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File: 29 KB, 1348x328, remote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55663958 No.55663958 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true? If it is, why do so many high-profile CEOs want their employees in the office 5 days a week?

>> No.55663969

No I work much harder in the office
t. Getting paid to play 4chan and shitpost on Zelda as we speak

>> No.55664005

From the employees POV: I save 2 hrs a day by not commuting so I might as well work harder to keep up with this situation

>> No.55664021

>this study brought to you by one billion + Indians waiting to take your remote job

>> No.55664031

it's been answered thousands of times, commercial real estate

>> No.55664032

Commercial Real Estate

>> No.55664056

Get an emulator and figure out some good looking filters and replay Zelda 1 this week and weekend. Do the 2nd quest. Dont look it up. Thank me later.
Your only hint is in the 2nd quest you can sometimes just walk through a fucking wall.

>> No.55664073

>bro forget your career, play old,shittt vidya
Niggers and poor whitoids behave like this

>> No.55664121

this applies to the average wagie it's the ones in more critical roles which feel they're underpaid/overworked which can go rogue.

>> No.55664180

Not in my case

>> No.55664723

because CEO's are on our side and want the best for us

>> No.55666009
File: 655 KB, 1221x900, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao programmer types are the dumbest kind, so sheltered, they can't see it coming

> any 18 years old today can code it's photoshop tier skill by now.
> pajeet consume algorithm books weekly, solve hard leets at 17 and study the same content you get in debt for daily from the internet while still in school

> WFH meme starts

> corps are totally not gonna outsource you to pajeets for $2 empowered by GPT 8 once the infrastructure for WFH is up and set, Why? because they really like you and want to pay you 150k for working in pajamas

>> No.55666027


i like how mouth breathers cant understand the most obvious answer to why lizard men want people back in office. COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE. do you have any idea how large of a business commercial real estate is? the only thing they care about is money. they dont care about productivity or infrastructure or anything. they want businesses signing fat 10-20+ year leases on huge ass buildings. it's as simple as that. if that disappears, they have to redevelop everything which is INCREDIBLY expensive and disrupts DECADES of prospective commercial real estate planning projects

>> No.55666045

>He thinks jeets can out program the A.I. corporations will use to replace WFHers

>> No.55666053

COPE the entire agenda is reaction based to incentivize people to want WFH so they can later be replaced by pajeets for $2/hour.
read >>55666009

>> No.55666062

>pajeet consume algorithm books weekly, solve hard leets at 17 and study the same content you get in debt for daily from the internet while still in school
Kek, good one. Very funny.

>> No.55666081
File: 226 KB, 563x651, 1646516982284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a retard, I have to ask, why do CEOs of tech companies care about real estate business?

>> No.55666087

worked 12 hours in a row yesterday so yeah, can confirm I work more as a wfh bastard bitch programmer.

>> No.55666092
File: 346 KB, 543x408, greaterpajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you realise 60% of the current programming stock are already green card pajeets?
> you realise most FAANG ceos are already pajeets? they like other indians cuz they can abuse them in casts system

the only difference between US pajeets and india's pajeets is the distance. The internet already provide better education than MIT when it comes to programming

btw 99.99% of programmers produce dumb CRUD apps. you don't need much to program AI but a small team. the GPT team is 14 people. the only thing you need for AI is data to train it on

>> No.55666101


these development companies are massive and have a lot of influence and clout because of the massive amount of money they've been making this entire time. that's why they care. they're also sitting on boards of a lot of these companies.


? the agenda... reaction... of... getting people back in the office... is to... promote wfh... to keep pajeets employed? what the fuck are you even saying. these people want american companies paying american rent in their big ass commercial buildings. pajeets are irrelevant to commercial real estate developers operating in the US

>> No.55666114

Cope. Should have paid attention in school retard. You will never know the comfy WFH swe experience. Kys :)

>> No.55666118

I simply can't understand this post

>> No.55666128

already am retard keep telling yourself it's for your own good moron

>> No.55666134

they paid billions of dollars for the primest of real estate in the precoof times so they could flex on other companies and now they are left holding an absolutely massive bag. who do you think is going to take it off their hands? the bank? lol

>> No.55666158

If they could outsource it they would have done it already fuckwit. Outsourcing hit its peak 10-20 years ago. The products pajeets make are inferior.

>> No.55666282

Isn't that like the sunk cost fallacy or something? Wouldn't they make more money ignoring that loss and investing in a more productive workforce?

