfortable for a prominent, if schlubby, dev at a New York City blockchain company. That is, until FBI Special Agent Diane Duménil seeks his help against a chilling threat: The Delphians, worshippers of the god Apollo, have launched a rogue smart contract offering a crypto reward to assassinate a European archaeology professor.
>He brushes off the danger until he learns the next target: Himself.

>> No.55679538

>Mythical antiquity collides with a near-future cyberworld in The Oracle, a techno-thriller whose unassuming hero and his FBI partner race against time to dismantle the Delphians’ murderous blockchain software. Their whirlwind journey is a tale of oracles ancient and modern, vanished antiquities and conjured crypto billions, cybercriminals and crypto idealists, and AI tools that evaluate assassins’ murder claims—narrated by a cynical hero who is normally more concerned with dark chocolate than the consequences of decentralization and radical transparency. But what happens when the crypto ideals of privacy and truth cost of human lives—especially his own?

>> No.55679558
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rent free

>> No.55679596

this is actually true. I used to think this guy was primo stuff, a true hallmark of this project. Instead, everything he's been involved with is vaporware

>Sells Town Crier for millions
>Town Crier never makes it to production
>Paid millions for DECO vaporware
>Chainlink is worth less as a project than it was before all this useless vaporware was introduced

If Chainlink was $60 I'd say he did his job. Instead, he keeps introducing useless vaporware products that never make it to production and the result is Chainlink is worth less than it was when it was just a fucking useless mainnet token. Where's superlinear staking at Ari? What about validating for L2's/Arbitrum? Nothing Chainlink talks about ever happens

>> No.55679612
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let's figure out the meaning behind this Female Body Inspector agent Diane Dumenil.
>D Day (which happened on 6/6)
>codename was operation Neptune
>Neptune parents: SATURN and Ops
>Apollo and Neptune advising Laomedon on the Building of Troy
>Laomedon meaning: ruler of the people
idk but im thinking we are about to make it

>> No.55679654

Will there be something about assassination smart contracts?

>> No.55679700

The antagonist of the tale is a certain latino agent named "Francisco Gonalez" who's gone rogue after he was wronged by the protagonists in the past.

>> No.55680260

Fuck off delphi

>> No.55682576

Witty stuff, klansman.

>> No.55682623

>coded marmalade messages
>assassination contracts
What does it all mean bros? What does it *all* mean?

>> No.55684266

Wtf Ari is so fucking lame kek. At first I thought the assassination contract shit was cool cause I thought he was actually going to research how that will actually work and what protections will need to be put in place and that kinda shit. Instead he’s just writing shitty novels. Wonder how pissed Sergey must be that Ari’s net output has been basically nothing since white paper 2.0. And even then nothing has been implemented from that paper KEK