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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55665541 No.55665541 [Reply] [Original]

July 26, 2020
>LINK: $7.49 ($920 Million volume)
>No CCIP, Staking, Automation
>BTC: $9675
>ETH: $273

July 26, 2023
>LINK: $7.44
>CCIP launched, staking launched, 3000 integrations
>BTC: $29240
>ETH: $1860

>> No.55665544

thanks, francisco! very cool

>> No.55665550

Forgot to mention, volume is $220 million. So 3 years ago, $920 million volume. Now, almost 1/4 of that. Congratulations on what you've accomplished link marines, it's hard to be worth less than you were when crypto was a fraction of its current value

>> No.55665558

>market is retarded
Is this suppose to be surprising?

>> No.55665560

Holy fuck, link was actually worth more 3 years ago? Bitshit was under 10k? Truly over. No wonder they ran off to spain this year, someone needs to fuck his fat ass up

>> No.55665568

Yes goy it's the market's fault, Sergey totally isn't a charlatan who became a billionaire by doing nothing the past 3 years

>> No.55665575

Almost like link only exists to facilitate the value proposition of other projects and isn't meant to be a speculative asset for internet racists to gamble with.

>> No.55665577

LINK was $18.80 on August 16, 2020. It's currently $7.44. I'm not Francisco but if I were a bagholder I'd also want to hunt these cretins down

>> No.55665586

>quad dubs

Holy shit, scam confirmed

>> No.55665603

chat gpt ai bot thread

>> No.55665611

kek knows, LINK is a scam. It's hard to find a crypto asset worth less than it was 3 years ago. All of the worthless drivel they present as a feature or service, that acts as nothing more than an excuse to dump their premined bags on you.

BTC wasn't even $10k 3 years ago, and did a 3x as the biggest asset in crypto. LINK is below it's 3 year historic price. Not even up a pathetic 15%

>> No.55665627

>doge and shib moons into top 20 because some autistic fat boomer memes about it on twatter
Yes the market is retarded and you’re even a bigger retard for making this stupid thread

>> No.55665640

>July 26, 2021: $16.70
>July 26, 2023: $7.44

>> No.55665643

Checked again, digits confirm

>> No.55665646

But I bought in 2018

>> No.55665649

July 25th, 2018
>>LINK: $ .245

>> No.55665676

>b-BUT I bought when it was 30 cents!

And you still lost 99% against eth/btc, retard

>> No.55665701
File: 72 KB, 768x1024, b59f0534-712e-440d-8c86-94b3bb56efc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you linkfaggots for paying my luxurious vacation, buy more please so i can short more

>> No.55665710

July 25th, 2018
>ETH: $460
>BTC: $7,600
>LINK: $.245

July 25th 2023
>ETH $1855
>BTC $29,200
>LINK $7.48

Thanks for making me feel better about my investment

>> No.55665766

no you have to choose a 2020 date, retard

>> No.55665773

Kek holy shit, was this short closed?

Cope moar, traders never get complacent. You’ve lost your ass the last 3 years. All of your sats have evaporated

>> No.55665780

>brown hands
literally who cares what you think

>> No.55665789

Now let's see how every other top 20 coin performed
>July 7, 2020
>LINK: $6.47
>BTC: $9,108
>ETH: $246
>BNB: $16.77
>ADA: $0.12
>SOL: $0.75
>DOGE: $0.003
>LTC: $43
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.01
>XRP: $0.19

>July 7, 2023
>LINK: $6.16
>BTC: $30,342
>ETH: $1,868
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.28
>SOL: $21.90
>DOGE: $0.06
>LTC: $98
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.079
>XRP: $0.47
Ouch so much for muh "god protocol 1k is fud"
Just face it baggies, you are THE lolcow of crypto

>> No.55665809

what's the surprise? alts only pump once against bitcoin or ether. link had it's pump over 2020, one bear market later and it's done. at least 20x harder to pump than before, and there isn't even enough liquidity in the market for old alts to get it back to #5 where it was in 2020.

>> No.55665830

Its not. There is no product

>> No.55665836

Why isnt the market retarded enough to buy link

>> No.55665849

francisco is based
will be based king when he kills sergey

>> No.55665886


>> No.55666023


>> No.55666248

Hi guys. Just came online the first time after 3 years. Why is the link token price still the same?

>> No.55666276

We’ve been waiting for you to pump it

>> No.55666280


>> No.55666344

>by doing nothing the past 3 years
In your own OP you literally show that he launched CCIP and staking and gained 3000 integrations.