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55667879 No.55667879 [Reply] [Original]

Everything seems dead now and there is no new narrative to push the market.
NFTs are like dead memes.
DeFi is bleeding.
CEXes are battling with SEC.
TradFi want in on the action now and they're tryna control the whole shebang
XRP won but still no market volatility.
Chads after this, are we gonna rocket up like we did earlier this year, or is the $10K BTC level our new trigger point?

>> No.55667884

You uhh...just made this thread

>> No.55667909

Wake up from your dream, we aren't going to 10K

>> No.55667913

New narrative is non-shit digital identity solutions. Cheqd just released creds.xyz, Kilt have their Deloitte partnership and Everest are finally doing poos in loos. Get on the train early.

>> No.55667930

NFTs and crypto finance were last cycle bullshit. They must die off so new even more retarded bullshit ideas can drive wild speculation and hype for the next cycle. You are supposed to buy the rumor and sell the news. It's all a giant ponzi. You're not supposed to actually stake tokens, try to earn APY lol or buy a jpeg. That's for the greater fools.
>t. 2013 crypto boomer

>> No.55668268

The whole crypto market is a sham and slowly it is getting regulated and controled.
I'm just waiting for tether to collapse

>> No.55668521

>DeFi is bleeding.
Probably just letting out the bad blood so that there'll be space for the new ones being formed. Defi projects are building top tier products for users. A good amount of protocols have released V2s recently and a few others will launch theirs soon. The market is just shaking out those with poor foundation.

>> No.55668534

>Defi projects are building top tier products for users

What are three examples?

>> No.55668554

Bitcoin December 2022 = $16,000
Bitcoin July 2023 = $30,000

MuUUhH bEeR mAKeT MuUuH Ar wE GuInG tO 10K MUuUUUUh

>> No.55668569

posts like OP's is how i know unibot and wagiebot still have a lot of room to grow.
we're witnessing the first good attempt at blending web2 with web3 by giving people that want to do DeFi a decent UI & UX, with fast response time and no technical kinks, making onboarding much easier & faster. yet OP says crypto is dead.
open your eyes, OP. there is plenty going on, you're just looking in the wrong direction. crypto boomers and laggards will never make it.

>> No.55668572

Alot of indices and stocks are at ath too

These people think its a bear market because their shitcoins rugged

>> No.55668599

The entire NFT space needs a total revamp. The ideas which it was built on initially is faulty; imagine buying a jpeg for millions for the sole reason of selling it higher to another person but has no utility it's serving you all through the time you owned it. Sounds like money laundering to me and no surprises it has been dying slowly and steadily until current day levels.
Lately, in a bid a revitalize the NFT space, I've been seeing plans of collaboration between NFTfi and Defi; there are better utilities being worked on like using these NFTs as smart vault guards and so on. There's some hope I guess.

>> No.55668655

Y'all faggots have been waiting for Tether to collapse since forever but it has soared higher instead. Is that not enough reason to give up your hate and move on? Crypto is here to stay, you can deal with it or shove your opinion into your wide sphincterless asshole. Since the bear started, holding USDT and leveraging it for yields on Defi yield aggregators has been a lifesaver. I don't need your approval to get my next set of yields auto-compounded.

>> No.55668716

Stop making a mountain out a mole OP! We're in a bear market but the indices are improving regularly evident form higher highs and higher lows. If you can't wait out this period, then you don't deserve to enjoy the bull run when it comes.

>> No.55668816

these TG bot shitcoins are doing 5-10x every single day and /biz/ is still clueless lmao

not to mention that /biz/ missed the entirety of the animal racing shitcoin frenzy last few weeks

>> No.55668848

>Gated smart vaults
>Yield aggregation in LSDFi in order to help users diversify their risks.
>Huge improvements in tokenization of RWAs
All of these are necessary because the Defi space needs to become institutional grade in order to achieve seamless onboarding of institutions.

>> No.55668875

for real. and unlike other shitcoins you can actually evaluate these bots and allocate funds appropriately depending on how good the product is. it's amazing how far behind /biz/ is nowadays. keep grinding brother, we're gonna make it.

>> No.55669432

>the $10K BTC
How can globohobos make it for life if BTC shrinks to this figure... It will be the end of life for existing beings and no more remedy...

