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55628839 No.55628839 [Reply] [Original]

Lets assume you already have $750k in crypto, $125k in stocks, and $325k in retirement funds.

How would you invest $8000 per month?

>> No.55628858

I would buy more crypto, try to get 10M, and put it into tbills to make 500k a year garunteed.

>> No.55628865

real estate

>> No.55628866

Real estate in West vancouver

>> No.55628871

>Bro squatting is perfectly sa-ACK!

>> No.55628878

Which coins would you buy?

>> No.55628929

tragic story. he would have made a beautiful asian femboy. terrible to think he could have been my cherished gf (male) if he had just decided to abuse estrogen instead of testosterone

>> No.55628955

Holy shit did he died?

>> No.55628962

Did his spine cr-ACK?

>> No.55629006

>How would you invest $8000 per month?

You could buy an established business with cash flow and all the operation outsourced.

>> No.55629085

yeah you can buy those from the same stores that sells the goose that shits golden eggs.

>> No.55629235

Jesus Christ use the catch bars ffs

>> No.55629245


There are plenty of websites he can search for online businesses for to purchase that are proven to produce cash flow that are nearly hands off or can be outsourced to be. Some just need marketing/ad budget. That is added risk but high reward.

>> No.55629260

His name is Justyn Vicky. Yeah he d-e-d ded

>> No.55629366

Sad to see especially when you realize that there's a really easy way to prevent this completely...

>> No.55629402

Onlyfans tips

>> No.55629453

>>55628858 if you follow his advice and do buy more crypto, AVAX and especially monero. but i say you got enough crypto.

Id look towards dividend stocks personally, dividends really start to have value at 10k+, watch dividend bull. For me its AGNC, PDI, nestle, and altria. I sold all but altria to get into palantir(another fantastic stock that im hoping for returns on, but doesnt pay dividends. Good trade, even calls, trust me get 100 shares or a call with intent to execute.)

>> No.55629467

Since I'm at a much earlier stage in my savings and investment career... what was your initial investment in crypto and when?

also, where did you learn to do this? any specific education you can recommend?

>> No.55629555

My education and career aren't related to finance. I just read CNBC, MarketWatch, and crypto articles for fun/ideas.

>> No.55629589

hopefully no btc

>> No.55629647

thanks man. but really, CNBC? didn't expect that.

>> No.55629695

Just for fun light reading about current finance news. There's no real alpha on CNBC.

>> No.55629734


>> No.55630231

Damn. I can only squat like 200 lbs, but I don't use safety catches on my squat rack. Gonna shell out the $30 to get some now.

>> No.55630252
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>How would you invest $8000 per month?
still keep putting half into crypto. Either start up a bussiness, gamble the money for fun for like 3 months. Or keep putting half into crypto and the other half into very very new shitcoins that could either just 100x-10,000x for fun.

>> No.55630258

Pop goes dat spine!

>> No.55630265

Dividend stocks are literally the worst thing you could buy without actually burning money.

>but dude the cashflow!
What happens to a dividend stock when prices go up? They issue less dividends. When prices go down? They issue more. Dividends don't make you money 90% of the time, they remain mostly flat. Flat with 7% inflation = you lose.

You're better off buying a lambo, at least a lambo is cool

>> No.55630276

divvies are a boomer meme. they like the feeling that's it's risk free money. these dudes HATE risk so much that they tank their growth

>> No.55631928

ORE, you are welcome

>> No.55631959

that spotter took at least 150 lbs off him, so this dude can't even do a 300 lbs squat but is attempting 460 lbs? I dont get it how do you get this stupid. I feel bad for the spotter more than anyone imagine how guilty he feels when its not his fault at all.

>> No.55631977

Both retarded. Enjoy being an accessory to manslaughter.

>> No.55631994


>> No.55632018

heavy squats and dead lifts are such retarded exercises. do high rep low volume or use machines (leg/back extension machine etc.)
i used to be otter mode then i gained 35 pounds from work related stress so i'm now a disgusting fatass. i used to do light weight, high volume barbell squats and deads.

