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55643696 No.55643696 [Reply] [Original]

People who have managed to work your way up to 1 Bitcoin, what do you plan to do with it?

Do you have a target price for selling?
Will you sell it whole or slowly?
Or do you plan to just hold it forever or something?

>> No.55643738

I plan to dump everything when btc hits 65k for the last time

>> No.55643741


>> No.55643755

I generally subscribe to the 4-year cycles view driven by the halvening events, so my targets are more time-based than price-based. I began dollar cost averaging into BTC around July 2022 when it first broke 20k and have basically continued to do so up until the last few months. At a high level I'm expecting the real movement to begin sometime in '25, a year after the halving in April 2024. The hardest thing to do right now for someone who has been smart and accumulated bitcoin below 25k or so is to sit on your hands and do NOTHING for at least a YEAR or more. Don't fumble. I've learned this lesson the hard way in prior cycles (3k > 13k runup in mid-late 2019)

>> No.55644044

This sounds sensible. I think I'm still holding on too much fiat. I spread the fiat all over this year with a dca strategy, but maybe it's a mistake and I should just invest all I have right now and forget about it for the next couple of years.

>> No.55644063

Hodl for 2 decades and retire in my 40’s

>> No.55644997

I have around 21 BTC.. if I convert my alts.. it should round to around 29 BTC..

my target price is this.. one simple indication..

when coinbase becomes the most downloaded app in the iphone app store..

>> No.55645558

I have 15 btc, if i convert all my alts i'd have 28-30 as well.
I still dont have any sort of sell strategy but i need to do something this time to grow stacks other than just buying...
I have never sold 1sat, i sold an nft(unisock) for a bit over 100k when eth was at 4500 to pay off my house and 10k link at $20 which i flipped to btc and eth.

>> No.55645586

>when coinbase becomes the most downloaded app in the iphone app store..
uhh...sweaty, that happened in 2017

>> No.55645661

I have 1 BTC which is only 20% of my crypto folio, the rest being ETH and other alts. I expect my alts to outperform BTC on average, which is why I'm not heavily weighted in BTC, but I wanted one whole bitcorn in case hyperbitcoinization ever played out (I doubt it will though). I'll hodl it until about 1M USD per bitcorn, then consider selling it. Or keeping it forever to use as collateral for loans, but that would require the volatility to decrease substantially and obviously for the value to stay high. Not obvious this will happen.

>> No.55645810

Obvious to me if you open your eyes in the world and bitcoin itself

>> No.55645844

You realize that institutions like BlackRock could accumulate enough to manipulate the BTC price like they do with gold, right? I'm sure BTC has a pump or two left, but I'm not convinced (((they))) can't tame it and start manipulating it with futures and such.

>> No.55645885

>1M USD per bitcorn
You people are delusional

>> No.55646003
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I have over 100 BTC and I am still a virgin.

>> No.55646062

That would be around a $15 trillion dollar market cap. You think that's delusional? How big is the bond market and what's the return in real terms?

>> No.55646208


>> No.55646226
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>, what do you plan to do with it?

Attain freedom from the fiat corporate-ZOG pyramid scheme.

>> No.55646255

>Sept 2019 repo market failure
>Bitcoin = pristine collateral
It's all so tiresome

>> No.55646342

you are wrong.. it happened in 2021 as well.. that's how I ended up selling at the peak.. here is the article.


wait till CB hits #1 and then cashout after 10 days!

>> No.55646395

Here you are poor losers, I have 983 BTC

>> No.55646411

Good metric. I’ll keep an eye out.

Everyone calling for 120k will be front ran by 100k-we who will be front ran by 80k-ers. I’m looking at 75k to be a safe take profit but I feel like being greedy ;)

>> No.55647077

For one, that would put Bitcoin at 19T market cap dumbass. That would be 6T more than gold. The second largest asset by market cap in the world is Apple at just 3T market cap. That would mean Bitcoin would have a larger market cap than gold by twice the market cap of the next largest asset, leading me to my next point. Bitcoin is an asset, not a market like bonds as you mention. Also, bonds are a lot safer than Bitcoin and pay out interest. If you hold a bond to maturity, you get back everything you originally invested. This is not true for Bitcoin as it is very volatile, making the “store of value” argument a meme. Lastly, people buy bitcoin simply to hold it and sell at a higher price to the next sucker that buys in. Bitcoins price and crypto in general is heavily manipulated by market makers.

>> No.55647218
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You will always be a slave as long as you wear their chain of fiat around your neck.

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons during the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.

Social spending acts as a supply-side subsidy for labor, a worker CAN'T sell their labor for less than subsistence, but what happens if we give them food stamps, subsided housing, Medicare etc? Well now they can sell their labor for less than it costs to produce!

But wait! How were those social programs paid for? Deficit spending? Exactly. Deficit spending is an expansion of the money supply (simple dilution), it robs ALL income earners and gives to asset holders (as an increase in money supply will naturally inflate assets), a HUGE and on going parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, THIS is the driving force of the wage/productivity divergence seen since the 60s.

Notice that the fiat grift also suppress incomes of white collar workers by tricking them into believing the nominal gains on house value is wealth instead of inflation, why mechanical engineers etc get paid so poorly, $60k seems like a lot if you bought 30 or 40 years ago, but you haven't gotten wealthy, your real terms income has just drilled through the floor.

Even illegal immigration, generally seen as a driver of wage stagnation, is merely a justification for further debasement, or do you think paco is here for our magic clay and not our social welfare spending?

There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money.

>> No.55647232

Dullard. "Physical" BTC settlement will always be cheap, physical gold settlement never happens, making paper manipulation trivially easy, gold also has had a de-monetization headwind since the 70s

>> No.55647245

Based. BTC is for long term. I hold and play with alts like AstraDAO. The returns I get from their indexing platform helps to sustain my portfolio.

>> No.55647288

>I generally subscribe to the 4-year cycles view driven by the halvening events, so my targets are more time-based than price-based.
Based and ygmipilled.

>> No.55647539

why would I sell actual digitial money that cant be fucked with by (((central banks))) when all I'd get in return is paper 'money' that is only fit for wiping my arse with?
I'm holding my btc until the dollar collapses.

>> No.55647634

Dump everything in 2025 obviously

>> No.55647641

Wtf... I can't post