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File: 129 KB, 967x574, connect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55645751 No.55645751 [Reply] [Original]

7/23/2023 it is $7.65. In 2020, CCIP wasn't even public knowledge. Staking was still a pipe dream. There were few integrations. Eric Schmidt wasn't hired as an advisor yet. The first SmartCon hadn't taken place. Kemal was still at Google. DECO wasn't thought of. Bitcoin was under 10 thousand dollars.

That means, by default, the tokenomics of this project are bullshit. The staking reward tokens are just numbers on a screen, tokens in Sergey's pocket that aren't slated to be dumped for food. The token isn't worth as much as animal coins after the release of a "cross chain protocol" or a staking product. There are no catalysts left that would send this dogshit past the animal shitcoins, it's right where it belongs.

So next time you say FSS or DECO or some other bullshit will send it higher, remember it was this price when link was simply a mainnet token.

>> No.55645758

the vcs owe you niggers nothing

>> No.55645762


>> No.55645763
File: 43 KB, 397x784, a22mi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tokenomics
It's a funding token for a fatass that aggressively dumps into any pump.

>> No.55645764

And then what price did it top out at later? Nice one moron

>> No.55645770
File: 126 KB, 409x409, baggiecope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then what price did it top out at later? Nice one moron

>> No.55645785

why do you keep avoiding me? refute my arguments already. or maybe you can't?

>> No.55645789

Thank you for proving my point anon, you took the bait. Chainlink reached $50+ without CCIP, staking, or 200000 integratoors

In other words, it simply reached $50 being dragged up with 60 thousand dollar Bitcoins. Remind me what I said earlier, link was $7.65 when bitcoin was under $10k? So naturally, what happened when Bitcoin went to $60k?

>> No.55645828

This is when it begins, LINK will have an amazing year in 2024 and 2025

>> No.55645838
File: 60 KB, 822x1024, 1642125790261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wait 80 years
>link was always a multi-generational hodl

>> No.55645865

0% chance. It is over. CCIP was the last cannonball on the ship and it got stuck in the cannon. You couldn't even sustain $8 before the hype died completely. Congratulations on the journey from $7.65 to $7.65

>> No.55645880

link will never be ISO 20022 compliment
until then it is just a proof of concept

>> No.55645909

Truflation numbers are bullshit.

>> No.55645913

This. And so why is bitcoin now 30k and chainlink is STILL at $7.65~? Actual fucking scam token. Sergey and friends just use big fancy words and acronyms to get you fucking nerds to keep buying into this bullshit. Then dump all over you retards as soon as it starts trending upwards. Fuck Chainlink, fuck Sergey, and fuck everyone that shills this dumpster token. Yes I’m a I’m a link holder and the moment I go green even by a cent, I’m getting off this dog shit ride.

>> No.55645916


>> No.55645917

oh hi michael!

>> No.55645922

Fuck meeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.55645931

Fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.55645934

Because it uses Chainlink.

>> No.55645941

Fuck me me fuck me fuck me fuck me

>> No.55645943

Before I do the math, is Oldfag aka updooter aka anstothemoon aka Michael aka the Canadian chink also the coomer fudder? Because I think we could calculate the amount of semen he has depleted in the years spent fudding Chainlink. The correlation is for you to decide however the raw numbers I believe can be achieved.

>> No.55645982
File: 910 KB, 740x900, link-addicted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2024 EOY: $37
Suicidal ideations are perpetually torturing my mind. 3 years down the drain all while other projects are reaching new heights
>2025 EOY: $240
A slight alleviation to my worries, but not a respite. The opportunity loss has been gigantic, but at least we are now close to catching up; I can finally buy non-discount ramen
>2026 EOY: $105
I am on suicide watch due to a failed attempt. Our pump was the weakest yet we dumped the most during the crash. The psychiatrists successfully used hypnosis on me to make me stop obsessing overhow rich I would be if I invested on literally everything else but LINK
>2027 EOY: $165
My 30th birthday. Years of stress and financial failures have crushed my spirit and I've hit the wall worse than a White woman. I am stll nowhere close to making it, all while my peers are getting married and started families. I am still a KV because I wasted all my youth making crypto research and posting here, despite that I am still in 6 figure hell
>2028 EOY: $630
I am finally comfortable in the 7 figures. Despite that I feel absolutely nothing. No joy, no vindication. No negative feelings either. I am an empty shell of what I once was. This is the 10 year anniversary of me discovering and investing on LINK. A faint trace of emotions is invoked within me as I imagine what my life would have been if I never got into Chainlink
>2029 EOY: $1200
I have made it. I could sell everything and live in luxury for the rest of my life. Was it worth it?
>2030 EOY: $2000+
Chainlink has tainted my existence. I still live in my cheap house, the only way wealth has improved my life is that I do not have to worry about bills or wagecucking anymore. I post here daily. My dopamine receptors are completely fried, to the point where I can hardly enjoy anything. Years of isolation have distanced me off my family and few friends. Romance is no longer a possibility, at least not with any woman that is not a walking redflag. My soul has been crushed

>> No.55645991

>measuring chainlink in dollars
pure cope

if you aren't man enough to measure your alts in btc you're never going to make it.

