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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55630830 No.55630830 [Reply] [Original]

I'm inheriting 150k to 200k in the next few months.
Plan is to pay off all of my bills, anything in debt I have is getting paid.
after this is done then just working ill be able to make enough money to pay bills AND save and not have to touch the money.
So fine i'll have 100k maybe after everything is said and done and ill still have a job good enough to cover everything so ill no longer be living paycheck to paycheck. This is good but how do I go about leaving the rat race all together from this point.
I have a few business ideas but they all involve working because that's all I've ever done. getting licenses and starting new home construction or doing cleanouts and selling the extra shit on ebay. I suppose I could become a landlord but id still have to work to pay my own bills incase someone doesn't pay rent I don't want to have to rely on them.
>pic unrelated

>> No.55630835

You do the boomer investing or the crypto. Preferably both.

>> No.55630839
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>> No.55630851

Go back

>> No.55630873

Definitely thinking about the boomers here.
I know an old one that builds fly rods in his free time but he has been investing for people for years and he does make people lots of money.
I better get to him before he fucking dies though.
I was investing for a while but I don't really know what I'm doing in that regard.
I've been a wage cuck my whole life I'm not the best with money but I'm trying to fix that.

>> No.55630880
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nope! ;)

>> No.55630912
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>> No.55630916

You'll have 50k after inheritance tax. Just enough to blow it all on a shitcoin.
I recommend XRP.

>> No.55630938

>I was investing for a while but I don't really know what I'm doing in that regard.
Everyone shits on boomers because they made it but the videos unironically explain why it's a good thing. I think a lot of anons are just afraid to admit their mortality and plan for retirement because retirement to them is either lotterymoney now and living like their favorite e-celebs and influencers, or boomer tier shit you have to wait until you're 60 for. Neither have to be true, you just need a fucking plan and if you want to retire earlier, a better plan. Not luck.
Anons who don't at least watch the videos will never understand though and continue shitting on the economic dynamics that could be used to their benefit if they only cared to listen and learn.

>> No.55630943

There's also a forum you might want to check out.

>> No.55630979

its a gift. i should have mentioned that. Mother is still alive.
going there right the fuck now thank you. I indeed need a better plan because I for fuck sure am not gonna end up as the 70 year old still working at walmart.

>> No.55630991
File: 24 KB, 266x175, Screenshot 2023-07-22 at 09-55-40 Video Bogleheads® investment philosophy - Bogleheads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the videos on the second link too. Stresses the importance of even a casual plan with goals in mind and even gives an outline of what that plan should look like. Shit should be taught in school. There's a part about separating goals and matching risk to goals. E.G you NEED food, water & shelter so risky investment shouldn't be matched with your needs. Picrel, super low quality but you'll get the picture once you start learning.
Don't cringe at your own goals either. Whatever they are.

>> No.55631017

Thanks bro. so far my life is looking good. well at the moment no things can definitely be better, however I have come a long way. I used to be a 400lb looser and now I'm 240 with a wife, children and im productive.
This is definitely going to give me the freedom to get my life together the way I want it to be.
Thank you for the information, I have to go now so it cam in time. My son is awake.

>> No.55631029

Go back? Faggot pot heads think they're incumbents but in reality pot is gay as hell and you're a newfag

>> No.55631033

>Muh heckin 70 year old comfort
I got a retirement plan for you, after living an active robust life taking full advantage of my physical health and mental acuity, I will have no issue putting a bullet through my brain on some mountainside where wild animals can eat my remains. There is nothing to live for when you're old, weak and rapidly fading mentally.

>> No.55631039
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Also lurk in /smg/ and check out their links for more. There's a saying an anon keeps posting in there for trading.
>Trade the market in front of you.
If you're going the trading route it's important. Don't worry about fundamentals and all that bullshit because the market is clown and waiting for fundamentals to reassert is a futile endeavour.
Don't be afraid of crypto either, just don't chase the shitcoin pnd's. Stick to bitcoin and the other tried and tested cryptos. Get familiar with the bitcoin cycle, picrel is the yearly candles which show the cycle and it's very easy to get in and out with limited risk as long as you plan your exit and stick to the plan instead of hoping for greater highs or lows based on FOMO. You don't need to time anything perfectly. That shouldn't be your goal as it's unrealistic.Your goal is consistent profits year in and year out until you can retire or for the rest of your life.
For me personally there's no retirement age where i'm going to stop, or a specific amount. There's a moving target (due to inflation etc.) for minimum required funds that i need and the rest is just bonus. Maybe that'll change once i have "enough" and am older but i don't see it. It's too simple to not keep doing even casually.

>> No.55631068

This is a faggot with no plan who fears death. The false bravado is easily said when he's young and doesn't have to live up to the words he speaks. He might as well be promising to fly to the moon "at some point in the future". He's a child just being edgy. Besides, there's still decades to go before 70.
This isn't about retiring at 70, that's just an ultra-realistic and easily-achievable goal you could aim for. It's also pretty under-ambitious so you have to wonder at the financial capabilities and self-esteem of anons who literally can't make a plan for that.
You can retire at whatever age you want if you have an actionable plan which can get you there. This is the only point which mattes. Havign a fucking plan and acting on it. Doesn't matter if it's FIRE or whatever. All involve plans and goals you work towards.
Or just go and buy lottery tickets and pan for gold.

>> No.55631079

newfag detected, saged

>> No.55631294

What if you have children and grandchildren?

>> No.55631534
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>> No.55631632

had to think about picrel for a while. overall not bad. colas on the small side indicates low CO2, which is fine just pointing it out. humidity slightly high by my guess. the light would be set fine but slightly high on this grow because the leaves had damage. now the main point, why are the leaves damaged, this is what I've been thinking about. my take is you likely are pushing run off then readding the nutrients back each time you water, this causes fluctuations in the nutrient titration up and down. this is my best guess what happened to the leaves which overall arent bad but look like they're low in phosphorous and nitrogen while also having burnt tips. try watering in just water without nutrients and not to the point of runoff. I only increase nutrients about 4 times through flower, and never runoff.