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55658538 No.55658538 [Reply] [Original]

hello niggers I have AVAX

>> No.55658547

Very based anon
Thinking about starting a dca journey with avax. What’s a suicide stack?

>> No.55658587
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500 is the sui, but if you can go for the make it stack of 2000 you should do that asap.
running a Validator is extremely comfy and will be very soon in very high demand.

>> No.55658609

Same but I wish I didn't, it does nothing else than dump. I'm financially ruined.

>> No.55658756
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I'm still up by ~26x from the ICO feels good man

>> No.55658862
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down 90% from ath

>> No.55658883


>> No.55658901

>this retard is 90% down from the top and didnt sell

>> No.55658915

lol imagine selling avax before it becomes deflationary and becomes a four-digit coin. Its going to 5-10k.

>> No.55658924

>selling avax before it becomes deflationary
when is that? 4 years after there's another 80% token inflation?

>> No.55658953

how will avax ever become deflationary? only c-chain burns it, not subnets. the circulating supply of this shit is still 48%, imagine what will happen when the 52% gets dumped in the market

>> No.55658955

Careful, you unknowingly walked into a paid shill thread. Everyday, Monday through Friday, a team paid by emin shit posts and clogs up 4chan. There's nothing you can do because the Turkish lira is dumping so fast that they need to be paid in AVAX to feed their village with kebabs. However, one surefire way to kill a thread is mention "double spend" and the thread dies. Unfortunately, they are paid to shit post by the hour and there's still a few hours left in the evening before the power goes out in the village.

>> No.55658988

Inderdasting…and my good friend, what do you recommend I buy instead?

>> No.55659048

the 52% will not get dumped on the market as most of it are staking rewards

real inflation is around ~20% p.a. which is high i admit

1300 stacklet myself

>> No.55659062

They can't dump 52% retard, most of it are protocol emissions

>> No.55659069

the question is how the FUCK will avax become deflationary if c-chain only burns it? answer this roaches

>> No.55659079

i'm from germany and have kids with blond hair, faggot
avax is hardcapped to 720m, so it will get deflationary in 4-5 years

>> No.55659083

so the receivers of the emissions (aka validators or delegators) will take these coins to their graves?

>> No.55659097

you can sell your rewards anytime, although staking ratio is 60%

>> No.55659099

your kids might have blonde hair because of your wife but your dark-skinned grandpa was selling kebab in the grand bazar Mehmet. 5 years until it becomes deflationary? no ty

>> No.55659123

Bought today 200 AVAX because it seems to me like the best value large cap on the market, Will this make me a millionaire in 3 years? $2500 per AVAX?

Be honest, That's all i got

>> No.55659148

when is btc going to be deflationary? what matters is token inflation and adoption through subnets - thats where the demand comes from
fees were drastically reduced rendering burning neglible


>> No.55659192

Holy shit that’s bad, no wonder you fags have to shit up the board with paid shilling and anime cat girl garbage.

>> No.55659218

a subnet needs what, 5-10 nodes? at 2k each, that makes 20k avax per subnet out of circulation. to lock even 10% of the max supply (800M), you would need 4000 subnets (currently ~10).

>> No.55659266

forgot to mention that a node can validate multiple subnets so you would actually need much more subnets to lock 10% of the supply out of circulation.

Gün fucked up the math when choosing the max supply. He also refrains from explaining the reason behind choosing 800M as max supply, if you have watched his friday talks you know it's tru.

>> No.55659307

Dont subnets fees get burned too if the subnet uses AVAX as its gas? Of course they can set their own fees as they wish so many wont use Avax and many won't have high fees but its still possible

>> No.55659312

my impression is also that the token AVAX itself is used by Avalabs to pay for stuff (dump on retail)

tokenization of real-world assets, blockchain based games etc will not help the price of AVAX only avalabs

only thing you can try is DeFi the shit out of your stack to outrun inflation
its possible to get 13-25% apr if you are a degen

>> No.55659323

Max supply is 720m though

>> No.55659325
File: 475 KB, 1070x1314, Hello Niggers I have AVAX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ICPoor arrives
what took you so long? busy day at the shitting street?
>if c-chain only burns it
its not just the C-Chain. also AVAX is already deflationary.
>a subnet needs what, 5-10 nodes?
depends on the Subnet. some will need more, some need less.
>to lock even 10%
Staking Ratio is at 62% right now and rising.

>> No.55659326

Yes but no subnet uses (other than c-chain) or would use avax as fees as this is retarded. DApps would want to rely on their own economy, not avax price fluctuations.

>> No.55659348
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Depends on the Subnet but remember,
the AVAX is needed for staking, delegating, as gas token on the Primary network and for creating Subnets and Blockchains and other assets.