>> No.55632026

this is the iq of immigrants coming here i bet this fine young latin commie is a lawyer here already, yes bro the spotter KILLED him by not helping enough just like you killed someone by watching them get hit by a car someone else is driving, shouldve just supermanned them out of there.

>> No.55632055

What is the spotter going to do in this situation, military press 4 pl8? I never understood it. Like lift in the rack nigga haha nigga just use the catches hahaha.

>> No.55632934

so you looked like a skeleton and now you're fat

>> No.55633004
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a nigger at my last gym had to be carried out on a stretcher when he decided to bench 4 plates and got stuck with the bar crushing his sternum

one spotter per side is standard practice at that weight
go to a real gym, not a sports club for prancing homosexuals

>> No.55633940

I think I would've probably fallen for the AI meme narrative so stuff with it are likely to make a decent ROI. Stuff like Arkham with its AI oracle chatbot which gives you plenty of useful info to track down on-chain activity.

>> No.55633963 [DELETED] 

Didn't read. Sex with Nayuta

>> No.55633971

Why are gymbros so fucking cringe sometimes do they really think this shit actually impresses anyone

>> No.55633980 [DELETED] 

are you having a fucking stroke, nigger?

>> No.55633990
File: 12 KB, 306x306, images (2) (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna add my crypto assets. Already planning on jumping into Peaq once it hits the public listings. There's so much good news rollin' in, like the partnership with Brainstem, making moves in wellness research. Can't just brush that off, man, it's hella hard to ignore.

>> No.55634034

>open aI
>hurr durr this is le future

>> No.55634041

>Why are gymbros so fucking cringe
they're modern cavemen, they don't know anything else but to try and look tough and confident (while actually being weak and insecure) for women

That's why they all wear baseball caps in the gym. The sweat is just an excuse they're not even sweating they just want to try and look hard.

>> No.55634049

What is even the point of using artificial intelligence to boost on chain analysis. most people have been able to use ethscan just fine. zero complaints so far

>> No.55634094

Someone who was never and will never be strong shouldn't talk about strength exercises

>> No.55634117

Have to agree.
All you really need are squats, deadlifts and bench press. Preferably some chinups, dips and shoulder pressing too.
Wasting time with a bunch of low weight high volume stuff doesn't force your body to adapt. You have to shock it which is why heavy compound exercises are so effective.

>> No.55634503
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Or like... you know, just bail: "fall" backward - and the barbell wouldn't have any other option than rolling down behind you.
Or use a rack and safety bars, if you're ego lifting - that's even easier to bail.
Haven't squatted in a while, but I never felt like having someone (spotter) right behind you is remotely safe in a squat

>> No.55634527
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>bumper plates
>not just dumping the weight off your back

I squat 3x a week using bumpers and never use safety pins. I've literally never had a problem because I'm not a retarded nigger.

>> No.55634566

>$8000 per month
That's like your American wage per month, or what's left of it? Ngl, pretty jelly.

DCAing into efferiums, and staking it seems to be the best R/R at this point. You'd have to recycle the profits into some alts and then exit crypto ponzies altogether at some point, and not just hodl efferium like a retard.
So, if you have that much spare cash - this seems to be the most effortless play with decent return on the horizon.

>> No.55634584
File: 150 KB, 768x1024, Blackswan Official Make it Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DCA into Blackswan. And use the trading bot to take out some leverage on the news. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. Their twitter/website has more info on it

website: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55634593

I see you're a connoisseur of the Wendler's 5/3/1 program. I did it 8-10 years and got incredibly stronger. It's a shame I couldn't keep up with when I graduated and started working full time.

>> No.55634605

I have close to $9000 left over after taxes, bills, house, car, food, etc.

>> No.55634617

And I already have a big bag of ETH that I'm staking.

>> No.55634753

If just stacking and staking ETH is too boring, you could take a more active approach. Follow on debank the whale addresses mentioned by lookonchain on twitter, use bubblemaps to try and find "reliable" shitcoins which they are involved in.
This may or may not work for you depending on your risk appetite and time you can dedicate to finding the so-called narratives early

>> No.55634786

Not a bad idea but I don't have time for all that.

>> No.55634804

this. might as well stake LINK

>> No.55634917

Where do you stake your ETH?