>> No.55669461
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Copium lopium belief. Without the Ripple catalyst sending BTC above 40k, forget it and build your life on real estate or gold bars ...

>> No.55669622

There are still plenty of decent opportunities. It's just that they're relegated to somewhat obscure ecosystems such as Kava's, for example.

They got some decent APY rewards for investors plus a massive incentive campaign for developers to actually bring more value for the ecosystem. More DeFi projects = whole chain goes up in value.

>> No.55669631

Literally just HODL you pussy. This isn't the first bear market we've ever had nor is it going to be the last one

>> No.55669640

They really need those incentives. Right now their "ecosystem" feels more like it's in its own sort of "beta version" of its lifecycle if that makes any sense to ya

>> No.55669660

Yeah, the NFT market is hella saturated, but there are exceptions, man. NFTs with real utilities, not just lame JPEGs, are the ones that catch my eye.
Skyjack NFTs are lit! Holding 'em unlocks:
-a badass personalized avatar in the holoride game Cloudbreakers.
-Plus, you get priority minting for future NFT collections
-early access to Cloudbreakers' story development
-raffle eligibility, and more. So, not all NFTs are dead, pleb just keep an eye out for the gems.

>> No.55669676

>boost liquidity for cosmos
>bring in new defi projects
>bridge ATOM and ETH together
They do have the potential to carry Cosmos. We'll see if they do end up delivering, though

>> No.55669689

Crypto payment adoption is growing. CryptMI got licenced in UAE and BinancePay is making waves in Latin America. So STFU dumb skonk

>> No.55669760

For sure, NFTs like Fluf, Thingies, and coolcats got some serious potential. Their decentralized nature combined with rad utilities gives me hope!

>> No.55669862

How come they haven't brought the needed bull run all these while...
>Stop blarbing, we just need the fucking new institutional money in DeFi... Liquidity has dried out...

>> No.55669929

Jpegs benzofag faking the hype around their worthless images.. when you bring NFTs gating like utility to these artworks...?

>> No.55670142

Give me 3 reasons why anyone should buy crypto?

>> No.55671808

Easy to say when the price is is still around your entry price. What about those who bought the top? Have you imagined what they'll be going through now?

Read to understand schizo! We definitely need institutional liquidity and that's why I said Defi platforms are upgrading their services to become institutional grade. Some have already become MiCa compliant and pursuing other regulatory compliance.

>> No.55671879

Sounds like a nice development. The NFT indeed lacks utilities. Which platforms have initiated these partnerships though?

What utilities jeet? We've gone past the stage where you say something is dope and we all believe it's dope. Everyone needs to show their workings or GTFOH. So what utilities do they have?

>> No.55671923

I know Spool V2 will have NFT and other fungible token gated smart vaults which could be used as both entry and exit guards. That could be a good start as other Defi protocols can take a clue from that and initiate such features into their ecosystems especially when they see its success rate. Imagine MAYC and BAYC creating their own vaults and inputing their NFTs as guards; it will definitely encourage more users to hold long term and attract new holders too.

>> No.55672057

Institutions are going to come into crypto with tools like this and we will see more defi involvement. So it is going to be massive.

>> No.55672111


>> No.55672155

Gtf outta here fool.... What's your definition of bear market again aside what we ve been experiencing for months rn.

>> No.55672210

Could this guarantee a stunch security layer on the project ... Anything on NFTs got no future liké the parents..

>> No.55672241

Huh... A holder is now dying of hunger and you are still interested in encouraging them to continue...

>> No.55672322
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ye we are in December before KILT pulled 3x suddenly

get the fuck in anon

>> No.55672591

This is a good use for NFTs unlike what we've had in the past

>> No.55672651

After what happened to USDC, I've learned not to trust any coin. So I'd rather diversify into different stables than to go all in into one

>> No.55672744

I think there are projects that are working on this already. And that's one think that I like about DeFi, it's constantly improving unlike the other sectors in the crypto space.
I think now, we can all agree that crypto won't exist for long without DeFi

>> No.55672814

If you need reasons to buy Crypto then you are obviously satisfied being a wagie for life.

>> No.55672827

Stocks aren't really affected the way crypto is, so it's majorly a bear market for crypto and maybe banks because they keep shutting down daily, but if banks will integrate DeFi into their system then they would be better

>> No.55672836

So what are the rumours?

