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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55624873 No.55624873 [Reply] [Original]

23yo gymcel here.
Zero friend since HS, virgin, parents just don't give a fuck, all the package.

I have 50k in savings, and the plan is to use them to escape my sad life.
I'm not gonna waste them in "owning" a house or in some souless women just to cum in 0.5 seconds.

I just need someone like a gym PT but about life, a rich mentor, a guide.

I know there are Crypto OGs and paid group leaders here, pls just give me a chance.

>> No.55624892

post body

>> No.55624895

Literally buy BTC. 5x in 2 years. Post thread in 2 years about how to spend $250,000.
50k is not money.

>> No.55624897

Read any book by Felix Dennis. You dont need an in-person trainer if you are motivated.

>> No.55624954

Move to SEA and live like a king for 10 years. Youll figure it out in that time

>> No.55625086

You don't understand, I would't do it even if I had 10 millions in the bank.

The only thing I know, I'm good at and I enjoy is working hard.
The problem is that without a mentor I don't have the right directions, so my efforts become useless.

>> No.55625100

Motivation is okey when you start training, but discipline is what makes you achieve things in the long run.

>> No.55625124

2 years young are far more valuable then fucking +200k in the bank.
My time is running out, it's now or never.

>> No.55625146

Yeah so you and your pajeet friends are gonna track me and steal my savings.

Nt rajeesh, next time you will be luckier

>> No.55625158

>I'm 23 years old
>time is running out

>> No.55625163

I don't think you can stay in any of those countries for 10 years. You can only stay a few months at a time.

>> No.55625181

you couldn't live like a king for a year with 50k anywhere in the world

>> No.55625222

Can you give more details on what you mean by escaping your life?
Not waging, living somewhere else, living some kind of different lifestyle?
>I know there are Crypto OGs and paid group leaders here, pls just give me a chance.
Under no circumstances give anyone here money.

>> No.55625257

Lmao. When you're 30 you'll realise how retarded you are sounding here.

>> No.55625265

Nice laaaarp. You’ve never stepped foot in a gym. Go QQ elsewhere. Go back leddit . Buy a duplex live in one half rent the other, repeat.

>> No.55625281

Go travelling dude. Use 25k for a 2 year long backpacking trip around NZ, Australia, and South East Asia. Then come back to being a social pariah again.

>> No.55625358

You just need to find a goal in your life dude, no ones gonna do it for you

>> No.55625412

Working hard, with right directions/goals of self-improvement and money. Around the right people.

Most of my coworkers are normal people, I don't want to give up on life like them, if you know what I mean.

Also I have 0 future where I work, yeah I can keep getting promoted, but I'm gonna be still in the same place, maybe with more money but still more bullshits responsabilities and even less free time.

>> No.55625435


You should focus on changes you can make to your life that don't involve money. Being happy isn't something that requires a huge savings account.

Pick someplace you'd want to relocate to to change your state of mind.
Do you have the ability to work remote? If not, take the time off and visit the place before committing to moving there. Make whatever change you can to your lifestyle and it will help with changing your mind.

>> No.55625463
File: 33 KB, 405x720, images (2) (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanna grow that dough in crypto, know the risks, OP but DYOR is a must to avoid getting rekt. Diversify like a pro, spread them bets far and wide! You might DYOR my crypto assets: Hbar, Dua, Zil, and Vet. Your choice.

>> No.55625473

actually it was so i could have fap material

>> No.55625484

You can buy a visa but they're not nearly as cheap as they used to be

Thailand visas 5 figure cost now you'll spend half of it just getting there and then be a peasant. It's not 2005 any more.

>> No.55625505

Use your money to start a business. Start small and learn the ropes.

>> No.55625528

OP is a fucking uncle loser who needs to go back to /pol/

>> No.55625547

Go back to /lgbt/, tranny.

>> No.55625573

Which business do you suggest for the OP? The anon is probably dumb; that's why he's looking for help. 50k is way too small to start up a substantial business with a better return.

