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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55673866 No.55673866 [Reply] [Original]

How do we get /biz/ back, financially speaking?

>> No.55673884

Make it a DAO

>> No.55673891
File: 285 KB, 1292x1001, pol_harbor_averted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we get /pol/ back? or /b/? We don't, you just have to acclimate to the shit because jannies and mods do nothing to maintain integrity on this entire site. Most boards have been raided or had their rules raped to the point that they don't even remotely resemble what they were. And every year it gets worse with the new crop of summertards, especially with Tiktok now involved. We are in the later stages of the decline now.

>> No.55673897

I know how but it's not something anyone wants to do so there's little point in talking about it.

>> No.55673917

You will never be a woman.

>> No.55674068

Flags. Unironically.

>> No.55674092
File: 2.97 MB, 400x240, -stlWg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your truly incompetent. hurry it up

>> No.55674100

if it wasnt as boring, it wouldnt have been as obvious.

you are a shit person and i hope you die.

>> No.55674104
File: 2.89 MB, 1077x1674, Look At Me. I'm The Schizo Now .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my best to make the board interesting. Blame the retards that reply with "le schizo"

>> No.55674110

Launch 4chan on ICP to starve the bots.

>> No.55674165

Make link price go up
Also not a bad idea, it was kind of tried before but I think it could be sweet if done right

>> No.55674176

>flood /biz/ with cll bots
Yeah fuck off and die.

>> No.55674195

Unironic bottom signal. The last time I remember posts demanding flags on /biz/ was 2019. Wagmi, niggers.

>> No.55674197

>jannies and mods do nothing to maintain integrity on this entire site.
To that point they actively sabotage it. Not that I'm complaining, since complaining about moderation is against the rules.

>> No.55674215

Discussion on building businesses.
Taxes. Legal. HR and Payroll. Lots of common factors we could be helping each other understand.
How to market research. What trends are emerging in consumer spending. What services are needed in your area of the world.

>> No.55674223

youre a moron and youre a victim of psyops, there is literally less censorship on tiktok than on every blue board on this god forsaken site. CIA and kikes hate tiktok because its not censored by ADL kikes like every other social media website. they run constant anti-tiktok psyops and moronic fox news watching cuntservatives eat it all up

>> No.55674229

You gotta allow people to pump their bags

>> No.55674242

Question and expose. Never stop. Continue devloping private strategies to fight them. Spread them for others to evolve and grow faster. Keep growing. Keep fighting. Keep questioning.

>> No.55674259

>How do we get /biz/ back
Stop shilling shitcoins and crypto.

>> No.55674300


>> No.55674381

I can smell your fucking curry through this screen

>> No.55674412

You don’t. This keeps going until AGI makes currency itself obsolete and ending biz for good, maybe some 10-20 years from now

>> No.55674426

1. triple the amount of jannies and start rangebanning & wordfiltering every curry marketer
2. wait for a bullrun

>> No.55674430

To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

>> No.55674441

True, Indian tiktok is wild. Pajeetess braphogs post videos of themselves blowing dogs and they don't get taken down.

>> No.55674446

Allow coomposts

>> No.55674463

Mods are literally federal agents. They're intentionally trying to make 4chan worse.

>> No.55674505

Slavs and curryniggers all use VPNs though. Where do you think all the 1PBTIDS come from?

>> No.55674916

Purchase wagie bot
Snipe other contracts
Use earned funds to purchase chainlink

>> No.55674997

>make it require money
>corporations cream their pants
wont work. dumb.

