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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 431x428, walmart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55639012 No.55639012 [Reply] [Original]

I work at a supermarket making 10 pounds an hour and all my colleagues think im an idiot because im 30 and working minimum wage. I keep my personal life to my self but ive set up a business thats netted half a million dollars. Everyone treats me like an idiot

>> No.55639024

Sorry you are mistreated, hope you continue to do well and save enough to buy their properties they live at out from under them Mr. Brit.

>> No.55639026

Woah woah woah, let's back up a little here. You just said you made a business that's raked in half a million dollars!? And you work at Walmart? What the hell!

>> No.55639027

I started working there because I had no social life not for the money. I wanted somewhere to go for a few days a week its part time

>> No.55639091

What’s your business?

>> No.55639107

Answer the question, you spergy kike. This is why nobody likes you.

>> No.55639111

Dude. Jobs attract the people they deserve. No offence, but unless you are aiming to make your social circle retards and fuck ups who have nowhere else to go but Walmart, you're retarded.

I'm not shitting on working-class people, plenty of working class jobs where people are fine and hard working. Inverse for office jobs, plenty of faggots and tards there too, but Walmart as a company is (((them)))-tier.

Work admin at a local company or something. Hell, even service jobs if you don't mind the abuse you get from frustrated wagie customers. Every barista job I've held has been with the friendliest people I've met, and you get to fuck hot barista girls. Customer service jobs also force you to sharpen your social skills like a jew burning with the rage of a thousand suns.

>> No.55639114

He's retarded. Fuck him.

>> No.55639122

Im happy with the job ive made a lot of friends. I just wish people didnt think I was stupid because of their pre conceived ideas of my circumstances

>> No.55639125

But you are stupid.

>> No.55639161

>think you're retarded
I don't think you're good at this socialising thing OP.

>> No.55639200

I think it’s all in your head. I managed a grocery store and like half the hourly staff people there were early retirees, people doing second jobs for investments/college funding and drug dealers needing insurance

>> No.55639578
File: 273 KB, 1300x958, convenience-store-interior-variety-good-shelves-display-57214846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to open up a convenience store and sell snacks and vapes to zoomers. Life is going good.

>> No.55639630

Nice plan but there could be issues with such a business. https://youtu.be/dnru2z7Ljz4

>> No.55639664

Jews mad
>Jews mad
Jews mad
>Jews mad

>> No.55639725

what if THEY all own multimillion dollar businesses and by comparison they are correct in thinking you're retarded?

Have you thought about that, mister whiny "people assume about me but don't point out I'm assuming about them" braggard?

>> No.55639739

kek this, op thinks he's special when every single walmart wagie is running multimillion dollar businesses on the side. Get on their fucking level pleb

>> No.55639755

Why don't you volunteer instead working with some charity. That way customers will treat you better, and coworkers will respect you more, plus you're doing something genuinely good.

>> No.55639766

Tell us more about your business?

>> No.55639799

He manufacturers shit threads to piss people off, outsourced to India so the quality went down but still works

>> No.55639916

>you get to fuck hot barista girls. If you’re attractive.

There I fixed it for you.

>> No.55639958

well you just called a dollar a pound so you might be a lil special innit mate

>> No.55640959

>d0od i work a job that stupid people work and i wish people didnt think i was stupid because im not stoopid!
get help you fucking retard no wonder you have no friends

>> No.55640979

>it's another
>fake until proven gay
and you keep replying

>> No.55641000

and this bothers you? stop being a bitch. you're rich, chin up.

>> No.55641031
File: 163 KB, 900x668, f07d2c33d82b64ff3b50308b221420a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck. Poors are poor because of a mix of low IQ, poor life choices, genetics, etc. Retail wagies are some of the most insufferable cunts I've met. Second being customer support agents. Do your best to avoid them at all costs.

>> No.55642201

look up a song 'deacon blue - dignity', i live by that. A song of hope, dreams. Fuck them OP they do not matyer one bit, you neednt show off with cars or money, living your life to its best is enough karmic vindication you ever need.