>> No.55625601

Diversify that fund into crypto and save yourself the fucking stress.

>> No.55625631

I originally came to /biz/ trying to find similar things to you (I'm just here for the shitposting now, originally from /fit/), but sadly this isn't the place to find it. The people here with money just got lucky with crypto gambling, if someone tries to shill you a paid group they're just grifting.

I'd suggest really stopping and thinking about what you want from life going forwards with minimal external output, if you manage it then go a couple of days without any internet use and just sit and think, write things down. It's very easy to be meme'd into thinking you want something, but it fundamentally won't make you happy if you do get it.

If you're unsatisfied with bits of your life or career you need to drill down into what exactly you want to change, and then from there you can work forwards. I don't know if it's more clear in your head, but from your comments it sounds like a general malaise which needs to be focused into.

>> No.55625712

I think OP just can't handle his situation right now. If he wants to invest in crypto, I already suggested him the coins above but yeah, he needs to DYOR before jumping in. What works for me might won't work for him tho.

>> No.55625727

build a portfolio of assets that will grow over time, hopefully forever.
>stocks (good companies that grow earnings)
>crypto (no shitcoin offerings or vaporware projects)
>CDs or T Bills while rates are high
>commodities basket or stocks with exposure (energy, agriculture)
use a back tester and play with the % weighting vs your risk tolerance.
>high risk = high reward & low risk = low reward
GL and get laid, relax

>> No.55625981

Me except I'm turning 21 in 2 days and it's 50k cad
Also your asking for alot 70 percent of people dont have dad's let alone a rich mentor to help them in their mid 20s
The real mentor you need is god desu

>> No.55626178

You seem smart so I'll say if you don't mind, you can get a job and start learning a trade if you don't already have one. You can also learn crypto trading and add some analytics tools like Pluto or Tokenmetrics and stat for free to get more accurate calls in the market.

>> No.55626231

Noah Seidman

>> No.55626242

fuck that uniswap clown.

>> No.55626285

So you're looking for a grifted to steal 50k from you?

Why you need someone else to tell you to be motivated? Dude, that's retarded. You're retarded. Don't throw your 50k away. That shit is a scam.

>> No.55626310
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Definitely not on shitcoins, I'd say a tech coin with actual interesting stuff like marlin but you should never trust a /biz/raeli nigger so go check for yourself

>> No.55626314

You know you can still do other things while holding bitcoin right

>> No.55626323

nobody gives a quarter fuck about tech anymore

>> No.55626330

Basically a nothing burger you gave him

>> No.55626339

Escape your sad life? You just need someone? All you need is yourself anon. There's no magical place or person which will turn your into a happy person. If there are changes you want in your environment or situation, think through them and make the changes happen.

>> No.55626343

>but you should never trust a /biz/raeli nigger
Realest advice fucking ever kek

>> No.55626355

>it gongo up

>> No.55626360
File: 150 KB, 768x1024, Blackswan Official Make it Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy 25k Blackswan and make some degen plays. It's a AI powered news trading bot. More info at: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55626365

piss off nigger, layer 0 is literally the most hated piece of trash here

>> No.55626374


You need to find the truth.

>> No.55626431

Get your ass on Elfin's Play-to-earn game and watch your bag gets filled.

>> No.55626504
File: 3 KB, 140x80, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see an AI project generate text, image, code, chatbot, speech-to-text, and VoiceOver capabilities for Web3. AGII is on another level.

>> No.55626508

>Hbar, Dua, Zil, and Vet
nice african-tier portfolio

>> No.55626569
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Especially, project that supports decentralization of health as health data theft and breaches are alarming like IMM.

>> No.55626600

what are you even doing here

>> No.55626706
File: 15 KB, 336x237, OIP (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better hang in on SCLP, having biometric bridge to enhance security and regulated token issuance for compliance is a top priority.

>> No.55626781
File: 11 KB, 336x192, OIP (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversity is good but participating in the zealy campaign to earn QANX makes bitches get horny.

