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File: 246 KB, 650x648, nittermusk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55649151 No.55649151 [Reply] [Original]

Looking at this timeline it seems to me as if Musk always tried to connect people via technology.
This includes mobility (hightech cars)
Interoperability + mobility(SpaceX)
Telepathy(???) (Neuralink)
And now communication (Twitter)

Now he wants to rebrand it to X.xom
Now here is the deal:
He already had a company x.com 23 years ago which has been an Online bank that had been merged into PayPal/was one of its predecessors.
He said something like that X will reshape financial systems or sth like that.
Considering the history of X.com this seems legit.
It is also prominent that his announcement was made after the XRP verdict.
What does he mean by that?

>> No.55649161

I definitely think that he might try to give the crypto market a push by creating a new crypto network called x.com where you can chat with each other(old twitter) but can also make crypto transactions with each other.
It might become the new paypal(and more)

Idk seems bullish for DOGE to me
Just imagine the announcement that he actually tries to make a paypal for cryptocurrency.
DOGE will explode and so his own huge bags.

>> No.55649177

it seems to me that ur a faggot

>> No.55649189

He’s a retard

>> No.55649195

Musk has no long-term vision. He does shit like this, waits for the myth-making to start, finds schizo-posts he likes, then says "that's what I meant all along!" and all his fanboys cum.

>> No.55649198

sounds like he's gonna buy dfinity

>> No.55649217

why do you care what this retard does, I'm genuinely curious

>> No.55649394
File: 62 KB, 1024x621, 1690203927237517m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all rushing to see who will make the global CBDC.
There's a lot on the table. Worldcoin? Ripple? X?
Who's coin are you gonna bite on?
You WILL have a global CBDC and be Happy!

>> No.55649401

wooooaaahh anon this ride is going way too fast! get me off

>> No.55649458

X.com will just become one big marketing platform for Musk and his shitty products from cars over satellite internet to KlausSchwab-neuralink + twitter
The question is what currency will be used there. Will he stick to his shitty Doge coin?

>> No.55649493


the man loses BILLIONS on a shitty social media site that is rebranded as a shittier site named X and you think that what he says on crypto matters anymore?

You can't even scroll on the gimped twitter for crypto news and info because this faggot screw that up with post limits.

>> No.55649550

reddit fags will stick to him until the end.
They will buy the woof woof coin when elon says so

>> No.55649617


except that fag is no longer a reddit, rick-and-morty hero when he rebranded himself as """based""". And now no one trusts him when he comes across as a WEF glowie except brown jeets who still worship him. Where have you been for the past 2 years?

>> No.55649635

Who gives a shit.

Fuck you dude. Fuck off.

>> No.55649653

Should have been fpbp. OP is fag

>> No.55649662

just look at the doge chart.
Once he announces that his shitty coin will become some base transaction mean in his X world, it will double within minutes.
redditfags will fomo in

>> No.55650579


>> No.55650597

It's called Yaccarino Chat, chud. X is just the logo. Yaccers are such fags.

>> No.55650959

I still think it's a sell signal. You're talking about the man that bought during the bull run of the halving and sold during the bear market, then bought a propaganda network (twitter) that was subsudized by the government that lost its government subsudies.I mean, dude is rich as fuck and doesn't care... not exactly sure I'd be putting my money in the same place a man that is like "well, I can afford to lose 50 billion here or 40 billion there for the lulz".

>> No.55651126

This guy is beyond retarded. He changed twitter to x.com, the everything app that is going to be a messaging app, a banking app, an identity app, and so on. X.com will be more, and therefore, norhing like twitter. Apparently the idea comes from Wechat.
Musk, being an slave to both the WEF and the CCP, will create the ultimate umpersoning tool for the unwashed and ignorant masses.
That is, if this retarded idea works. He spent 44 billions on twitter, just to retool it into something that is nothing like twitter. The same way you would buy a car just to remake it into a series of clocks. This is despair on his side, because threads, even though is woethless, spells the end of twitter.
If Musk suceeds, we all are fucked. If he fails, he is fucked. And yet, you got paycophants applauding like trained seals at every fuck up he commits.

>> No.55651135

now you understand why 4chan is allowed to exist

>> No.55651191

> Telepathy(???) (Neuralink)
This thing is bullshit, right? Seems like all it does is induce or detect certain brain states artificially. Like some kind of fancy shock therapy that can at best lobotomize you. Right?

>> No.55651288

>x will be everything
>turns out he is just another puppet or asset of the elite and this platform is actually theirs
>"ha got you, bitch" is what they will think

>> No.55652263

>people in this thread actually believe you can 'become a billionaire' and that they aren't all selected actors playing their roles

>> No.55652350


Musk is an idiot that got tricked into buying a 40 billion dollar money pit because the entire country made fun of him for offering a horse for a handjob from some rando.

>> No.55652353

Connecting things?
Like ccip?

>> No.55652376

all posts above this one are ingenuine, inorganic astroturfing. probably all bots.

>> No.55652390

he should've bought zombo.com instead

>> No.55652601

The amount of money Tesla stock lost would have been more than all of Twitter cost
He literally saved money

>> No.55653908

this man can't end his life soon enough

>> No.55654406

The only CBDC I need is Ex Em Ar.

>> No.55655059

found out what blackmagic the daimler russians are trying when flashing the front radar?

>> No.55655191

>2022: wife leaves him for trans person, brain breaks

>> No.55655884

nothing to do with XRP, everything to do with Chainlink Oracles

>> No.55656154

Ok, linkies are the true schizos now.

>> No.55656420

Guys you realize that bed bath and beyond will be the catalyst to this shit right?

Check elons tweet history.
Mentions "beyond"
References shorts coming back for more.
Gmerica is coming.

All you faggots better get on the towel train before you're brokies

>> No.55656431
File: 355 KB, 829x431, not2bepoopingheredear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drown in the Ganges.

>> No.55657943

This is just a marketing gimmick for X COM 3
>It's about damn time.

>> No.55658061


>> No.55658215

The guy can pump whatever he likes with a single tweet. Whether he has valid opinions or not on crypto, he has more power than most in the sector.

>> No.55658357
File: 147 KB, 800x760, ghckjhcgkcggc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah except he was born into an incredibly wealthy family with valuable resources at his disposal.

>> No.55658382

>Looking at this timeline
There is only one timeline, there is no multiverse. How hard is that for you to see?

>> No.55658496

yeah it is time to short twitter/x and long DOGE + Bitcoin
he meant the timeline on the nitter screencap, are you drunk bro

>> No.55658525

And he made excellent use of them. Most trust fund retards lose it all, see hunter biden

>> No.55658637

For X to become a meaningful part of the financial system they would have to connect their legacy backend to blockchains and banking systems