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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55674418 No.55674418 [Reply] [Original]

How much have you Dca'd?

>> No.55674498

I am so fucking sick and tired or hearing about Bitcoin. These people are still talking about a 2008 crypto like it's the cutting edge of technology when in reality it's an extremely bloated and inefficient blockchain that doesn't do anything but waste 1% of the world's energy to very slowly move coins around.

>> No.55674506


>> No.55674634

Have fun staying poor

>> No.55674721

Ive put about $10k into my stinky linkies

>> No.55675340

God damn I hate saylor

>> No.55675370

About 30k dollarinos.

>> No.55675375
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>These people are still talking about a 2008 crypto like it's the cutting edge of technology

It's literally on the way to becoming a universal currency of the world.

Go on, chasing doggy shitcons for their "technology".
What "technology" have shitcoins (this includes ETH) given the world?
A fraudulent DEFI network built on lies, premined air tokens and bad code?

I hope shitcoiners rope when BTC hits 100,000 in 2024.

>> No.55675452

Based. I'm a newfag and young so I can't dca too much. How long do you think we have left to accumulate before stopping? I was thinking to just keep dcaing then save my income in fiat so I can throw it into shitcoins when the market gets flooded again. I just don't know how long we have left.

>> No.55675528
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No it's not. It's worthless as a currency by itself because transactions are so slow and expensive. That problem won't ever be solved. Lightning Network is a piece of shit. Bitcoin has failed to gain any adoption whatsoever as a form of payment in the past 10 years we have been hearing that.

It's the worst blockchain in existence. It's ancient garbage tech in the crypto space. It's the equivalent of a mainframe computer the size of a room from the 1960's.

>> No.55675537

i dont want to dca anymorebros

>> No.55675660

staying poor is not fun though, wdym
t. poor

>> No.55675703

Very subtle bait but I will respond for those who don't understand

>still talking about a 2008 crypto
This is where you know to stop reading
Bitcoin and all solid cryptos are based on consensus, which is at bottom a fundamental hierarchical pattern based on the Tradition model
That is to say, Bitcoin is the opposite of everything that has driven the tech bubble for the last 30 years; that being the "move fast break things" approach and the inherently inflationary idea that newer things are better
and indeed Bitcoin is fundamentally like a bulwark to halt and contain financial progressivism

>> No.55676203

Hi newfren. You have about another year to accumulate before the next run. There's no way to tell if we dump or pump before then, so just DCA and hope for the best.

>> No.55676794

>waste 1% of the world's energy
Retarded FUD.
It's 0.4-0.9% (a big discrepancy with a large margin for error)
Of that, bitcoin accounts for 60-77% and ethereum 20-39% (more discrepancy with large margin for error)
The cunts who are telling you this literally can't maths and just make up shit.