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55622904 No.55622904 [Reply] [Original]

come back and check if the board is still a shit heap
and it is

>> No.55622938

Did he scream and cry?

>> No.55622970

yes. His face when I slit his mothers throat was priceless

>> No.55623217

pics or didn't happen

>> No.55623228

you have to go to India or Balkans to get the scammers.

>> No.55623259

How much did he scam you out of? Have you done something like that before, or was he your first body?

>> No.55623273


>> No.55623297

No, I focus on the western scammers. Western Europe, Northern Europe and the USA.
And why should I produce evidence and increase the chance that the disappearance of an entire household is linked to me? The bodies wont be found, at least not the entire bodies

>> No.55623309

>it was real in my mind

calm down retard

>> No.55623323

It is real. A family doesn't exist anymore, and more to come

>> No.55623362
File: 26 KB, 556x261, reported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55623382



>> No.55623388


wrong three letter group

>> No.55623393

>implying I am going to enter the USA by an official road
top kek, american agencies wont even know when I am on the territory, same as the dutch authorities had no way to know I was on their territory

>> No.55623403


Wow you're a retard lol

>> No.55623490

Its easier to enter the USA without anyone knowing than you think. Should have left Trump finish the wall. Thanks for not finishing the wall. and btw, I chose to keep Norway as the cherry on top

>> No.55623533


(4chan larping 13 year old Pakistani kid tries to enter USA illegally through southern border to prove his larp to his imaginary internet friends.... Is promptly beheaded by chainsaw on video by cartel for not paying to go through one of their coyotes)

Nothing of value was lost

>> No.55623566

what did he do to deserve that?

>> No.55623576

No Dutch families reported missing. Nice larp

>> No.55623586

Just a scammer that is part of the community of discord faggots that tried to advertise their scams here and run streaming scams before they came to crypto with their "memes", the /tv/ crowd. 72 families still on the list

>> No.55623605

don't kill SerGay please

>> No.55623663

Nearly forgot about that fat fuck. Thanks for reminding me about that scammer

>> No.55623729

Post het of larp.

>> No.55623774

First rule of a cleaner, you don't produce evidence leading to you

>> No.55623935

a family disappearing is still news in the netherlands so if not larp will see some mention in the normie newspapers in the next few days
will screencap just in case
in any case pentoshi is still tweet scamming so you missed him

>> No.55624036

There is this guy, his name is simeon. Have you heard of him?

>> No.55624076

One would think so, but they weren't dutch dutch, but Moroccan-Dutch

>> No.55624098

u coin-nected to canary islands op

>> No.55624193

but even then, if they 'disappear' due to legal issues with the government it istn reported because their friends/family know where they are and dont file a case with the police
a whole family really disappearing is still a rare enough event to raise waves in normie media
yes i know a weird sensation if you have been accustomed to live in a third world violent hellhole your whole life

>> No.55624233

Most devs use VPNs and hide behind lots of barriers of security to protect themselves from what you did to that family OP. How the fuck did you find him out?

>> No.55624237
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 0cJHJXa5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad larp. This guy's still alive

>> No.55624241

I totally expect that an investigation is going to take place, and that the authorities are going to ask for information from the population and maybe even have local cops question me due to this 4chan posts, but there is no evidence and the body parts are on the bottom of different bodies of water

>> No.55624270

So let me get this straight. You somehow got rid of a scammer and his family, that means you have money and a lot of resources and knowledge to execute someone without getting caught. And your first instinct was to post about it on 4chan? Thus increasing your chances of eventually getting caught? All your careful plan and execution and you want me to believe you purposefully linked yourself to the murder of a family, giving tons of info to the internet that could eventually pile up and lead to the authorities finding you?

Really bad larp or retarded OP

>> No.55624293

yeah i dont care about any of that, its just to get indisputable evidence of your larp that can be falsified in lets call it a week
i screencapped your op and will post again if i see anything mentioned in the msm newspapers

>> No.55624303

He'll kill the authorities too stupid

>> No.55624315


>> No.55624316
File: 140 KB, 1080x1081, HELP ME JANNIE IM BUTTHURT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i screencapped your op and will post again if i see anything mentioned in the msm newspapers

>> No.55624326
File: 70 KB, 500x423, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooo guys i killed a family, dont you see? Im le assasin and im coming for all the scammers. Im just like John wick you know? Sergay im coming for you.

>ib4 anon is just an angry baggie that got completely rugpulled and is larping hard to feel better
Needless to say fake and gay

>> No.55624374

A post on 4chan is plausibly deniable, especially from a proxy, and with no other evidence putting me at the scene or in the country there is 0 chance to be caught

>> No.55624488

no the opposite of your pic related, if proven correct i will declare op based
and as always was and always shall be: fuck the tranny janny

>> No.55624533
File: 52 KB, 278x319, 1682483946015994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga shut the fuck up, if you really did it, they'd track you down through these posts anyways
you're not just blatantly fake, but massively gay

I've heard more interesting larps from the homeless guy outside of Safeway

>> No.55624534

read Crime and Punishment OP, it will resonate with you and make you a better man.

stop killing, if this is not a larp, and find God

>> No.55624569

exceptionally shitskin smelling thread
do browns like op really think evolved humans actually buy this shit?