>> No.55672847

> or is the $10K BTC level our new trigger point?

You are still caliing for $10K BTC? You must be a blind disciple of Capo.

>> No.55672877

I'm also doing this and also diversifying into different DeFi protocols through a smart vault. Hopefully, soon, I'll be able to do this with my ETH that I'm staking because that will help mitigate my risk

>> No.55672923 [DELETED] 

I see why channers gets so bullish about IMM, to have fun with its staking mechanism to receive APY rewards.

>> No.55672927

>After what happened to USDC,

What exactly happened to USDC? You are literally blowing a small situation out of proportion.

>> No.55672931

Spool gave me 4x, RIO 5x, and I also got 10x and more on all the memes that I bought, so OP isn't doing it right

>> No.55672962

DeFi reminds me of IMM, where benzofags have fun with its staking mechanism to receive APY rewards

>> No.55672996

Reason why I'm gunning every to be part of Astradao ambassador program, it's packed with additional opportunities to earn.

>> No.55672998

>It's just that they're relegated to somewhat obscure ecosystems such as Kava's, for example.

You are telling me i have to go all the way to Kava for promising opportunities? Trust me i would rather sit my ass within the ethereum ecosystems as i believe it is more promising than Kava.

>> No.55673054

DeFi projects are evolving daily, and some few of them are now working on institutional grade products which should help them get more liquidity into DeFi

>> No.55673367

I'm just buying those two because their projects are really growing very fast

>> No.55673932

With the introduction of SVT (Smart vault tokenization), They will pull in liquidity.

>> No.55673992

Definitely a huge upgrade on NFT utilities. I hope NFT communities would take advantage of it.

Sure! Diversification is definitely a good thing but ensure you're diversifying into 1:1 backed stables and not algorithmic stables.

>> No.55674008

Lots of ETH holders are still on the sidelines and will only venture into ETH staking when there are opportunities to diversify risks rather than go all in on a single platform and the advent of the yield aggregators into LSDfi will help solve this. Imagine being able to leverage on rETH and srETH at the same time from a single entry point. Bliss right?

>> No.55674013

Theyre just waiting for the SEC to okay the institutional investment.
Basically its just another market cycle, this is when you should be most optimistic, though things are hard you adapt; like humans have always meant to do.
Just jnvest what you can in reliable assets and cryptos. Dont follow sentiment and only trust yourself and DYOR.

>> No.55674209

We have seen the bottom already, we better bag some altcoins before it's fucking late, I'm going all in on QANX and XRP

>> No.55674768

My portfolio... has fallen

>> No.55675429

They will for sure but note that the US is not the only country involved. MiCA-regulated countries are already bringing the best out. Kunji tweets started using a popular aggregator already.

>> No.55676409

It is bound to fall actually. We are in a bear.

>> No.55676438


>> No.55676444

Wait for the halvening, normies will buy the news

>> No.55676506

Defi will create new utilities for them. I see it coming with the growth of Smart Vault Tokenization and Gated access for yield vaults. A certain class of NFTs can serve as holders pass.

>> No.55676777

This is not happening until next year and it won't manufacture liquidity for the market.

>> No.55677109

Maybe we are but we will never know until it is all a blood bath.

>> No.55677428

People are still rooting for private untraceable transactions. That's the fucking narrative to look out for retard.

>> No.55677439



>> No.55678644

I prefer DAI for farming through SpoolFi because it is a decentralized stablecoin.

>> No.55680351

You're clearly sleeping on the DePIN narrative, anon! Big companies are already showing interest in it. There are so many platforms related to this narrative, including Helium, Peaq, Holo, and Golem.

>> No.55681165

Just like LST, SVT is going to make massive waves IMO. It will drive more liquidity around the ecosystem.

>> No.55682164

next ATH bro? 2025? but rates are high

>> No.55682176

>using these NFTs as smart vault guards
how does it work? care to explain to a low iq please?

>> No.55682299

can someone explain to me how do these smart vault work?

>> No.55682443

as someone who founded 2 nft projects rest assured they are dead as fuck and if you are still bagholding any of them i suggest you get out with whatever you can as soon as possible.

that's the secret no nft founder will tell you. there is no plan. there is no hope. the only plan is selling more nfts.