>> No.55627014
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Listen up, OP! Since you brought up crypto, grab some solid altcoins that gonna pump with those rock-solid fundamentals! Look into ZIL, XTP, IOTX, and MANA. Don't sleep on 'em anon.

>> No.55627163

26 years old here, life is over, jumping off a cliff because I didn't make it
>Only $170k networth

>> No.55627334
File: 262 KB, 750x429, CA and Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still make it. You have enough capital to buy 25k Blackswan for lifetime access to the bot. And enough to make some degen plays with it. It's a revolutionary ChatGPT powered trading tool to analyze news in real time and instantaneously execute trades to profit from all eventualities. More info at : blackswan dot biz

>> No.55627375

AI is a top notch

>> No.55627451

I'd rather focus on a crypto with much value to the healthcare sector, just like Immunify Life giving individuals greater control over their data, ensuring privacy and security while enabling easy access to health records.

>> No.55627592

Stay with parents, save, go outside, gym is to socialize then buy a barbell, never tell anyone about your money...just a percentage, learn to lie
Get a job or go to college

>> No.55627668

Start a legitimate business that provides a service. Growing it will give you an income and a purpose. The rest will find you.

>> No.55627816

Only crypto would generated a better return.

>> No.55628026

Everything into Nvidia stocks.

>> No.55628228

This reminds me of brainstem partnerships with a DePIN solution. This integration will advance wellness research by enabling folks to make money off of their anonymized health data.

So much to anticipate from this sector.

>> No.55628247
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> My time is running out, it's now or never.


>> No.55628256
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Yeah. Anon can look at eLoop One's car sharing service. I learned they recently integrated into Peaq to leverage their machine ID for a better car sharing service. He can profit from this fleet.

>> No.55628382
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Sell absolutely everything you have and take yourself to Thailand or Vietnam and start a new life. You should be able to last 10 years minimum with what you have saved already and who knows what opportunities life may hold once you start your adventure.

>> No.55628397

SEA has like 1/3 the living cost of the west. 250k is definitely not enough to live like a king for 10 years

>> No.55629388

Based chad, Crypto is the normies chance at real fortune. I'm already accumulating gems like Ocean, Sylo and Flux in anticipation of the bull cycle.

>> No.55629468

Add me, im not rich but i have advice and id atleast be a friend, i want to start a business.
Look into uruguay, 80% white 10% tax rate, average person makes like 8000 a year, if you moved there with 50k youd live like a king.

>> No.55629531
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Gambling and hoes. You gonna die anyway.

>> No.55629547

EY i'm trying to scam these goys with ai crypto bullshit this is my territory

>> No.55629634

study advanced mathematics, study fields where there is research go be done.
i understand money feeling useless and time being the most important thing. feeling useful is the thing you need. be autistic and live on your own and void your self of all distractions and read until you caught up with current research. make a lab type enviorment.
books is where the info is at. not google.com

>> No.55629642

whats wrong with advice here?

>> No.55629900

You're right chad, after seeing the metastaking rewards for Ride and Itheum on the MultiversX, I was convinced that crypto is the based choice.

>> No.55630116

I agree but how do you get the motivation and discipline without them?
With the gym it's easy, I like it, I have a fit body and it kinda stand for itself you know?
But for, let's say making huge amount of money, where do u even start.
"Enjoy the process they say", HOW

>> No.55630134
File: 303 KB, 1140x1640, 1680909525275073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy $50000 worth of Chainlink.
When LINK pumps to $1000 sell a few million worth to enjoy life. Keep the rest staked for generational wealth.

It really is that easy.

>> No.55630136

50k at 21 its good af, 2 year of hard work and you can end your journey where I started.

>> No.55630203

Hire an escort or try to find a girl
>50k in savings
You're doing better than most don't forget that
>once again 50k in savings
Invest it into something safe, not crypto
>no friends
Yeah I'm not going to me and my friend group have grown distant but it was mainly because I isolated myself. Unironically just hit them up and see if they're willing to do soemthing. And if no one else wants to do that then get a dog and take it for walks.