>> No.55624582

Impossible the hardware currently used was bought with cash and the internet access isn't linked to me in anyway, and if they by some weird chance they manage to get the local authorities to interview me, so what, no evidence, beside these 4chan posts

>> No.55624600
File: 16 KB, 347x262, mini_chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey's violations are even more egregious than FTX. I truly hope this isn't a lie.
Would gladly donate 0.5 BTC to help you with your expenses in getting the job done.

>> No.55624601

He's right
>FEDS show up
>present 4chan posts
>>yikes, isn't that the nazi website *sucks down soi vegan jerky smoothie*
>FEDS leave

>> No.55624613

So how much did you lose in the scam?

>> No.55624612

so you killed someone for your own bad decisions? do yourself now.

>> No.55624634

Shilling and gloating about your kills is a very human thing.
Go on OP.

I just hope he stops the family killings because they have no wrong doing for what the ringleader is doing.
>kills young girls and fertile women that have nothing to do with it

>> No.55624664

no. It was a promise, personally I have never been scammed, but that circle deserves nothing less than to be annihilated from the face of the earth together with those that birthed them

>> No.55625002

This is a bad larp man.

>> No.55625094

How dare you kill my Tio.... My familia.

>> No.55625161

i was there. OP had his fly open the whole tiime, the victims had to bite their tongue not to laugh

>> No.55625166

no. the families are part of the genes that produced this circle, letting them live, or leaving the opportunists alive and only focusing on the "leaders" would be doing a half assed job

>> No.55625193

>completely ignoring the effect the environment could have on an individual
Murdering is worse than scamming. And you murder. Must mean you have murderer genes?

>> No.55625263

>turn the other cheek goy
you will be rewarded in the next life just trust us

>> No.55625280

Yes. That was my job until I quit, and officially I am MIA

>> No.55625307

Are you sure it wasn’t mistaken identity?

>> No.55625384

No, he knew what happened, and looking at his dead dad and his unconscious mother, while laying on the floor with broken knees was aware that he is going to die and that there was no way to buy himself out

>> No.55625520

Why are you doing this?

>> No.55625559

Gay larp

>> No.55625566

Such a cringe larp, scrawny/obese arms wrote this. kys

>> No.55625580

An extreme, likely pathological sense for justice

>> No.55625597

Describe in detail how you killed this family, please. Was there anyone else involved other than the mother and this dude? How did you gain access into their home and what weapons did you use to off them? Didn't anyone else hear the screams?

>> No.55625637

I fail to see how killing innocents (parents) is justice. Are you saying they commited a crime by carrying genes that when combined in a specific way is a crime? Because anyone can father a criminal, it's up to chance.

>> No.55625638

OP, this sou ds like a LARP, but if it isn't, why did you go after someone who is so small-time? Why did you not go after the FTX guy or the Celsius guy or one of the guys running obvious scams that are currently in process? None of this makes any sense.

>> No.55625719

Hammer and knife
ringed the bell, hit the father in the head with the pointed side right when he opened the door, was dead in an instant. Pushed the corpse inside, went to the kitchen, hit the mother in the head with the flat side from behind, her lights went out. Went up stairs, kicked in the door of the room from which some cringe metal came from, dude turned around from his gamer chair and got a fist right in the face, then broke his knees with the hammer and put a gag in his mouth, dragged him down stairs, grabbed the still unconscious mother and dragged both in the bathroom, where I slit his mothers throat, then his and his father and bled them out in the bathtub.
After that got a saw from the garage and cut the corpses up, put them into plastic bags, left the house at night and went on the dispose of everything in different bodies of water on the way back.

Praised by open borders

>> No.55625834

based, how did you know you had the right guy? How do you track the scammers down?

>> No.55625867

The group of scammers is not unknown to me, and they all doxed each other a long time ago.

>> No.55625885

Are you planning to get them all? You have any evidence that they're real people and not just a LARP.

>> No.55625891

>Moroccan family
>son listening to metal
Larp confirmed.

>t. Dutchman

>> No.55625895

yes. Its a clean up of the base and its about time that circle is physically removed from this plane

>> No.55625907

mixed. daddy was Moroccan, mom was dutch

>> No.55625936

Nah that pairing doesn't happen, especially not 20-30 years ago. Half mocros don't listen to metal either. Just scrawny white boys.

>> No.55626022

What kind of scams are they involved in?

>> No.55626041

this one did, though it was some gay ass metalcore

>> No.55626052

Also how many people have you killed?