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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 172 KB, 2000x2000, cosmos-atom-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55670382 No.55670382 [Reply] [Original]

This thing is gonna get carried by Kava so fucking hard in the coming moths it's not even funny to me anymore. It's like they were begging for someone to save them from underperforming so much lately

>> No.55670397

The fuck is Kava anon?

>> No.55670405

By bending the knee to their rightful overlords (Ethereum)? Of course

>> No.55670422
File: 134 KB, 360x479, 1599135947054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah nothin' anon just the biggest project on whole ATOM chain. you know just seafood

>> No.55670436

Unironically true though. They're the ones injecting liquidity plus giving all the incentives for people to actually adopt their tech, which is something that ATOM has struggled to do before. Now that they're adding support for ETH's developer environment, it's more likely to bring in people who actually know how to build something that could potentially have a meaningful impact within the ecosystem.

>> No.55670440


So why shouldn't we just buy the KAVA coin? Low cap you know

>> No.55670441

i don't care if they must depend on erc-20 contracts to remain relevant. anything at all that might have a slight chance of saving my bags is more than enough in my book. lord forgive me for buying the ambitious tech coin i will never ever do it again, ever...

>> No.55670453
File: 66 KB, 720x692, 1672352054034305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why exactly am I supposed to care about Poosmos when I could just sit here all comfy with my AVAX bags?

>> No.55670467

>He's not aware of centaur fi
oh anon, i...

>> No.55670470

Why do you see ethereum interoperability as a bad thing to draw your feet over about? It's literally a net positive for any project that does it, that's why nearly every new chain/project does it.

>> No.55670477

protocol merging atom with ethereum and a good ground layer for new projects to be made with either the cosmos sdk or erc-20 (or both)

>> No.55670480

that's a really legit question

>> No.55670489
File: 120 KB, 525x703, 1651856405277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all come crawling back in the end. You know you just can't live without the BVC (Big Vitalik Cock)

>> No.55670493
File: 320 KB, 703x384, 1663095348467107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing both to damage control anon

>> No.55670504

I never implied it was a bad thing, though. It just said it's funny how despite ATOM being "promoted" as being this self-sufficient ecosystem, they still need interoperability with Ethereum's most important features or else they'll lag behind their competitors.

>> No.55670507

Do you NIGGERS ever get tired?

>> No.55670520

they surely get paid for that, so i hardly believe they get tired

>> No.55670521
File: 15 KB, 434x319, 1649783959207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care
always hated autistic tech coins that make big claims that ultimately lead nowhere
still buying funny meme dog coins anyways

>> No.55670522
File: 235 KB, 754x842, 1663092362371938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wormhole and Kava will both resuscitate Atom. Mark my words.

Its biggest flaw was always being an enclosed lone wolf ecosystem. Let the immigrants in.

>> No.55670528


>> No.55670536

Atom's community is split and there's been many disagreements lately

No wonder they're getting fucked

>> No.55670541
File: 6 KB, 219x230, 1662825775373566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avax absoutely nowhere to be seen or mentioned
>Still finds a way to throw it into the (unrelated) conversation
I fucking hate you niggers with a passion but that's impressive I must admit.
>Let the immigrants in

>> No.55670544

Time to open up their borders and embrace diversity, as they say :^)

>> No.55670546

hey that's vitadick

>> No.55670630


>> No.55670666

Just let poosmos die already.

I already can't stand the Juno & Osmosis schizos, they are even worse than XRP & Avax & ICP schizos.