>> No.55634931

this is why i never train legs

>> No.55634932

I'm a node operator on Rocket Pool

>> No.55634944

Is it safe? I have 100 ETH just sitting around. Not close to your $750k stack but id like to make it generate some income. I only have about $6k a month to invest after food bills, housing.

>> No.55635081
File: 328 KB, 733x716, Blackswan 1st mover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look into Blackswan bot. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. Their twitter/website has more info on it

website: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55635092

The spotter in the video is doing everything a spotter should never be doing and is partly responsible for the outcome.

>> No.55635101

Feet pics and blackjack.

>> No.55635162

and btw another thought just crossed my mind - you can also try some of them real yield protocols - GNS, GND, PENDLE, etc.- enjoying both the token appreciation and portion of the protocol fees shared with you.

>> No.55635207

Like what?

>> No.55635278

Iota and sylo
Iota, that's aiming to do everything and is feeless.
Sylo, a decentralised communication project that aims at making communication more private and secure.
Hopefully I can discover a new project or two along the way also and get in early as well.

>> No.55635631

It's safe and legit. The only potential problem is exposure to RPL because it has to be used as collateral. It's been a great gamble for me so far but I got in really early when Rocket Pool first opened up.

>> No.55635676

Nice info

>> No.55635692

did he die?

>> No.55635698

read the thread retard

>> No.55635773

>sees the weight yet does not object to spotting by himself even though he knows he can't hold it up if the lifter fails
>holds onto the ends of the bar, screwing up the lifter's balance
>when lift starts failing, doesn't support the lifter properly (supposed to put arms through the armpits of the lifter and support their chest, picture giving a hug from the back and also grabbing their tits)
>prevents the lifter from 'dumping' the bar behind his back because he's slightly pushing forward

The spotter is retarded and so is the guy for squatting with such a spotter.

>> No.55637342


>> No.55637343
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I'd splash in all on Ride, its NFTs staking soon-to-be-launched will melt faces and that brings in more passive income asides the metastaking program that gives up to 12% APR.

>> No.55637368

Who wouldn't want a smartphone for the Metaverse that let's your NFTs communicate with any other NFT? I'm going all out for sylo.

>> No.55637405 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_0298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep buying the DIP. That’s the only way

>> No.55637413

The user-staking model on AstraDAO is pretty solid and the harvesting of investment strategy profits is interesting, I'd dumb all on it to get my bags filled.

>> No.55637418 [DELETED] 

>be me
>jewroid pumping to get rid of beta juice
>some chang asked me to spot for him
>"okay whatever"
>remembered pearl harbor incident
>an idea!
>waited until chang failed and did
>got close to his ears while having a gay boner
>"this is for my ancestors!"
>released the bar
>guy got snapped instantly by the bar
>turns out he is actually indonesian

>> No.55637423 [DELETED] 

Sylo, which is focused mainly on VR in cars and has it's own headset already built and launched.

>> No.55637434

Ride, which is focused mainly on VR in cars and has it's own headset already built and launched.

>> No.55637464

this is nigger level retarded

>> No.55637537

Why in the world would you not do this in a squat rack?

>> No.55637563
File: 1.15 MB, 640x360, snapcity.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another permanent resident to SN-SN-SNAP CITY

>> No.55638029

Krest and Inj are on my radar anon, both have good potential for gains in the next cycle.

>> No.55638863

>Why in the world would you not do this in a squat rack
Why would you bother anyway?

>eeeeeeeew. Look at me liftin'.
Do some propper man's works.

>> No.55638867

Nice cunnys, that's a good way to put it, it is an emerging field with a lot of potential, and it's VR games is gradually gaining tractions in Germany and the States
>it will be pertinent to see how it broadens in the coming years.

>> No.55638964

I'll go full crypto-futuristic with Tesla and hop onto the web3 car-sharing train. Eloopone is tokenizing those sleek rides, and Peaq is giving 'em a unique ID, making the whole process smooth, transparent, and secure

>> No.55638982

Some of the biggest tanks I know only lift moderate weight for moderate reps

Only the skinny dyel and fat fucks do this really heavy weight for 1 rep

Personally I wouldn't bother squatting more than 120kg.. 8+ reps

The biggest fucker I know only front squats 90kg for 6 reps

>> No.55639020

Strength is always impressive. Also a good body is a sign of diligence and health

Are you a skinnyfat dyel? Do you think that impresses anyone?

