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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 715x700, heathcliff-stonetoss-comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55659595 No.55659595 [Reply] [Original]

>Quitting after a month in because I need to finish school
>Will likely cost the company money

Anyone did this before?
What were the looks on higher ups faces? I have 1 week notice.

>> No.55660015

Getting kicks out of slightly annoying a higher-up for 5 seconds before they instantly delegate the new work to the remainder of the team and the replacement recruiting to a separate department is peak wagie
>Heh! I only gave ONE week notice, not 2! That oughta mess with em!
Just don't give any notice if you're gonna leave on bad terms anyway.

>> No.55660031

Back when i worked in an offfice they hired some chick to do wagie shit she came in for half a day and decided it sucked so never came back after lunch. Three months of boomer 'managers' whining about millennials followed.

>> No.55660115


>> No.55660421

i don't understand the comic. if he doesn't understand the joke himself, why do it

>> No.55660438

>boomer 'managers' whining
Imagine getting pissed at people not sucking dicks like they did back then.

>> No.55660545

Heathcliff has a meat helmet.

>> No.55660570

You will never be a woman.

>> No.55660612

One of my jobs I gave 1.75 weeks notice and one of the managers went into absolute hysterics. It was glorious, I laughed in that little bitchs face

>> No.55660657

You’ll get replaced it’s not hard especially if you’re a student that just means your job is menial tasks and not critical

>> No.55660694
File: 85 KB, 998x498, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55661012

I'm portfolio manager so I have a lot on my table, it's a small team. But I have other adventures to tend to.

>> No.55661083

>I'm portfolio manager
no you're not
>so I have a lot on my table
english is your second language or you're a child
>I have other adventures to tend to
I'm sure you do sport

you mean to tell me somebody finishing a degree held a series 7 or 66 and made six figures handling a clients assets?

fuckin lazy larp kid.

>> No.55661101
File: 2.70 MB, 498x354, Fats MAD Trying To Get Fit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55661130

how does logic come off as angry? I know you're used to internet personalities, but regular people don't celebrate recreational outrage.

yeh faggot.

>> No.55661156

Unless you've been there for 2+ years at a job and you can uniquely perform a task, you leaving is going to suck a bit on the day you tell your boss, then they'll advertise, interview and hire someone new.

There might be a small period of time when the workload increases for other people, you're more likely to get resentment from colleagues than higher up because you're burning a reference vs either making the other wagies jelly or buttmad, but it'll smooth over.

You're not the first person to leave and won't be the last and the kind of person that is trying to "own le higher ups" is probably someone the higher ups want gone anyway.

>> No.55661165

What's so hard to believe? I'm an intraday trading power portfolio manager.
>english is your second language or you're a child
I'm an ESL, sue me fag.

>> No.55661225

what do peons make as a "power portfolio manager"?

>> No.55661328

Peanuts because I'm from a central-eastern European Shithole.

>> No.55661695

dang bruh, well best of luck and I hope you make it. there's money here, but the US is very fuckin gay rn.

>> No.55661712

(so you're not missing too much)