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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55678268 No.55678268 [Reply] [Original]

the plan is to buy a house, right?
can't I settle for living with my parents?

>> No.55678316

>can't I settle for living with my parents?
you can, literally no one is stopping you from that

>> No.55678329

If you like living with your parents, then sure. Makes reaching sustainable NEETdom much easier.
Personally I'd want to kill myself if I had to live with my parents my entire life, but that's just me.

>> No.55678344

>can't I settle for living with my parents?
yes you can.
t. 41 y.o. living with my parents

>> No.55678400

I just want to live alone for the rest of my life, is that too much to ask?

>> No.55678448
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>"mom, dad, i finally have a job, now i can contribute to the household like the good son i am and pay some bills"
that's the plan, after all, a man provides for his family

>> No.55678545

This place underestimates the personal growth that comes from complete independence/living on your own

>> No.55679066
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and the sex?

>> No.55679105

It's not surprising, 4chan posters only care about anime, jackoff and trolling.

>> No.55679110

the plan is to own land you idiot

>> No.55679180
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passive evil, i love it
imagine lmao

>> No.55679192

It's technically a massive waste of money

>> No.55679201

a regular person needs only one room to live in and that's it

>> No.55679219

We get it, you take abusing narcotics as personal growth. Overdose on fentanyl laced acid.
It's all the same for any functional adult no matter where they are. Your daily income and starting a family are the only drivers for personal growth.

>> No.55679267
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What people believe living on their own means:
> I get to discover myself! I get to travel, and I get all of this time to myself without distractions!

What living on your own actually is (based on my own experience):
> Le rent keeps going up and wasting money
> Buys a house to build equity
> Instead, most equity is technically wiped out by closing fees, realtor fees, home repairs and maintenance (this is a HUGE budget killer for anyone)
> Have to spend time grocery shopping and running other errands all the time
> Many other unforeseen budget problems

Honestly, the only disadvantage to living with your parents is that it's more difficult to say, start your own YouTube channel since you're getting distracted, but that's really about it.

>> No.55679275

>No financial losses
>You have everything you need to live
>No loneliness
The wisest pepe turns out to be slightly evil

>> No.55679287

>personal growth
not worth the stress, debt and lost money.