>> No.55630214

Unironically this

>> No.55630244

Inflation killed sex tourism in SEA. Not 1 mil can make you live like a king in one year there, maybe for three months.

>> No.55630464
File: 537 KB, 1036x1302, 1600275553877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it all in Chainlink right now and you can be a multimillionaire by 30, all you'll have to do is maintain sanity before then

You wont listen to this advice though, you'll squander it and KYS when link moons because you cant play the long game

>> No.55631824

Checked. Don't just miss out on ORE, HBAR and CTSI.

>> No.55632155
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>5x in 2 years
5x gains won't cut it for the epic life I'm aiming for. Gonna ride those blue-chip rockets like RIO and QANX, with a 100x potential. Ain't wasting two long years for just a measly 5x return.

>> No.55633117

Anon, I used to be like you and have many male friends in your boat. In fact, most of my friends from HS/College make great money, look good, are moral, etc. and just can't find much purpose.

My advice:
- Get remote job, move to rural area
- Build an inexpensive home w/ a local builder (~250k)
- Live clean, simple, train at home and at a local gym
- Take up hobbies to get you out, I do rock climbing at gyms, BJJ, and hike with my dog
- Find a woman who fits your life
- Read the Bible

Build the exact life you want, then find the woman who will conform. Do NOT settle.

>> No.55633835

>The only thing I know, I'm good at and I enjoy is working hard.

You're broke and live with your parents.

>> No.55634071

You don't need a mentor as much as you need good competition, which I guess a mentor is, you need drive to compete so getting a little bit better is more fun and exciting.

>> No.55634090

>I just need someone like a gym PT but about life, a rich mentor, a guide.

You need Jesus and a church to join, they will become like part of your extended family that actually care for you. You'll also feel fulfillment in spending your time helping them out.

>> No.55634404

why do you all need jesus/god as proxies? can't you people make a community that helps each other without that? you don't have to be religious to have good values. hell, most religious people I've met are bigger pieces of shit than the non-religious ones.

>> No.55634525

If you like working hard get a job doing concrete finishing. Learn the ropes and then start your own business. At the end of the day busting your ass and then seeing a finished concrete pad is insanely satisfying. Pays good too.

>> No.55634585

Spend 20k on talk therapy like Stefan molyneux and become a family man

>> No.55634635

This glows so fucking hard.

>> No.55634653

What are your skills? Software? Cut all your expenses to zero. Live like a bum but with a good laptop. Put everything you got night and day into a project involved with money.

Your youthful gift is time. USE IT. Don't piss it away grinding away at a deadend job that will be obsolete in 10 years.

>> No.55635574

>can't you people make a community that helps each other without that?
You mean communism or atheistic liberalism?

>you don't have to be religious
I am not advocating being religious. The Pharisees were religious, Moloch worshippers and Hindu cow urine drinkers are religious. I am advocating a living relationship with Jesus Christ the Son of God and joining a church to worship him and have a Christ centred extended family

>> No.55635898

>or in some souless women just to cum in 0.5 seconds.
Make sure to cum in her mouth when you eventually do.

Sounds like a plan; but will take my chances with other alts that can give >10x within that time frame.

>> No.55636044

1. Education/University

2. Crypto shitcoin degeneracy

Dyor, not financial advice, etc.

>> No.55636143

Apart from memes, I don't think alts can get that much as 10x these days.

>> No.55636273

SPOOL had a 7x in Q1
RDNT had almost a 10x in q1
And others like GMX and SOL had good runs too even while in the bear market. Imagine what happens in a bull run.

>> No.55636501

These were one-time pumps. Don't expect this much anymore faggot.

>> No.55636674

Who's this pessimistic jeet? Have you seen what's being built on Spool atm? Their V2 going live is definitely another bullish factor that can trigger another similar rally especially with institutional liquidity coming onboard.