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File: 79 KB, 634x668, 73588481-12336111-Tarif_Campbell_died_yesterday_in_an_as_yet_unexplained_accident_-a-2_1690304489980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55664683 No.55664683 [Reply] [Original]

Is going to culinary school to become a chef a good investment?

>> No.55664700

Not for making money but it’s good to know how to cook well

>> No.55664703

>go to college to make a sammich

>> No.55664711

Just don't work for a Democrat and you're good

>> No.55664726
File: 41 KB, 549x549, 34687248_10156534610663993_8303187916595658752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't need to go to culinary school to get good. learn from youtube and apprentice in a kitchen if you can find work.
all said, it's a miserably stressful career. no surprise the culinary arts have such a high rate of substance abuse.

>> No.55665007

My dad went to a top culinary school and became a chef, and I’ve worked around kitchens myself. Don’t do it unless you’re just extremely passionate about food and cooking, and even then you probably won’t like it in the end. The pay isn’t very good, the hours are long and often inconsistent, and as chef it would be your job to manage all the black Mexican kitchen workers, which can be very stressful just on its own. Not to mention that many if not most of your co-workers will be drunk or high. Go to school for something useful instead, anon

>> No.55665654

The first full year of culinary school is safety and not cross contaminating, on that alone its a complete waste of fucking time if youre White and understand DONT PUT RAW SHIT ON A SURFACE YOU THEN PUT OTHER SHIT ON WITHOUT DISINFECTING IT
There, I gave you a year of education for free. YW.

Now you got your masters, not just a BA.

>> No.55665658

Theres your third year, how to avoid legal trouble - substitutions are your top priority.

>> No.55666010

It is a terrible investment. It can cost 15k to 30k to go to a culinary school and the starting jobs with a culinary school graduation are around 18k to 30k. You are better off learning on the job at a restaurant for that shitty starting pay without the debt of school. If you really want the school later wait until you have worked your way up the pay scale some. Culinary school is only the path the to decent to good money for maybe 5% to 10%, most of the jobs pay pretty shitty.

>> No.55666406

The only reason to go to culinary school is to get the reputation if you're opening your own resaurant.

>> No.55666459
File: 709 KB, 896x1496, the dream customer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so cuz learning so many recipes and buying Joshua Weissman's book must be worth something
I know you make it in that sector when you have the same idiot coming into your restaurant all the time
>pic related

>> No.55666601

>Joshua Weissman
the guy who complains like a faggot and throws a perfect whopper in the trash?

>> No.55666622

This anon got it completely right:
>Don’t do it unless you’re just extremely passionate about food and cooking, and even then you probably won’t like it in the end.

Been there, done that. Although not to "chef" level, obviously, as you're not a chef out of school, you're just a cook.
I barely knew how to cook, went into it because I was long term unemployed and thought it would be something interesting to learn to unlock some future opportunities.
Instead it was a slog through shit I didn't care about just so I could barely finish the course.

If you're not passionate, don't. If you're kinda passionate, you might manage to do it and then become a teacher.

>> No.55666624


>> No.55666638

Shit where I went to that was covered in literally 1 hour of the "hygiene and safety" class and then briefly touched upon when actually doing classes in the kitchen.
But then again I'm not american.

>> No.55666643

if you want to turn a passion into torture be my guest. kitchen staff are like 2 rungs down from air traffic controller from job satisfaction to pay/stress ratio

>> No.55666645

>we wuz kangz shirt
>eats elite food and works out just do die in 3 feet of water

>> No.55666660

why pay college tuition for something you could literally learn from working at Pizza hutt?

>> No.55666685

Shit, you're not (completely) joking.

>Campbell had been paddle boarding at around 7.40pm on Sunday, with witnesses saying he was dressed in all black and not wearing a life preserver.
>'Drowning at 100ft out, that's a very swimmable distance, the water is probably just a little over two feet over his head.

>> No.55666702

Honestly just egregious that he's either out without a lifejacket if he can't swim or just in general, really. Or you know, suicided for whatever reason.

>> No.55666774

only if you really enjoy long hours, split shifts, shouting and cocaine

>> No.55666886

He makes some good grub

But yeah most youtubers are faggots

>> No.55666926

Being a Chef is a terrible job


I just cook restaurant tier food at home for myself

>> No.55667407

Is this the dude who fucked that one podcaster dude's wife?

>> No.55667414

No, its the nigger that obama killed a couple of days ago

>> No.55670384

what happened?