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55628541 No.55628541 [Reply] [Original]

To be honest you need $3-5 million to retire if you want to live a normal middle class life in America these days. Anyone who thinks 1-2M is enough is either under the age of 25 and/or an incel who will never have a wife or reproduce.

4% isn’t a safe withdrawal ratio for early retirement, it’s 3-3.5%. You need 5 million just to live a 150k/yr lifestyle indefinitely.

>> No.55628549

thanks for the heads up, I'll adjust my spreadsheets and keep huffing copium

>> No.55628552

I'm tired of burger threads
divide your numbers by 5 or 10, the world isn't america

>> No.55628561

I was doing okay, but now I find myself once again demoralized.

>> No.55628562

i would be satisfied with a 25k a year lifestyle, until i have a wife and kids

>> No.55628568

>150k/yr lifestyle
Who actually does this THOUGH? Remembering that you won't need to be saving for retirement, and you'll have no expenses related to working anymore.

>> No.55628610

Not hard if you are married with 2-3 kids. You’ll need to save 100-200k for each kid’s college, food cost will be over 1000 a month, vacation costs will be higher, kids after school activities, private school, multiple vehicles, etc etc. You’ll want a decently large house in a white neighborhood with good schools.

Not to mention you’ll need to buy private health insurance if you don’t work. 1k or more per month for a family.

>> No.55628630

>sending your kids to college
Kys you fucking faggot

>> No.55628659

I’m just describing what the average American normalfag does

But memes aside if your kids don’t go to college they’re probably fucked for life

>> No.55628734

$500k would unironically be the bare minimum for me to retire.

Doing nothing all day would get old very fucking quickly, so I don't need millions. I'd just need enough to pay for a home and outfit a small machine shop. Run small jobs, maybe set up an e-comm site making custom parts/signs. Make enough to pay utilities and property taxes.

>> No.55628744

3% interest on 1M is only 30k.

>> No.55629118
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I have the 3 - 5 million you talk about, but even that is not enough to get a gf these days.
You need at least 10MM - 20MM to make it these days.

>> No.55629209

how much do you need to retire in SEA

>> No.55629228

Oh fuck off, you have enough money to check out of the rat race entirely. If you can’t get a girlfriend that’s on you. Plenty of very attractive women would be happy to shack up with a dude sitting on 5m

>> No.55629232

That's why I'm still working my ass off and investing heavily even though my net worth is $1.5 million. My real life will begin in 5-10 years.

>> No.55629256
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1-2M is enough if you are in 2019 before devaluation. if you are post 2020 min is 3-4

>> No.55629303

Maybe 1.5-2M, could do it on 1M as a single person

>> No.55629331
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All that matters is how many people you're competing against.
If you're not outpacing the wealthy you're falling behind in a world where opportunities have an increasingly limited shelf-life.

>> No.55629337

>100-200k for each kid's college
lol, lmao, etc.

>> No.55629348

The virgin withdrawaling from your account vs the chad dividends. Watch dividend bulls.

>> No.55629360
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>an incel who will never have a wife or reproduce
yes and? this is the best you have?

>> No.55629418

Everyone is getting a college degree, doesnt stand out anymore. Send them to trade school, also CDLs exist, truckers get paid good.

>> No.55629422

$10 million is the magic number for me

>> No.55629445


10M is upper middle class lifestyle
20M+ is rich lifestyle

As long as I can stand my job I will keep working until I’m in the high 7 figures but it depends on my earning potential. If I plateau then I’ll quit sooner, if my income keeps going up I’ll be more tempted to continue the rat race to avoid leaving money on the table

>> No.55629461

>$3-5 million
Maybe if you're 50 year old. If you're 25-30 year old you need at least $8-10 million.

>> No.55629464

>just allow the Jews and women to continue to run academia, finance and law
Yeah I dont think its a good idea to encourage trade schools to a majorly white website

>> No.55629524

fields stop being lucrative when they become palatable to them. you can see with tech how it's been neutered and normalized with the highest performers jumping ship to crypto in the mid 2010s and ai in the last couple of years.
regular tech startups, the bread and butter of vcs in the late 00s and on aren't attractive anymore because of the changed political climate making it harder to bet on successful (while, male) teams.

>> No.55629580

>You’ll need to save 100-200k for each kid’s college
I went to a school in which I paid $45,000 for all five years I was there (didn't even pay most of it because scholarships and grants picked up the tab for me most of the time), now I'm making six figures while still being under 35 with no college debt EVER. If you're paying $50K per semester to send your kid to some meme school thinking it guarantees them a better future than what I got out of my cheap school, you're a retard. Both financially, and in general.

>> No.55629608

$2 Million is enough

>> No.55629619
File: 88 KB, 1000x1500, Good_comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touch butt with toilet paper
>more blood than shit
> pic related

>> No.55629628

I play poker which is my calling in life and I’m really good at it. I only need 1.5

>> No.55630421

Most people don't even earn close to 2 million in their entire life. Lmao oh no the heckin cost of livingerinoos! Matter of fact I doubt the majority of blacks, Hispanics and Midwest Whites can't even come close to 1.5M in their entire life

>> No.55630431

I made $50k once, and saved around 30k, so I don't think I need 150k a year.

>> No.55630436

1M retired bro here, can confirm. I live like a college NEET. I'm surviving fine, but I need more to comfortably raise a family and live as if I had a job.

>> No.55630439

I do think 2M would be enough, especially in a low cost of living area.

>> No.55631429
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I only need 13k and I'm all set
I bought a small apartment, that will be my source of money when I get old
for now I just concentrate on work, keep making my VINU bags fat, and hugging my dog

>> No.55631472

That depends. If you have a paid off house and no debt, then 2-3 million should be enough to retire on if you are a smart investor. You can make that money work for you and earn like another 10-20k a month with options or trading

>> No.55631538

In 25 years, this will be the new 'Boomer' advice.

>> No.55631543

7-10mil on a single person. Before pandemic inflation, it was just 3-5mil.

>> No.55631548

20mil is barely middle class
100mil is where it's at

>> No.55631561

Send your kids to Europe to study, faggot.

It’s literally free here. Same for healthcare. While studying I was paying 90€ per month and could go like every day to a doctor of my choice if I wanted to.

>> No.55631703

>in america
Not my problem, I'm retiring with 350k@3.5%SWR