>> No.55659353

>also AVAX is already deflationary
explain **how** dumbfuck. circ supply only goes up. >>55658915 also mentioned it will become deflationary but nobody can explain freaking how.

>> No.55659360

wtf you talking about dude

>> No.55659368

AVAX is hardcapped and fees are burned.
also see >>55659348
Most AVAX will be staked or delegated to Validators as is already the case. nobody is dumping.

its some butthurt ICPoorfag that spams every Avalanche thread. hes totally bootyblasted because Avalanche is killing his bags.

>> No.55659416

>its some butthurt ICPoorfag that spams every Avalanche thread. hes totally bootyblasted because Avalanche is killing his bags.
i have icp and avax bags and they are both dumping to shit. You shills are so blatant. When does the 20% per year inflation stop?

>> No.55659417

I believe that gay e-sports subnet is going to use AVAX for its Subnet and burn it.

>> No.55659439

>i have icp
lol retard
>When does the 20% per year inflation stop?
most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators. staking ratio will continue to go up.

>> No.55659469

>most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators. staking ratio will continue to go up
so when does that happen? because it seems like circulating supply is currently 40% higher than at ath

>> No.55659490
File: 203 KB, 2229x1479, avax_vesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see vesting schedule

>> No.55659496

>so when does that happen?
its already happening.
>supply is currently 40% higher than at ath
and yet the staking ratio continues to go up, in other words: nobody is dumping.

>> No.55659512

>mentioned it will become deflationary but nobody can explain freaking how.
>fees are burned
>total amount of hard capped avax supply is reduced
>emissions reduce over time
>number of total coins in circulation reduces
>this is known as deflation
It happens because all fees denominated in Avax are burned whether these are on C-chain or on subnets.

>> No.55659527

What I dont get about this is how the network will be validated after 2030 if all staking reward emissions cease entirely as appears to be the case. If thats so, what incentive will you have for validating the network?

>> No.55659538

>nobody is dumping.
People are dumping faster then you can say double spend
Dann hör auf in diesem vc scam zu investieren

>> No.55659550

so there's these multi million dollar whales staking and getting a slice of the remaining 50% AVAX remaining pie. Explain how that's not incredibly bad for small bag holders? I'm not too worried because I bought at $16 but this seems very similar to the alleged ICP scam except even worse

>in other words: nobody is dumping.
bro it's down 90% in price i don't know what world you're living in

>> No.55659553

Right, at eoy 2024 i may buy a bag if for some reason it looks promising
Kek yes they wont tell you because they cant.
Fees surely wont substain it so they likely will hard fork a higher supply in

>> No.55659566

lern' deutsch bevor du mit mir redest

subnets should be at full scale at that time
that means you are paid in gas tokens from subnets for validating
benqi is actively working on the solution where you can validate subnets using less than a validator stake - that whole idea could work out

>> No.55659594

as long as you are also delegating your stack your portion of the pie will stay the same -
it doesn't mater if you're a whale or not

>> No.55659601

Rewards for Validating Subnets, if Avalanche doesn't have loads of profitable subnets by 2030 it would have likely failed anyway. Plus I imagine they'll remove the burn mechanism and instead pay AVAX as fees to validators, like the Bitcoin model. Being deflationary is not good for growth.

>> No.55659640

Wieso sollte ich nicht deutsch können Idiot?

>> No.55659652

genitiv/dativ kannst du schon einmal nicht
und jetzt geh' weiter döner verkaufen

>> No.55659675

"in diesem Schwindel zu investieren" ist korrekt.

>> No.55659697

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.55659736

du migrant es heißt "in diesen Schwindel investieren"

ich gebe diesem Mann einen Keks
ich esse diesen Apfel

bitte mit scharf

>> No.55659739

buying or selling takes less than a Second on Avalanche thanks to the Avalanche Consensus, its finalized in under a second and there is no MEV.
>and getting a slice of the remaining 50% AVAX
now is your chance to get in on the ground floor. you dont want to become a whale?
>Explain how that's not incredibly bad for small bag holders?
the Avalanche protocol can and will scale to millions of Validators, staking ratio will move towards 99%.

>> No.55659753

Ihr seid beide Neger

>> No.55659826

It's asymptotic as max supply is approached. It's not just a constant reward rate until 720M like this random chart says. If it's 2030 and mass adoption causing high fee burning and mass lock up of avax for validators thereby increasing AVAX scarcity thereby increasing AVAX price hasn't occurred, or at least to enough degree so as to outpace the reduction in AVAX received for validating, then it doesn't matter because it means AVAX failed.