>> No.55666299
File: 225 KB, 569x715, 1689165224669750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEOs are by and large oligarchs not enterprisers, they fear losing power over the commoner far more than they desire efficiency

>> No.55666312

Can't get first world performance without paying for a white/jap, simple as

>> No.55666316

A large part of the US's economic power is derived from the real estate industry. When a bunch of people start working from home and offices, warehouses, and all that shit sits empty it both becomes a huge financial sink for no gain but the property starts losing value. A lot of companies have started telling employees to come back to work in the office because they're being told to do so by the board or executives of that company as they're getting raped paying for an office that's depreciating that nobody works in anymore. It's honestly about 75% that and 25% powertripping managers mad they can't spy on employees through their windows that's bringing people back into working at the office even though working from home has a shitload of benefits. But if you paid half a billion dollars for a building downtown and there's noone in it but the cleaning and maintenance staff twice a week you'd be pretty pissed off too if it was just sitting unused like a fuckoff giant paperweight.

>> No.55666326

WFH meme is starting now. the whole tech thing is very young

>> No.55666329

But rich people buy expensive paperweights all the time, like watches or cars they never drive. Will filling the building make it be worth more?

>> No.55666338

the real estate depreciates faster than they can pump out new products that return a steady profit thats like saying why didnt the people who were getting foreclosed on during the gfc just work a 2nd job to pay off their mortgage faster.

>> No.55666348

Because they want to feel important by ordering people around in real life. Also many managers are highly extroverted attention desperate people and theres studies showing that those people either go insane or lose their happy chemicals if they go without human interaction for too long. Keep in mind almost half of americans a single and a third of them have no friends at all.

>> No.55666363

I get where you're coming from and absolutely fuck 'em, work from home where feasible makes way too much sense to not do it. I'm just illustrating why there's been such a big push to get people back into the office.

>> No.55666385

this isnt like he bought a bugatti for personal pleasure and then crashed it. this was basically a "business expense" they had to make and then because of circumstances they are left holding a massive bag. they are the top .01% of business people of course they are going to care most about the bottom line. that is literally their job.

>> No.55666467

But wouldn’t caring about the bottom line involve making workers more comfortable so they’re more productive? I don’t see any monetary incentive to keep the building full. It costs the same amount whether it’s full or empty.

>> No.55666519

An empty building has no purpose. They didn't lease, bought or straight up built these offices to let them rot. They're a business expense as well as a personal flex.
It's the same when you buy a nice set of suit or watch to wear on business meetings. Their purpose is so you could flex but also to advance your status. Take away those functions and you're left with a piece of clothing and a watch nobody gives a shit about.

>> No.55666551

because they have heaps of money to invest and they have invested in things like nice safe stable always goes up always great returns can't lose commercial real estate.

>> No.55666586

It costs the same whether it's full or empty but why own it to begin with if you don't need it? And that's not exactly a solution either because if every company let everyone that could work from home do so it'd cause an economic collapse in the US after trillions of dollars of commercial real-estate were suddenly useless and devalued and being sold off. Yes companies should let people work from home if they can do their jobs from their home but you can't just flip a switch and do it tomorrow without burning the whole place down.

>> No.55666627

>Is it true? If it is, why do so many high-profile CEOs want their employees in the office 5 days a week?
To justify the price of office real-estate.
Keep in mind that's an asset on the books that can no longer be sustained. Meaning they're losing a tool for getting free moeny from banks.
Imagine spending the past seven decades as a company buying and building the most prime real-estate in the world so you can get free money and some fucking wagie decides he's just not going to enjoy your shitscapers anymore.

>> No.55666642

Big tech companies have big offices, many of which they own outright. Amazon is probably holding the worst bags - they own dozens of skyscrapers in Seattle alone, many of which were custom built to Amazon spec, and if they vacate half of their HQ buildings they take the service economy of Seattle with them, devaluing their remaining bags and making it harder to convince people to relocate.

>> No.55666682

There's also the little tidbit about how commercial real estate is the largest economic sector in the US and much of our economy and the value of our currency is predicated on that staying a big-ass economic sector. Even if every company decided tomorrow to go full WFH where possible if they tried it'd kill most of the major cities within a year tops because people only put up with living in a city for their job unless they're sick in the head.

>> No.55666792

This has been answered ten million times.

-CRE Baggies

>> No.55666808

Was the study done from home?