>> No.55675008
File: 102 KB, 564x675, 1509371573604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The year is 2025
>My neural network verifies my CVC biometrics & links me into my Occulus 4.0
>I re-enter my digital mansion in Genesis city
>List my AF69-Sunstrider Personal Spacecraft on BitBay for 50M
>Check my Golem-run personal AI
>She tells me that my digital rent has come in, 500k MANA this week.
>MANA has been sitting steady at 25k Satoshi’s, since District0x police had eliminated all digital crime in Genesis City.
>All digital crime are held on public trial in the Aragon court-house
>Physical Crime is not possible.
>Think I'll gamble some of my rent money.
>All internet gambling is now run exclusively on the Funfair platform.
>Teleport to the Genesis City FunFair Casino
>Outside I tip some digitally-destitute Arklet some DGB so he doesn't starve
>Welcome back sir, VIP lounge this way.
>Atomic swap this week’s rent income into FUN.
>Put it all on red and double up
>Cyber hacker foolishly attempts to rob me as I leave
>District0x forces instantly freeze his avatar and ping his IP address for SEC involvement.
>I laugh as I watch his shitty avatar fade away in a miniature digital dust-cloud
>New-coiners who only entered last year when all world governments switched their reserve currency to Bitcoin, now follow my digital movements like I am some sort of celebrity.
>Incoming transmission from GolemAI
>another 1000 BAT has been credited to my profile.
>Clearly some of my viewers were amused too.
>Briefly wonder what life would be like if I didn't browse /biz/ on 4chan all those years ago.
>That reminds me
>Connect to the 4chan blockchain, proceed to shitpost

>> No.55675075

- mandatory passes
- mandatory flags
- remove the pussy janitors banning for "wacism"
- force all link/avax spammers into a general
- ban anybody shilling anything under a certain marketcap (sorry poorfags, you're too late to make it anyway)

>> No.55675115

So what's the interesting part about it?

>> No.55675268

its like short form youtube videos except all your suggestions are antivax videos, christian videos, jwoke videos, videos about black crime statistics, hitler music compilations, kanye west speaking out against jews videos etc. at least thats what my feed is like

>> No.55675280


>> No.55675343
File: 1.99 MB, 200x243, 1655981316847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time someone attempts to do this all that happens is shitposts, coffeeposters and other non-advice. I don't know how you could possible get genuine discussions without threads being filled with this weeks scamcoin of the week. There used to be a side hustle general ages ago that was comfy and now nothing.

The sad fact is most people that still browse biz are sad miserable crab assholes that would rather kick you while your down than offer some genuine discussion, anyone who's made it already left a long time ago.

>> No.55675667

start a new ponzi, obviously
if you really want to fix this place... start a new one and invite people over. I'm fucking serious.

have you tried making a thread for serious discussion in this board? that shit get deleted. the stuff about jannies being malicious is not a conspirancy.

and when that doesn't happen, those threads get deleted.

I mean, you could go on 4chans IRC channel (where some 4chan mods idle) and complain there, but then you will be banned in no time.
I suggest you try, though.

>> No.55675700

Fuck off flags were spammed by low oq shitskins during the dog coin bullshit phase. Fuck flags and fuck niggers.

>> No.55675712

how would one start a ponzi without being tracked down or arrested though? Where are niggers buying pajeets to spam the board? Fiverr?

>> No.55675798

don't ask me, I have no idea and I don't have the balls or lack of ethics to do that. but I guess you could start a new ERC-20 token with some funny trendy name and some telegram channel for shilling it

>> No.55675807

i feel like i'd go to hell so no
i can't hate jews if I act like one

>> No.55676211

>/k/ is now pro gun control
>/o/ is overrun with telsa and nimby threads
Which boards do you anons lurk that have also gone to shit.

>> No.55676440

>/k/ is now pro gun control
Nah. That’s just the influx of Reddit war tourists and /pol/ faggots that are there to argue with the former.

>> No.55676536

by not allowing to happen what they did to Twitter

>> No.55676673

Beautifully said

>> No.55676682

I'm installing a skyrim bandit rape mod into your virtual experience when this happens, so that you can't monetize your life.

>> No.55676873

Flags will just generate more low quality of discussion with namecalling.
The real solution is to rangeban. everything outside of Europe, the USA and Japan.

>> No.55676877

ban third world ip addresses and cheap vpns

>> No.55678708

Jeets are spamming the board again

>> No.55678878

I formally vote to allow in South Koreans, Taiwanese, Oceania, Saudis, the UAE, Kuwait and Qatar. Also exclude Russia and Ukraine because fuck both of them.

>> No.55678939

Fucking basado

>> No.55679227

anon-sama i kneel

>> No.55679238

you sound homosexual.

>> No.55679622

Ah the duality of 4chan
Also fuck off Hohol