>> No.55659829

Ich bin sicher kein Migrantenabschaum
Trotzdem klingt dem hier besser
Man würde doch auch sagen in diesem Apfel zu investieren
Wie auch immerdu bist nämlich der der in Türkencoins investiert. Ich investiere in Russencoins

>> No.55659835

Ich glaube das ist was süddeutsches

>> No.55659840

enjoy your shitcoin as it goes to 0 retard

>> No.55659849

nein "Apfel" ist ein Objekt und kein Subjekt
die Frage lautet "in wen oder was investierst du" - in den Apfel!

du bist auch so einer der sagt "wo ich in Berlin gewesen bin"

>> No.55659862

Ehrlich gesagt ja das sage ich manchmal
Ist süddeutsche Dialekt

>> No.55659876
File: 94 KB, 1969x886, Deutschland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die ICPoors behaupten, die Avalanche Staker habe den Glauben an den Sieg verloren.
Glaubt ihr mit dem Führer und mit uns an den endgültigen totalen Sieg des Avalanche Netzwerks?

>> No.55659889

"süddeutscher Dialekt"

doch ein Migrant

>> No.55659894

Anyone else getting racist vibes from that N word? Better alert the authorities

>> No.55659895
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>> No.55659901
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there is only one solution (to the trilemma)

>> No.55660072

Turks are like 15-20% of Germany's population, so it makes sense you Turkish roach.
You will never be a German.

>> No.55660192

I've had a validator since 2020 and you fuckers have been saying shit like
>running a Validator is extremely comfy and will be very soon in very high demand.
Three years nigger and this is a terrible idea, much more profit trading tops and bottoms.

>> No.55660197

>Turks are like 15-20% of Germany's population
not even 5%, why lie about things you have no clue about?

>> No.55660206

>retard cant into risk management

>> No.55660218

Explain how just sitting running a 2k avax node is risk management? It's a waste of time. 0.44 AVAX per day lmao.

Explain your nonsensical comment.

>> No.55660460

>Germany's population 83M
>Turks in Germany 7M
>Now add another 7M because they lie about immigration
>not even 5% kek
Tell me that you are Turkish without telling me.

>> No.55660633

>run node
>get paid everytime

>oops you are a retard and gambled all your money away no refunds

>0.44 AVAX per day
this will be several thousand dollars in the future.

>> No.55660647

and let me guess all these imaginary turks are running Avalanche Validators.

>> No.55660681

>imaginary turks
Just because your whore of a mother arrived in Germany pregnant that doesn't make you a German.
>turks are running Avalanche Validators
159 validators in 14 million Turks seems reasonable.

>> No.55660735

so all the imaginary turks are buying and staking AVAX, are these turks with you in the room right now?
when was the last time you took your medications?

>> No.55660807

>running Avalanche Validators
>buying and staking AVAX
Changing subjects like that makes you seem a bit autistic.

>> No.55660880

>Changing subjects
are you mentally handicapped or something or did you not know that AVAX is needed to run Validators?

>> No.55661776

Some retards have DCAed Luna and ICP. Buying more avax doesn't change a thing anonfag, I'm solely focused on accumulating KAS, altcoinistdao predicts this gem to melt faces

>> No.55662600

>running a Validator is extremely comfy and will be very soon in very high demand.

>> No.55662619
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Look at all these pajeets seething over my bags, almost teared up a little & everything.

>> No.55662928

So you just watched it fall from $140 down to $10 and did nothing?

>> No.55662959
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For the fiftieth fucking time, idgaf, I have POND

>> No.55663008

And yet nobody cares, just like with avax or link

>> No.55663014

Ah they definitely are but you're simply ignoring it kek

>> No.55663017

who tf are you and why should I care

>> No.55663022
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You're definitely Pic Rel

>> No.55663526
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>> No.55663664

Is running a validator really worth it? Are you running on AWS or your own hardware or what? What’s the best way to go about it?

Finally stacked enough to run one and was considering doing so after my current delegation ends.

>> No.55663857

>Is running a validator really worth it?
>or your own hardware or what?
>What’s the best way to go about it?
if you can you should always go for the NEETnode at home.

>> No.55663883

>if you can you should always go for the NEETnode at home.

This is pretty much the only good option, nothing else is worth considering.

>> No.55664295
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>> No.55665191
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Based anon

>> No.55665413

kek, Avalanche consensus is unironically the 'final solution' to consensus as in it scales better than the gossip protocol. you literally cannot come to consensus faster.

midwits can stick with ICP or Polygon or whatever trash that is offering them promises of software that doesn't even exist. so much easier to sell a dream than sell a product, all the scammers like Dom and Sandeep know this, probably embedded deep in their kikey neural firmware.