>> No.55646008
File: 259 KB, 512x512, 1690168084605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek if you listened to the "fudders" at any point in the last 3 years you would of been financially better off then drowning with the cult shills who are strung out on hopium and copium

>> No.55646016
File: 310 KB, 2399x1101, linkbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this work?

>> No.55646112
File: 299 KB, 1074x910, 1690169145928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could put this on every linkfags ceiling above their bed so they can see the marvelous performance and result of their super secret genius investment

>> No.55646118

What a disaster

>> No.55646123

link nigger trash have no refutation to this

>> No.55646136
File: 85 KB, 532x600, 6a00d8341c72e153ef022ad357dbf1200c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinkcels literally have no arguments.
Their entire existence depends on this ICO premined shitcoin from 2017 achieving a more ridiculous valuation than it has already achieved (a company that makes $32 per day is worth less than a Lemonade stand run by kids).

>> No.55646139

yes. notice how 2020 was the pico top, not the 2021 price caused by bitcoin dragging it's deprecating ass upwards.

>> No.55646142

>And then what price did it top out at later?

Funny that it never saw that ATH in 2021 when everything else was mooning.

Dead shitcoin. Your bags = terminally heavy.

>> No.55646145

>a company that makes $32 per day
that's it? the obese ceo dumped billions of dollars worth of chainlink the best they can do for revenue generation is $32 dollars per day?

>> No.55646152

Didn't read, never buying.

>> No.55646171

its the xrp model. string your normie investors along just long enough to dump your premined coins so you can ensure your own survival.

standard playbook, a constant stream of announcements of announcements, unimportant and tertiary products, long visions of the future with nothing to show today, and most importantly, never actually releasing anything that exposes your market insignificance.

>> No.55646172

kek, loving the frame. Sergey and team should be sent this artwork everytime they tweet about how important chainlink price feeds are. They're literally worth less than pre-staking and pre-ccip. Disastrous project that used /biz/ for liquidity

>> No.55646207
File: 509 KB, 1923x1360, 1686034273417022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is a much more elaborate and sophisticated premine scam.

I like to compare LINK more to VeChain: a game of stick and carrot with a steady flow of nebulous claims of corporate partnerships (most of which are merely paid endorsements, paid for with LINK tokens dumped to the spot market) and nothing of substance ever being delivered.

>> No.55646221

it's not that much more sophisticated, they were just earlier and were able to run up both in 2013 and finally in 2017 because of it. ultimately the same exact grift under the covers, promising a product they know both the market they're going after doesn't want and that they know they can't deliver.

>> No.55646242
File: 16 KB, 320x364, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fair point. Really dissapointed that the SEC couldn't bring a better case against them. XRP and LINK truly are some of the most obvious and egregious cases of securitities laws violations I can think of.

>> No.55646261

2023 was destined to be a shit year no matter what. I don't think anyone was expecting anything good to happen.

>> No.55646281

just take advantage of it, no point caring what others are doing. xrp and even link were both great pump and dumps for the end and beginning of the 2017 and 2021 cycles respectively. if you only invest in "pure" assets like bitcoin you might not end up losing all of your money but you're leaving a lot on the table.

it's a clown world, you don't have to put the shoes on but you might as well see the show.

>> No.55646286
File: 1.08 MB, 1340x1855, metcalfeslaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metcalfe's law, an intrinsic part of the universe, is "some other bullshit"

kek fuddies

>> No.55646471

If you didn't get the memo we're already way past "12" bro

>> No.55646516

Cracked a chuckle out of me ngl.

I have 1,250 link and it's not my best performing asset to say the least. I want to ride it for a bit longer though. Cost average is about 10 buckaroos.

>> No.55646553

pathetic stinkie
let us mock him :}

>> No.55646556

It's still one of the best performing coins of all times. At least it's holding up against the USD.

>> No.55646580

ooo what do we have here?
a coping wopey shmophey linkie stinkie? :}
you will never attain your life goals, stinker

>> No.55646586

You can shit on me all you want but you gotta admit the logo and marketing decks look slick as fuck. The Chainlink promo material is just so clean and the design language is better than anything else in the space. The logo is instantly recognizable, calming, and subtly Jewish.

>> No.55646597

>ID has SUI in it
Ah fuck....linkbros?? Please help?

>> No.55646600
File: 345 KB, 1082x2048, 1690174513661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's still one of the best performing coins of all times. At least it's holding up against the USD.
Its not.

>> No.55646601

muh this
muh that
all i have to do is point at the chart, stinkie :}
all your buzzwords fade into nothingness
when i say "chart" :}

>> No.55646618

>Muh chart
Listen fag I just like the token ok?

>> No.55646627


>> No.55646650

Im confused what happened to all the link shillers talking about ccip the last 3 weeks. They shitted up the board and now can't find one to save your life. I kinda think they were just looking for exit liquidity.

>> No.55646687


>> No.55646699

First paragraph insanely bullish yes we have had lots of great news WAGMI bros