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File: 71 KB, 1199x840, PZPmcJx6T6a_sTwvgxTxWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5563865 No.5563865 [Reply] [Original]


I didn't know a developer could be so dumb. Guys asks a question and a Dev answers back as if he's still on 4chan.

Burst isn't going anywhere with an insecure fuck like that at the helm.

>> No.5563932

burst pajeet coin confirmed

>> No.5564010

I don't think he even has command of the English language.

Honestly feel bad for the people who bought into the hype.

>> No.5564061

Looks like he had a strong early in that reply.

Probably lies in a Coma somewhere. Several years into the future DCB (Deep Central Brain Coin ) will re-animate him back to life, only to find out BURST went BUST and he never sold ATH like he was supposed to.

Pro tip: buy DCB and dont go into a coma

>> No.5564091

You can tell english isnt his first language

>> No.5564145
File: 337 KB, 408x412, save 2017-12-27 at 9.46.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5564213

Complete shitcoin with an incompetent and unprofessional team for anyone who actually does thorough research.

>> No.5564249

What do you mean by hacked?

Honestly I'm just disappointed. I wanted to believe in this coin, the ideas in the white paper are quite good. But those ideas wrapped in a shitstorm of negativity around the dev team is a surefire way to make sure no one ever takes your coin seriously.

I'm in marketing and PR and if they had just shut the fuck up they'd be on their way to being filthy rich right now.

>> No.5564484


I know nothing about the coin or project behind it and i just judge your picture.

1 The guy posting the question goes like : "hey i don't give a shit about any project i'm just hero to make money, so pls when moon, i dont give a shit about anything else. THANKS"

2. Dev is pissed and sperges instead of ignoring the guy and focusing on his job.

Result : Subhuman level comunication.


Random poster, go wank, and if you want serious answers at least show respect for peoples job

Dev, get back to work and shut up, hire or find yourself a non full autist like yourself to manage PR .

>> No.5564553

Situation is worse than what the IOTA devs did. This is bad.

>> No.5564633

Hes right tho
Is everyone is a special snowflake nowadays? You talk shit you get beat
Also you have to go back

>> No.5564893

He could have also just ignored it and moved on with actually producing the tech in the white paper. If he's representing the coin, even in a non-official capacity, you shouldn't answer questions from the community like that. Especially if they're questions meant to trigger you or get this kind of response.

>> No.5565007


HAHA post the link fag not your photoshop job

>> No.5565330

Lol uh, okay? Why the fuck would I Photoshop this?


>> No.5565361

Burst (of shit)
Target: your gains

>> No.5565466

Ahahaha OP got rekt.

>> No.5565581

keep it up.. I got 2 green candles...lol

>> No.5565586

>hey dude how are you
>dude where did that come from?
>it wasnt me! it was le evil russian hacker!!

>> No.5565853

lol, still better than IOTA devs...

>> No.5566394

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.5566918

Are you actually buying right now?

>> No.5566939

when's the pump happening today fellas?

>> No.5567464

There's a pump happening in this market?

Kinda wondering if all this is crazy shit from the devs is to purposefully drive the price down and accumulate.

>> No.5567586

pretty sure I read somewhere that whales were pumping today, but I could just be retarded

>> No.5567665

Goddamn, white millennials really are rude little entitled brats

>> No.5567755

Just sold my 100k. Fuck this racist bigot.

>> No.5567779


burst will be atleast 2,5 dollars come summer 2018. Mark my words.

>> No.5567880

Sorry m8 i got hacked

>> No.5568279

You really think it's going to 50x?

>> No.5568374

The theory of this all is nice, but I worry about the use cases.

Why to create temporaly tangles? I guess the colored tangles can be interesting for something like a steam-coin for example, but the owners won't be arsed in needing a fee to create the tangle and even less in letting money rot untill the tangle merges back.

What happens with burst and the PoC? Literally the mayor strenght of Burst is let aside inside the tangle.

What happens with burst price? If everyone and their.mother is going to create a tangle that mirrors in burst in some weird way, what happens with the price? How you can support wall street and starbucks in two different tangles, mirror that in burst, and try to get the value of a coin? Maybe I'm too stupid, but I don't really get this point.

>> No.5568457


They're the same cunts who are into Iota, what do you expect? they all sucking the clotted cream out of dev's dicks and will rape anyone who says a bad word about it.

Jinn, NXT, Iota...

Those were your warnings people.

Fucking german gas chambers on the blockcgain motherfuckers.