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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55653019 No.55653019 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically this is significant.
When a state fails to perform basic duties with consistency, it falls into failed state status.
The basic duties of the state are to protect rights and do so by claiming a monopoly on violence. If the IRS (see: government) can no longer claim a monopoly on violence, then the state has failed.

>> No.55653034

That's because I'm a sovereign individual, my own personal state, and IRS agents are pig food.

>> No.55653076

Try stealing from the irs and our country in my small town and yall gon have a problem
Pay your f#cking taxes yall

>> No.55653091

Let me give you a quick schizo rundown on why the IRS hires 75k employees and then pulls a move like this.
>Gensler becomes head through bad actor support soley to fuck with crypto until the institutions outdevelop the opensourcefags.
>Knows his time is limited and there will be a cleansing once he leaves and the IRS is proven corrupt/incompetent.
>Hires 75k fluff workers for investigators to work through which they won't manage successfully.
>Some bad actors remain after purge because of the sheer quantity.

>> No.55653112

republicucks actually hold that stance

>> No.55653131

We gotta pay our veterans and china been actin up

>> No.55653139

>IRS agents are pig food
i really want to try some jamon de judeo

>> No.55653143

Racists ain’t gonna purge themselves.

>> No.55653213

if(hired in last 2 years && != (Jewish || nigger))

They'll just run that and it all goes away

>> No.55653254
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DEATH to ALL glowniggers

>> No.55653450

that only fires one person, anon. you forgot the loop.
>t. snide faggot

>> No.55653598

I assumed it was a subroutine of the Subvert class :^)

>> No.55653707

>china been actin up
Why are you anglos afraid of bugs?

>> No.55654240

Because we have more than a surface level understanding of the universe unlike you subhumans

>> No.55654260

what's wrong, the diversity squad can't handle anyone above a room temperature iq?

>> No.55654571

I thought the new hires got repealed during the debt ceiling bill. What this actually is is IRS leadership throwing a tantrum and trying to tank tax receipts so they can point and say look how necessary it is for us to hire more people

>> No.55654609

fun fact! If you work overseas for >6 months out of the year, you can claim tax exempt status on 100% of your income below $120,000 for your 2023 taxes.
>fly to mexico
>walk back across border so your visa doesn't get stamped
>save $60k/year with this one simple trick!

>> No.55654694

you still have to pay taxes in mexico though right?

>> No.55654856

Depends on the country, but typically yes.

>> No.55654900

Gentler is SEC, not IRS retard.

>> No.55654914

What everyone in this thread fails to understand is that taxes will soon be significantly automated, and significantly less burden will be on an individual to report their own as ((they)) will soon already know. They'll be sending in the riot squad instead, hope you've been obeying the law

>> No.55654987

The state has failed but the people have suceeded. The crazies keep us all safe.

And btw, what the FUCK is wrong with announcing your visit first? How about pick up a phone, cunts?

>> No.55655029

more likely people don't answer the door. They are not knocking on poor people's door in the ghetto.They are knocking on middle and upper class doors

>> No.55655126

>soon be significantly automated
Can they hurry up please? I though intuit lobbied against the IRS publishing an automated tool. Every other civilized country has auto tax filing, why can't we?

>> No.55655133

Yeah. You need to subsidize his food stamps and his dying community.

>> No.55655153

Can someone help me resolve how people can be
but also
>Hate the government
But also
>Follow all laws

>> No.55655165

Automating taxes would destroy tons of good accountant, software, and customer support jobs. You hate America. You hate our GDP.

>> No.55655180

turns out the gubmint is not the country. simple as.

>> No.55655188

>the state has failed.

>> No.55655203

Love for your country's ideals doesn't mean being a slave to your gubmint.
Simple as.

>> No.55655222

Well then maybe the State should reform how it acts if it wants to conduct business safely.

>> No.55655237

The US government are known liars and gaslight the citizenry all the time. They have no incentive to be honest.

>> No.55655349

What do we need them for again?

>> No.55655373

Except that riot squad can only target one person at a time. If everybody stopped paying taxes they couldn't do jackshit.
The only reason they hold that power is because the people consent to it. If they revoke that consent it's over.

>> No.55655399

By them, do you mean politicians? Get the guillotine ready, politicians are not only not needed but are resource draining parasites .

>> No.55655470


Good. Now end no-knock warrants.

>> No.55655480
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>> No.55655539

Why, isn't that a wonderful question.

>> No.55655717

>destroy tons of good accountant, software, and customer support jobs. You hate America. You hate our GDP.
Every job destroyed is money saved for the consumer. Fuck the tax prep industry. Fuck the healthcare insurance industry. And fuck the coal miners and oil drillers. They can all get taxpayer-funded unemployment UBI out the wazoo and it will still save everybody trillions of dollars.

>> No.55655753
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>> No.55655947

only poor people pay taxes

>> No.55656004

Just as soon as all capital gains and dividends are taxed as regular income and health, retirement, and all business tax deductions and government incentives are nulled and void by a global authority, and all private businesses are registered and regulated through a world central authority tied to individual biometric profiles.

>> No.55656005

If Hunter Biden doesn’t have to pay taxes why should I?

>> No.55656046
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Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. The world is bottom up not top down, emergent, organic, the State a dying memetic parasite, feebly grasping for relevancy after technology obsolesced it's function (propagation & memetic convergence) within the meme complex. "Nothing ever happens" "everything is fake and gay" why? Because the State is dying, if not already dead, a bloated memetic corpse puppeted by grifters.

The last meaningful lever the Statists have is fiat, from which their influence over Economy rests, but this influence is perverse and inefficient, while Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions! Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found. You know the path, you just need to follow it.