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File: 30 KB, 435x528, dream face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55668296 No.55668296 [Reply] [Original]

hbarbarians... its unironically over
we bet on the wrong horse.

>> No.55668341

Great, sell your bags. Go buy Kaspa or something.

>> No.55668366 [DELETED] 


>> No.55668393

It started as ironic FUD but I'm not too sure anymore about HBAR. Even if Shinhan and DLA's use cases go live, what would make the price go up? There's no hype surrounding Hedera unlike XRP or Worldcoin, there's no meme potential like DOGE or ADA, there's no P2P uses like XMR has, and there's not a cult following like LINK. All we have is the "best tech" but who will buy our bags? The WEF ten years from now when supply is fully diluted? Or are we betting on "making it" with a $1 price target?

>> No.55668487

No, literally nothing will make the price of hbar go up. there is no coorrelation between tps and usecases vs price. they used retail investors to get free money to bribe companies into using their technology. once the free money dries up the usecases will probably cease operating too

>> No.55668588

Stfu retards i have 20k hash browns and I AM GOING TO MAKE IT!

>> No.55668735

What about Hedera Yacht Club?

>> No.55670659
File: 638 KB, 1000x999, 1662716782850645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaspa? Bro I already sold from this scam, why would I want to jump into another? No I'm now betting on Cosmos/Kava/Osmosis and anything to do with ATOM in the first place.
>Blossoming defi ecosystem
>Does everything AVAX and SOL do combined but better (Kava)
>Best staking rewards (Osmosis, Kava)
Kaspa is nothing in comparison.

>> No.55670723

QRD? What happened this time?

>> No.55670732

Oh well that's just another day on my life.

>> No.55670754

You seem to be highly enthusiastic about it. Care to tell us more as to why? Just a little though, don't feel like reading a wall of text.

>> No.55670760

Oh you actually meant it.

>> No.55670764
File: 135 KB, 1080x976, 1681145723816053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, back to waging it is bros.

Wish me luck.

>> No.55670770

what the fuck is this shit and why does it get shilled so relentlessly?

>> No.55670781

Hmmm seems legit

>> No.55670786

Bear market happening again.

>> No.55670798
File: 168 KB, 2047x1233, 1679433165203381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of these scams ITT
I'll just leave pic related and disappear into the darkness again

>> No.55670803

Now THAT is literally me right there

>> No.55670804

Good luck waggiebro I salute you

>> No.55670822

This thread is a psyop to make Hbar holders capitulate. DO NOT FALL FOR IT

>> No.55670829

Sorry already fell for it.

>> No.55670830


>> No.55670842

Thinks he's gonna make it
the delusion

>> No.55671124

>what would make the price go up?
There is nothing. I'm not FUD'ing ironically anymore.

>> No.55671791

Unvaxxed and will never sell hbar until 10$

>> No.55671856

It has some prof like algo attached thats it. It does nice speeds, but not too fast.