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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55674499 No.55674499 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck I hate working so much bros, I just want to hang out all day, drink beer, fish, workout, and enjoy hobbies. I don’t want stuff, I want time.

>> No.55674601

Based. You need less money than you think anon

>> No.55674632

I’ve been saving over half of my taxable income and I figure once I hate about 150-200k in my brokerage I’m gonna drop down to some job that’s 2-3 days a week. I have already made living expenses under 1400 a month. I cant cut too much more really. If I can make my bills working part time while my capital grows it seems I’m set

>> No.55675743

>I don’t want stuff, I want time.
How is it that randos online can beat the endless psyops and brainwashing but everyone around me HAS to consoom and talk only about consooming the latest shit.

>> No.55675900

based, time > money
everybody works with different pay rates but they all end up typically having the same amount of free time

>> No.55675914
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I quite my job today. Fuck those miserable wagies.
I went all in on Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining stocks and already up more in half a year than I earn in 3 years of waging. No leverage.

Pic related.

>> No.55675927

>biz is a cross section of society
We are basically all weirdos anon. I have been saving 50%+ of my very shitty income here in Germany ever since I started working 7 years ago. I do that by not having a car, only buying Idee shit when needed, spending free time in nature instead of fucking bars and restaurants, you get the idea. I have yet to meet a single person in real life that does something similar in order to be „free“ one day and not having to do shit. Yet on biz I feel most people aim for something similar to that. The vast majority of regular people has no idea about money, stock markets, compound interest, etc. you can try to tell them about any of it and see what happens. A tiny glimmer of interest and then it’s gone. „Yeah not having to work all the time sure would be nice! Anyways, want to go eat some expensive slob at the shitty restaurant that overcharges for everything?“

>> No.55675942

I thought people in Germany were more frugal? Sounds like you're describing the average North American goy livestock..

>> No.55677304
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Sounds like a life of deprivation and massive cope to me. Imagine you die tomorrow, you would have essentially spent your last 7 years enslaving yourself for nothing
>I have been saving 50%+ of my very shitty income here in Germany ever since I started working 7 years ago
Also it sounds like you should get a better paying job, anon

>> No.55677509

But you are a Canadian anon. Real Canadian or Paki?

>> No.55677544

I would agree with judging this as cope if it wasn’t for these two things:
A: I’m well into six figures and will reach 7 figures within the next 3 years. What I do is working
B: I’m not interested in consoomerism. I enjoy every second I’m not slaving, I hit the gym and spend time with friends and family. I just avoid spending money for the most part and that’s it. A Rolex wouldn’t make me happy, spending a year in a foreign country close to a beach, painting and making music all week absolutely would. You get the picture. Also yes, i should get a better job but I made to stupid decision to quit IT to peruse the “do what you love” meme and ended up in a job that sounds cool to teenagers but is big shit in reality.

Also my great grandparents died at 90 years plus on both sides so I do have reason to believe I won’t suddenly drop dead while young (I’m in my 20s still)

>> No.55677625

>Sounds like a life of deprivation and massive cope to me.
The real cope here.
> Imagine you die tomorrow, you would have essentially spent your last 7 years enslaving yourself for nothing
Imagine if this exact same thing happened to a person who spent the last 7 years enslaving themselves through consoomerism.
You fucking logiclet.
>Also it sounds like you should get a better paying job, anon
He should, and so should you. >90% of my income is invested.