>> No.55639217

Get more crypto. Low caps like ORE, VRA and MPL.

>> No.55639229

Tracking people's on-chain activity is a criminal act anon. This is why I use Railgun. You def won't see my activity.

>> No.55639238

Everyone and there mom banking on AI. No one still sees DID and ID solution until they get to the top.

>> No.55639256

It's good people now shield their on chain activity with privacy protocols. You won't be able to pry anymore.

>> No.55639554
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It is good to keep everything secure. I think LSDFi is going to be massive this year.
We've seen PENDLE and LBR pull off some stunts and I think SPOOL is coming in hot with the projects V@

>> No.55639717

Terrible spotter, cost that guy his life.

>> No.55639948

Just don't have idiots behind you as spotters when they do nothing. I suspected it before and only confirmed now that spotters actually do very little to help you get out. They can't help. Just drop the bar backwards or use pins.

>> No.55639976

No gold? Buy kneepads.

>> No.55640236

invest in some bitches

>> No.55640252

none of these are the spotters fault. all of them are the nature of asking 1 guy to spot you on a heavy squat. its 100% on the lifter and if you dont agree look at who died and who didn't. nature knows whos the dumb one.

>> No.55640288


>> No.55640324
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Bro this mutherfucker just felt like watching him get crushed and got a bonus end credits scene with his neck snapping.

>> No.55640325

This is why you should never squat or deadlift. Too dangerous on joints and one wrong move can literally paralyze you or leave you dead. I recommend everyone on this board to please stick to machines and light cardio (literally incline walks are a godsend). Yes you can still make gains on machines, stop believing in bro science.

t. Masters in kinesiology. Literally no one is more qualified to talk about this than me.

>> No.55640342

I would do the same. Less competition

>> No.55640349

Reread until you're less retarded

>> No.55640505

I love to deadlift but usually I do 50 reps total in a session with whatever large weight I can manage. that way I’m doing a ton of work but any single rep isn’t going to kill me and I can just drop it. if I start to feel myself wanting to cheat with my back I’ll just shift to sumo grip or lower the weight

>> No.55640671

This is come nuclear grade cope. I bet you look like garbage.

>> No.55640751

honestly this. i slipped a disc deadlifting in 2013. when it happned i immedialtey fell to the floor and could not stand up for a while week... pain in my back ever since... tell all my little brothers at home never to deadlift.... fcuk all that gym bullshit.

now i dont go to gym, only calithenics and long walks....

>> No.55640992

You put yourself in danger if you have shitty form. I was deadlifting close to 405 pounds (4 plates each side) at my strongest and never sustained an injury.

>> No.55641040

get more ETH and stake it on an LSD protocol or invest in some more crypto projects like CYMI that have been buzzing.

>> No.55641397

I already have almost 300 ETH staked through Rocket Pool.

>> No.55641436

The spotter killed him. Dude pushed the bar forward on his neck when he could have just dropped the weight

>> No.55641850

>300 ETH staked through Rocket Pool.

I plan on moving my ETH to rocketpool as well but i am still weighing my options between Ankr, Lido and Rocketpool, any advice?

>> No.55642731

>I plan on moving my ETH to rocketpool as well but i am still weighing my options between Ankr, Lido and Rocketpool, any a

Mopre inclined to go with Rocketpool more rewards and it's also considered to more secured.

>> No.55642761

A fool and his money will soon be departed. Sad

>> No.55643291

>Mopre inclined to go with Rocketpool more rewards and it's also considered to more secured.

I would prefer to keep my options widely opened by opting to create a strategy across multiple LSD protocols via SpoolFi.

>> No.55643658

You can say that when its V2 is out. Until then, I willl focus on using RocketPool.

>> No.55643876

Until the house market crashes don't buy anything and focus on future tech like AI

>> No.55643897
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This is why you use a power-rack. Dumbass.

>> No.55644034

hes dead