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File: 228 KB, 1246x1496, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55665338 No.55665338 [Reply] [Original]

1.) Kind of gf you have now
2.) Kind of gf you will have when you make it

>> No.55665372

Those rankings are on point but blacks should have way less than 311 votes/points.

>> No.55665373

1.)No gf

>> No.55665384

i deserve 20 year old white pussy

>> No.55665392

Same. I'm a real nigga

>> No.55665395

you dont have any gf's now?

>> No.55665397

i never had one and i deserve one, putin needs to send me prime russian pussy right now

>> No.55665412

1) fat slut
2) 2 skinny sluts

>> No.55665418

I have a 33 year old black roastie gf with huge titties. The novelty has worn off after 2 years. I'm ready to taste something new.

>> No.55665420

cut your current gf in half

>> No.55665442
File: 437 KB, 954x1344, 1304772420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) None
2.) East Asian
Because I'm not a degenerate racemixer like you swarthy fucks. Leave those White women alone.

>> No.55665453

and only you could make more east asian qt-ies for the world

>> No.55665463

lets see a picture, fag

>> No.55665482

My apt will be flooded with gravy

>> No.55665487
File: 1.35 MB, 896x1344, IMG_8212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Big titty art hoe
>2. Picrel

>> No.55665496

Would anyone here be interested in holding runoff elections until we reach a majority?

>> No.55665498

Hell naw. The little bit of respect I still have her for means I can't post her big titties on 4channel lol

>> No.55665500

does her plum smell?

>> No.55665506

dont be a bitch bro, we won't show anyone

>> No.55665513

Not bad now but it smelled horrendous during the first couple months of us dating. Turns out she had a bad yeast infection or BV that she was too retarded to go to the doctor to treat.

>> No.55665521

Never mind I just noticed it's a point system

>> No.55665539

why don't you just tell her to hit a treadmill and clean up, you won't have to replace her

>> No.55665556

1. No gf.
2. Probably Southeast Asian or Latina. White and black women have issues having dated several of each, East Asian women intimidate me, and MENA and South Asian girls aren't interested in me.

>> No.55665563

She doesn't look or smell bad now. But she makes 80% less than me, has a bad attitude often, and isn't submissive enough. If I have to put up with that bullshit, I'd rather have a woman that's white/asian and 10 years younger.

>> No.55665566

how did you cope with it when eating it?

>> No.55665573

1.) none
2.) none

>> No.55665594


its amazing how many dumb girls dont understand BV, yeast infection, etc. product of bad sex education and also the general frowning upon of good, also sex-positive, women's health. these girls are afraid someone will judge them for their pussies stinking then ironically never get it fixed and it stinks forever. its frankly sad because theyre one medication prescription away from having a perfectly fine pussy

>> No.55665597

I saw a variation of this collage a few months ago and tried to find out who the southeast Asian chick was by cropping it to be just her but never found a source. Someone else look I’m on my phone, please bros

>> No.55665606

I just found that white girls pussies are stinky. Asian pussy is always fresh. No medication needed.

>> No.55665612

I learned to associate it with sex during the moment. Then I'd have to wash the stink out of my bedsheets and bath towel after she went back home. My bathroom would reek if I didn't do it lol
For real. She wouldn't listen to me at first even though I'm a healthcare professional. All it took was a 1-week course of Diflucan and Flagyl and switching to fragrance free soap. Before that, she thought she thought she could treat herself by drinking apple cider vinegar.

>> No.55665623

that's disgusting
I hooked up with a chick who had some kind of yeast thing going on, I did it a couple times but regretted it so badly and having that smell stuck on my dick and in my room was a nightmare
I would have never considered dating her

>> No.55665628

This is a lie, one of the few times i've ever needed to tell a girl to get it checked out

>> No.55665631


none of them can be trusted, might just have multiple foreign and just bring the kid over for an education.

>> No.55665639

sauce on south east asian NOW

>> No.55665642

Totally false. I've been with plenty of Thai whores and some of them had smelly cooch. The ones that didn't usually deodorized heavily with an Asian version of Summer's Eve. Most refused to get down before taking a cold shower.

>> No.55665661

1. none
2. none

>> No.55665662
File: 121 KB, 949x842, 167934949324021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) No gf
2) I've already made it with 10MM and still no gf
This is why I don't believe in God.
No benevolent God would've condemned me to live life as a manlet.
God is a sick and cruel bastard.

>> No.55665665

im literally very sensitive to smell (ocd) if a pussy ever stinks really bad ill just tell the bitch to leave, im not dealing with that anxiety

>> No.55665696

1. oblivious woman I've never talked to who catches the same train every day
2. ghost in my mansion at night

>> No.55665724

1) SEA
2) one for each capital

>> No.55665774

I've had some stinky of all kinds. Some smelled like literal cum buckets. White, black, and Asian girls

>> No.55665799

fellow manlet here anon keep your head up lil trooper.

>> No.55665800

source on the asean?

>> No.55665843
File: 820 KB, 1405x2408, Japan saves gaming once again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. East Asian
2. East Asian
Come home, white man.

>> No.55665847

1) 10/10 huge ass and tit white woman
2) No gf

>> No.55665861

Homey, listen.

With an attitude like that, literally no one will want to spend time with you.

So I don't know if you're just a giant pussy crying for attention and sympathy or a giant faggot that can't get his shit straight, but neither of those problems is GOD's fault.

