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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55651657 No.55651657 [Reply] [Original]

>Eric Schmidt - Former CEO, Google
>Qian Jiang - Director, Capital Markets and Digital Assets, Swift
>Laurence Moroney - AI Lead, Google
>Allison Duettmann - CEO, Foresight Institute (globohomo transhumanist thinktank)
>John Whelan - Managing Director of Digital Assets, Santander
>Nitin Gaur - Global Head of Digital Assets and Technology Design, State Street
>Thomas Dugauquier - Tokenized Assets Product Lead, Swift
>Alexandre Kech - Head Digital Securities, SIX Digital Exchange (SDX)
>Andrés Fondevila - Digital Assets BBVA Asset Management & Global Wealth, BBVA
>Filip Mertens - Developer Remix, Ethereum Foundation
>Tobias Wohland - Senior DevOps engineer and technical lead, Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH
>Iñaki Moreno - BD Lead, Web3 Google Cloud, Google
>Vitalik? still refuses to show up

>> No.55651698

>Vitalik? still refuses to show up
suprised, of course you wont show up to the thing whose stated mission it is to eat your lunch

>> No.55651709
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>Smart Con

>> No.55651734
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vitalik has more important priorities, like attending pro-MEV conferences sponsored by Paradigm VC

>> No.55651849

i smell a price dump incoming

>> No.55651864

Is this the new narrative now that ccip is a confirmed flop?

>> No.55651871

a younger me wouldve been ecstatic to see a lineup like this but if all they're going to talk about is the wonderful possibilities of crypto then fuck them. we've gone over all the possibilities we need actual progress and development. what are the chances of the swift bitch announcing their poc turned into a pilot?

>> No.55651893
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>July 7, 2020
>LINK: $6.47
>BTC: $9,108
>ETH: $246
>BNB: $16.77
>ADA: $0.12
>SOL: $0.75
>DOGE: $0.003
>LTC: $43
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.01
>XRP: $0.19

>July 7, 2023
>LINK: $6.16
>BTC: $30,342
>ETH: $1,868
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.28
>SOL: $21.90
>DOGE: $0.06
>LTC: $98
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.079
>XRP: $0.47

Ouch. Cope n seethe bagholder. I bet that bag is feeling heavy

>> No.55651897

Historically they don’t announce shit

>> No.55651933

>i-if we don't get to profit off of you, it's le communism!
Don't mEtheads love communism anyway?

>> No.55652027

swift confirmed their ccip poc last smartcon and they released staking details

>> No.55652072

Holy shit we are going to throw these parasites on the streets.

>> No.55652440

Every smart con is a buzzword bingo drinking game. Nothing material, just an excuse to look like there's progress being made. There were smartcons in the past featuring Fidelity, Microsoft, Oracle, etc. Do any of those companies utilize Chainlink? No? Then SmartCon is a giant waste of time. What happened to the guy who /biz/ used to spam, John Wolpert?

>> No.55652495

He's still around https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnwolpert

>> No.55652566

He actually follows Francisco funny enough, the guy who threatened to shoot Sergey

>> No.55654081

Retarded shitskin peddling MEV. Scamming is in the blood my benchods.

>> No.55654111

it always happens...always

>> No.55654154

dude chainlink's business model is hyping up their conferences on this board with breadcrumbs and rumors of 'institutional adoption' and then dumping tokens on retards. Nobody earns a dime with oracles.

>> No.55654604

And then they stop doing them because you retards complain and you go "wow chainlink is really dead now, the scam is over" no wonder you retards get called cucks, you literally manifest your own defeat and block your own shot. No wonder you guys talk about betrayal. You betray yourselves with every breath. Guess what? If you ever set foot on the yacht, it will sink and all your link wealth will mean nothing because you are a loser and losing is your destiny. :^)

>> No.55654755

>confirmed flop?
Successful launch is a flop? You meant price?

>> No.55654769

Kek baggies

>> No.55654773

Kek fuddies

>> No.55654800

kek cuckold baggies

>> No.55654807

You both own link faggots.

>> No.55654818

>anyone that makes fun of me must make the same dumb decisions as me
t. lolcow cuckold


>> No.55654897

If 3x my net worth is considered a dumb decision, I want to a retard. I’ll even wear a helmet

>> No.55654911

You forgot

>Francisco - Global head and CEO of beating the shit out of that fat scammer sergey

>> No.55654916

>I want to a retard.

Jesus Christ, all chaincuckolds are shitskin esl inbreds bragging about their lunchmoney.

>> No.55655210

Cope, you must've mistaken me for a link holder. I remember biz spamming smartcon speakers years ago and they turned out to just talk shop, how's the weather, heh crypto is pretty cool, yeah wow if it gets adopted watch out! It's so cringy and try hard by companies attempting to look hip like fidelity did. Where is fidelity on the chainlink chart? Oh they never bought in, and never used the token. Swing and a miss

>> No.55655367

I hate that Tarun jeet so much. There’s something about him that I find absolutely revolting.

>> No.55655398
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I can already picture it. Fat boy sitting on stage overconfidently rambling “huhhh im hearing some really interesting stuff out of Asia”

>> No.55655504

>doesn’t hold link
>writes wall of text opinion pieces in link threads
Take up a hobby, anon, Jesus Christ. Learn woodworking. Take half the time you spend in emotional uproar about my investment and use it learning to make tongue and groove joints in hardwood. You’ll be way happier.