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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 1074x638, bidenomics at work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55624863 No.55624863 [Reply] [Original]

What will be the finical impact of Biden draining America's strategic oil reserve?

>> No.55624891

"running" out of gasoline so people are forced to buy botnet electric peices of shit

>> No.55624898

>t. flyover hick

>> No.55624900

i'm gonna have to go with "literally nothing" since nothing happened..

>> No.55624922

Long renewable energy now.

>> No.55624926
File: 1.96 MB, 580x433, 018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electric vehicles are for retards and not even good for the environment either.

>> No.55624934


>> No.55625048

>t. fully vaccinated trans supporter

>> No.55625103

Can you people please up the quality of your trolling? Good trolling is an art. It takes intelligence and finesse to pull off. These short, braindead responses are the the equivalent of an artist pouring some paint on a canvas and calling it "modern art." It's garbage, it makes you look like an idiot and you're cheapening the craft.

>> No.55625105
File: 95 KB, 1200x810, confused-biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think dammit

>> No.55625140
File: 279 KB, 607x1080, 1683984177445673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even good for the environment either.
mostly only for the southern hemisphere though.

>> No.55625154


>> No.55625173

Electric car stocks gongo up

>> No.55625277

I have no intention of seething over such a low IQ troll post. Put in some work.

>> No.55625324

reverse rape of nanking

>> No.55625512

The situation is not over yet. Those reserves are still being drained. They will need to be refilled soon. At that point subsidizing the retail price of gas will end. Price per gallon will hit an all time high for consumers.

>> No.55626119

Just in time for Trump to be blamed kek

>> No.55626198

Ayy lmao tech is released and petroleum fueled machines are outlawed

>> No.55626545

no, our (western) civilization will collapse. but for real this time and in just two more weeks. ok, the two weeks are memed but the rest is most likely.

>> No.55627829

Joe Biden finally draining the swamp

>> No.55628073

You are a goy and will not be allowed to leave your open air prison of a city, you will not even own a car, not even an electric one. You will subscribe to a corporate service forever rendering you the faggot pay pig slave you are.

>> No.55628087

Solid state is here, advance solar is becoming a thing, and we haven't even touched vertical wind farms, small scale wind power that creates it's own turbulence, we will decentralize the power grid, then everything else.

>> No.55628102

You deplete it when prices are high and fill it up when prices are low.

>> No.55628130

The Saudis made it clear they are open and interested in taking payment for their oil in a currency other than USD. That could be a gold backed currency along with a crypto currency to help facilitate cross border trading for their single commodity that everyone needs and now no longer wants to buy in USD. This will happen after

>> No.55628321

Sharp spike in inflation again as most the pressure is relieved by reducing oil prices. The US is entirely fuel independent but is trying not to rape the treasuries markets (and domestic debt markets) by going too hard on rate hikes.

>> No.55628369

Wow. I hadn't seen that one before. Wouldn't want to be the next clown in office.

>> No.55628373

>You deplete it when prices are high and fill it up when prices are low.
aka the opposite of /biz/ trading strategy.

>> No.55628383


>> No.55628387

Thunderous applause for being conscientious of the environmental health of this Earth and reducing climate change

>> No.55628499

guess how most of the EV chargers get refueled

>> No.55628504

so they filled it up when futures went negative?

>> No.55628721

He can't, he's lost in thought thinking about his granddaughter he groomed

>> No.55628844
File: 121 KB, 1280x1280, 1689923219316678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you loved his first term, just wait until you get to see his second!

>> No.55628861

It makes going to war with another country way more risky. Also Biden drained the reserves to keep the oil price low for the proxy-war with Russia, once the reserves are drained the global price of oil will skyrocket and US allies will want to strike a peace deal with Russia to enable more production than to keep the war going.

Basically; once the oil reserves run out the war in Ukraine will end in Russia's favor.

>> No.55629141
File: 48 KB, 435x317, 1-mayorshouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small scale wind power that creates it's own turbulence
>we will decentralize the power grid
>It will be like Sim City bro

>> No.55629147
File: 197 KB, 1242x1228, 1684025456959120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling oil at a profit
>taking that profit and buying back at a cheaper rate
oh no guys

>> No.55629164

This is predicated on the value of the dollar holding on for dear life until it can be refilled.
A riskier bet than I think our government realizes.

>> No.55629246

>oil will ever be cheaper

>> No.55629262
File: 85 KB, 1856x807, 4547841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dollar index is doing alright, not sure why you are flipping out

most of the inflation of the past year or so was fuel related anyway

>> No.55629268

First buyers of electric vehicles are for the financially literate. Get the tax credit then sell it to make money.

>> No.55629275

oh so Biden didnt sell enough, interesting

>> No.55629434

acting retarded is not an argument

>> No.55629532

oil is cheaper now than it was when it was sold

>> No.55629880
File: 17 KB, 361x321, 4962965945623062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American is going broke. We are seeing it live.

>> No.55629901

total ukrane victory is what matters

>> No.55629912

that pic doesn’t really work as a recycling ring
not to say I disagree

>> No.55629932

deep geothermal will kill the electricity market for ages to come

>> No.55631023

Idk anon, maybe we will use our vast infrastructure to extract more from our own country? Since Biden halted that? Do you understand how much oil the US and Canada is sitting on? This is all carefully managed scarcity.
>I love stip mining! I love extreme child labor! I love cats that turn off if I say bad words!

>> No.55631089

Meh that’s a retarded take it’s like 1/3 the fuel cost to power your car, still a massive reduction. And ultimately solar and wind CAN power an EV charger/EV whereas they can not power fuel based systems.

>> No.55631392

>when prices are low
2 more weeks

>> No.55631581

well the saudis already answered that question. then they did a "this is sparta" kick to petrodollar.

>> No.55631685

the world is a stage
when the US inevitably has to go to 'war' they'll have their pants down
the financial system will reset and the US will have to cope

>> No.55633607


You're actually fucking retarded.

>> No.55633611

pls refill the reserves and pump my bags mr biden