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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 317 KB, 581x431, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5563501 No.5563501 [Reply] [Original]

What a joke this guy is

>> No.5563662

bullshit, he knew he'd get easy gains from people pumping the coins he tweets, now he just doesn't want to look like a greedy shill

>> No.5563697

Brainlet, he doesn't run twitter security. He simply uses the app and username/password.

>> No.5563736

and you'd think he would be smart enough not to get phished

>> No.5563758

What if this is all a publicity stunt?

>> No.5563790

>I am a brainlet the post

>> No.5563817
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>> No.5563819

I concur. Fucking guy can't be taken seriously.
Expert my ass.

>> No.5563875
File: 3.12 MB, 1437x2017, 1514339721151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His wife's son did it

>> No.5563927

He can't control what goes on in Twitter's servers. He can only keep things safe on his end, and he most likely is safer on his end than you are on your end.

>> No.5563954

He just sold his twitter password for a few bucks (250 BTC)

>> No.5564065

you're clearly the brainlet


Anyone who listens to this balt-salt snorting 90s computer guy deserves to lose their money.

>> No.5564252
File: 360 KB, 800x800, brad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks john, here's your $50k like we agreed on.

>> No.5564257

Jesus why are there so many people defending this guy on /biz/.
You fucking losers.

>> No.5564277

Thanks, Brad. How did you set your profile pic like that? I can't figure out how to set up my profile on here.

>> No.5564334

Pretty sure he did it on purpose. He said last week he was looking for a way to punish people using bots to buy coins he posted

>> No.5564340

Hes a hero, has balls of steel
Did you know some nigger poisoned killed mcafees dog and mcafee killed the nigger? We need more people like him. Real men, not skinyass nerds fapping to anime and tranny porn while trading internet fake money all day.

>> No.5564360
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>> No.5564374
File: 69 KB, 534x712, 1395773375000-20140325-aps-usa-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a nigger loving cuckold

>> No.5564403

What's wrong with his skin? Why is it the wrong color?

>> No.5564410

pretty sure mcafee transcends race since he paid some chick to shit on him

>> No.5564431
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>security guru

>> No.5564453

Might just be an excuse to not be held legally responsible for losses incured by the botsters. I know it would be retarded, but I've seen retarded "justice" being dealt by the courts. Just be on the safe side, make some troll tweets and then say "hey, don't blame me, I was hacked". Happens quite frequently.

>> No.5564485

he got in over his head, and like all old people, thinks "i got hacked" works as an excuse.

>> No.5564509

Repeat with me little faggot: UN RE GU LA TED MAR KET
If anything people should sue the nigger bots for making everyone buy high and sell low

>> No.5564517
File: 314 KB, 640x1136, 92760567-3F79-4D5D-84E2-78448F090B43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s fucking real

Assuming it is really real, how the fuck do you not notice that your twitter has been hacked for a week? And assumming he’s lying... what is his endgame, because now nobody will trust his shilling?

>> No.5564567

Big deal shit happens, stupid faggots.

>> No.5564670

On top of this, if he’s lying, now nobody is going to buy his special phone.

>> No.5564687
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>> No.5564725


>> No.5564759
File: 53 KB, 474x595, 1468417467862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most hilarious thing is the whole ordeal where he claims the Instragram that got deleted and promoted XVG to hit $15 was never his, even though his Official Twitter, the one that got "hacked", promoted that Instagram back in December 2016.

That Instagram is even linked to his YouTube channel, and even his Facebook account promoted that Instagram...

Whenever you talk about the Instagram he comes with the basic response of "everything is fake, I can make the same shit in photoshop in 10 minutes", he keeps responding until you link him his tweet THAT IS STILL UP in his account, if you link that very tweet he stops responding completely.


>> No.5564769

Default password on his modem probably. Some nigger sends him a link, he clicks BOOM dynamic dns config in your modem changed now all your devices belongs to the nigger attacker.

>> No.5564790

he has 49 kids with 36 women, he has more white children than your autistic nazi larper micropenis will ever create

>> No.5564833
File: 32 KB, 408x632, 1514478455136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody didn't like hat he was doing.

>> No.5564846

He's the typical 110iq sociopath who can somewhat talk the talk but in the end is quite transparently a conman to anyone with a little bit of technical prowess.
As with most of them he leaves a trail of destruction, waste and shit throughout his life while weak personalities are somehow attracted to his bad boy image.
Ffs he runs shitcoin pump n dumps! Then with the "hacked" bs, typical low iq ploy to absolve oneself of responsibility.

>> No.5564963

He's a jewbergertarian and a conman.
There are faggots on biz that would support far leftist bullshit if it makes them a sheckle, look at IOTA.

>> No.5564980

Yes and he had a lab in the jungle and was peddling RCs from there.

>> No.5565012

>twitter hacked
>not security expert

>> No.5565079

And? Crypto was made to buy and sell drugs, hell I bought my first btc in 2011 to buy RCs. Fuck outta here with your moral bullshit like all of you are saints or some shit.

>> No.5565293

Hi john

>> No.5565931
File: 53 KB, 200x200, ol1s5nzdam1y[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad is a green faggot
>asks me about IOTA
>tell him no you wouldnt want to invest into an alt righ nazi company would you?

>> No.5566346

this reminds me of when i asked a grill to be my gf on myspace and she said no and then later i claimed i was hacked and i never asked her to be my gf

>> No.5566642

Considering how the kid is of lighter skin than the mother I think he's actually the real father

>> No.5567172