Jesus Christ - Napoleon was 5'3" and didn't have 10million when he kicked shit off.

The fuck dude?

If you can take responsibility for yourself financially, do so mentally. 10 million and you can't afford a coach? The fuck out of here and keep God's name out your mouth.

>> No.55665868

Good man.

>> No.55665876

First of all if you’re basing your belief in a maker on money defining your success with our maker you’re doing it wrong. You need to remember ALLAH with much remembrance. Best place for you to start is by reading the Quran.

>> No.55665899
File: 83 KB, 750x797, 1689265719105284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like astrodomina to me, try to limit cooming to at most once per week, but keep in mind that I am a sinner as well.

>> No.55665915

my oneitis, one of the most beautiful girls ever is dating a balding manlet who is like 5'3. you dont get pussy because you're a pussy. i know this because it's my reason as well.

>> No.55665926

i chose before i read the rankings and the top 3 are spot on

>> No.55665938
File: 69 KB, 637x744, 1682091919014240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce on top left?

>> No.55665965


def not true. depends on education level and healthcare options. poorly educated not financially well off girls are more likely since they likely dont go to an ob gyn regularly

>> No.55666016

Based, ty King

>> No.55666070
File: 71 KB, 800x600, v2q3xiv2z9w71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) None of these, mine is obese (and I like it).
2) The exact same girl but she'll be bigger because I'll feed her better
Kava will make this a reality, in time. Kava or BTC, whichever makes me rich first.

>> No.55666075

based and love-handles-pilled. godspeed

>> No.55666076

Is it true fat women smell like shit?

>> No.55666265

If you don't pick the one with the moustache and the terminally fat arse you're gay

>> No.55666267


>> No.55666279

Its their pits dud
Else is love my dud

>> No.55666281

Those are all men

>> No.55666289
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) a slim Eastern Euro gf with an okayish face, brown eyes and brown hair, C cup boobs (pic rel).
2) a blonde blue eyed eastern euro gf with D-E cup boobs, birthing hips and slim waist and pretty face.

I have only been able to pull skinny girls my whole life and it's pissing me off. Papa wants milk.

>> No.55666366

1) Tall blonde blue-eyed aspie F-cup wife who got a little bit chubby
2) Same wife but I'll send her to a plastic surgeon to get the new fat sucked out and possibly some other maintenance. (I'll do the same kek stfu I don't like my lovehandles)

I love my autistic red-pilled wife

>> No.55666377

1.) European
2.) European

>> No.55666454
File: 187 KB, 500x301, Libbie 71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. my waifu
2. my waifu

>> No.55666472

Kek white women are at the top becuase there's so many thirsty indians.

>> No.55666474

If they dont keep up with hygiene. If she's really fat and doesn't shower regularly the underbelly gets a yeast infection/jock itch and it smells like death
>t. proud whale hunter

>> No.55666494
File: 1.41 MB, 498x500, 1682552636304539.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3) she divorces you and takes the vast bulk of what you made to "make it"!

No pussy is worth that!

>> No.55666509

I have an east asian wife
she is very close to leaving me
I think she's making a huge mistake
what am I gonna do lads

you don't fucking know, nobody here knows
I finally understand the kazakhstan meme

>> No.55666525

I'm literally at the point where her single friends are probably whispering shit into her ear
possibly at the point where jamal is messaging her on face-tok-gram

I was ready to have kids

>> No.55666550

Start making plans, make some "poor investments" overseas and run up sone horrific debt. Divorce and share the debt. Get out with the shirt on your back and at least your money in an offshore bank account.
Don't say I didn't warn you!

>> No.55666555

>Napoleon was 5'3"
No, you’re just a dumb nigger.

>> No.55666566


>> No.55666570

1. E Asian
2. Probably the same girl, I'm better looking but she treats me too well to replace. I do worry about my sons though.

>> No.55666606

I don't want to hear this :(

>> No.55666796

1.No gf
2.Either white or 1/4 asian
I don't think I'm getting a gf ever in my life though, mainly because I can't stand women's bullshit and because I've been backstabbed too many times to despise other people.

>> No.55666820

1 white
2 I want the same one but with a huge ass and smaller waist

>> No.55666864

1) none
2) thin white woman, as I am white and fit

>> No.55666883

Simp thread


>> No.55666913

based and architect pilled

>> No.55667038

>basic health has something to do with my mentally ill psychological pseudoscience I use to push agendas
Nice connections your brain made there, my fascist little idiocrat.

>> No.55667063
File: 263 KB, 522x676, IMG_8387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I alredy made it

But no gf

>> No.55667085


Imagine becoming a billionaire so chicks can steal half your shit.

>> No.55667092

don't know
Maybe I don't need a gf...

>> No.55667126

If you marry someone when you're rich you deserve to get scammed.

>> No.55667159

>redhead ginger sugar baby
simple as

>> No.55667188

2014 image, Japan is like the left now.

>> No.55667265

1. skinny fat white toastie roastie with mental health problems and a low IQ
2. idk just give me one who isn't mentally ill and a moron.

>> No.55667284

people usually get fat because they're lazy, but not always. lazy people are sometimes too lazy to wash themselves. thats where the meme comes from.

>> No.55667533

My penis is too small for any of those butts.

>> No.55668612

1) no gf
2) no gf

>> No.55668663

1. 2D
2. 2D

>> No.55668706

Except for the south and east asians, same.