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55622822 No.55622822 [Reply] [Original]

How did we get to the point where people are getting taxed 30% of their income straight up?

People used to riot over a 2% increase in tax.

The income tax was supposed to be temporary to pay for the civil war

What the hell happened? We all just became serfs somewhere in the past 100-200 years

>> No.55622837

jews happened. i can elaborate on that if anyone wants me to

>> No.55622850

But we get all the bugs we can eat anon. AS MANY AS YOU WANT!

>> No.55622867

>How did we get to the point where people are getting taxed 30% of their income straight up?
about 40% of all tax filters in the USA pay $0 in federal income tax. they pay only payroll tax (6.2%) and state/local tax (a few percent.)

>> No.55622870
File: 70 KB, 594x455, us-revenue-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The world wars provided an easy crisis to capitalize on, introduce "temporary emergency taxes" and then not roll them back
2. Women got the right to vote and are fine with high taxes since they are utterly non ambitious and consider the state their fill in sugar daddy

>> No.55622893

The fuckers who pushed it were geniuses and deserve our gratitude for exposing how foolish and willing to betray us most people really were. The real criminals are the morally sanctimonious narcissists who put their faith in governments and pharmaceutical mega corporations. Every day average "law abiding citizens" are the reason the world we live in is in such turmoil and full of suffering.

>> No.55622945

>a happening look!
>slip in the tax increase
>oh another happening omg this is the end for real this time!!!
>slip in the taxes
>the final happening is happening for real!!!!
>slip in taxes
>wait what the fuck are you doing with the taxes?
>the taxes caused the happening!!! stop the happening with taxes!!!
>the taxes increased
Works everytime. Half is just a psychological barrier that WILL be overcome.

>> No.55622991 [DELETED] 

central banks wanted a larger more diversified market, so they're having the richest economies subsidize and civilize the third world shitters just until multinational corporations could make use of their labor. If you're invested in these companies, you probably already have more money than you know what to do with and life has never been better. If you have no money and no assets and thus no stake or benefit in the success, lol get fucked and die. Your labor now competes with the rest of the human population, domestic markets and real estate distorted, fewer jobs and larger share of which paying less, rampant fraud.

Hard not be a doomer.

>> No.55622993


>> No.55623015

Is my tree dead because it has bugs or does my tree have bugs because it's dead?

>> No.55623080

Is there a relationship between the death of tariffs and the federal reserve creation?

>> No.55623082

Women got the right to vote

>> No.55623611

Woodrow Wilson was a shill installed by globohomo to destroy US sovereignty.

>> No.55623656


I feel like it was an inevitability with the growth of international megacorps lobbying for their demise, where the US had more small/medium sized business activity for the century prior. Things consolidated and centralized.

>> No.55623670

People who complain about taxes have no clue how the monetary system works.

>> No.55623716

I feel like doodging taxes so bad.

>> No.55623772

help me understand then

how does it 'work' ? It seems like we're all living like serfs, but our condition is hidden by snake oil salves like netflix and capeshit.

>> No.55623800

I'm jewish, know more about economics than you could learn in 10 goy lifetimes, and I've never paid taxes
dumb goy

>> No.55624109

If that's true, why are you complaining?

>> No.55624129

I honestly wouldn't mind the taxes...if only they spent it on benefitting society (INFRASTRUCTURE!!!)

But instead, we get "social justice is infrastructure! racial equity is infrastructure!" and "we must saveth Ukrainieth!" and we also get Janet Yellen literally plundering the treasury to fund Ukraine.

Your tax dollars will always go to waste these days in clown world, and this doesn't just apply to the USA.

>> No.55624151
File: 13 KB, 271x277, doitus4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting taxed 30% is nothing, the slaves accepted covid measures and 3 jabs in their arms or they lose their jobs and did NOTHING. FTX evaporated their lifesavings and they did Nothing. LMAO LMAO. GIVE THEM 1000 FLAVOURS OF DOUGHNUTS AND THEY WILL BE HAPPY.

>> No.55624160

You don't have the requisite information to make such judgments.

>> No.55624171
File: 1.73 MB, 500x415, 1665287508409008.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gentle reminder that property tax was also supposed to be temporary.
Our national debt was also supposed to be payed off during the Bush era.
2% yoy inflation wasn't supposed to be the standard.
There's a reason these things exist, it's to decrease generational wealth and force people to keep working longer into their old age.

>> No.55624175
File: 34 KB, 607x456, 4c6991d57f8b9ac26c770100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the (((monetary system))) doesn't work tho you fucking retard, that's the whole point

>> No.55624182

What makes you say that?

>> No.55624184
File: 81 KB, 1784x670, 311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we are all unironically on a race to the finish line because the more time we wait, the more the FED will take from us. Jews aside, the world is literally designed to fail, that's why most of this board fights tooth and nail for the chance to get out. Why do you think each time a gem appears people start investing like madmans? It's the called biz effect.
Just check this out, an anon made a thread about chikun a couple of hours ago, now the token immediately pumped. You think that's just casualty? oh please. You're going to see roosters all around the board now because people are just THAT desperate. And they are right to be

>> No.55624199

>dex shitcoin pumping with 40 buyers

imagine my shock

>> No.55624200

pay docked

>> No.55624220

Wisdom is free to those who recognize it. For others, they must earn it through pain.

>> No.55624231

Didn't they create a new type of citizenship for all the former slaves that didnt have legitimate claims to the form of citizenship that already existed? They created a new type at the end of the war and slowly over time tricked people into volunteering and making their newborns have this type of citizenship.
Being a subject of the federal government (a US citizen) is an option. You can correct your status to no longer have US citizenship but still be an American national (with a passport, ability to live in the country, but without federal tax obligation).

>> No.55624236
File: 1.25 MB, 480x480, 1680217606866298.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our debt will never get paid off. Almost a third of all income taxes are spent just to pay the interest rate, not counting the two thirds left to pay for social security and medicare.
What's the point of paying taxes if the FEDs can legally print infinite amounts of money and devalue our currency?

>> No.55624288
File: 80 KB, 1024x695, 1685476965839320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just don't work and become mad Max? It's the only way...

>> No.55624289

>What's the point of paying taxes if the FEDs can legally print infinite amounts of money and devalue our currency?
The point of taxes is precisely to prevent the devaluation of a currency.

>> No.55624292
File: 34 KB, 680x503, 68c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the free alpha anon

>> No.55624297
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Well, turns out less than a decade after the Revolutionary War, Washington deputized state militias to violent put down a tax revolt.

>> No.55624329
File: 173 KB, 1210x659, 1668494592638453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55624353

You seem to be under the impression that currencies should maintain a fixed "value" over time. Currencies are a medium of exchange not a savings vehicle.

>> No.55624356

God I fucking hate stacked charts.

Also social security was an utterly horrible idea. I hope every boomer gets abused in their nursing home.

>> No.55624359

I have one uncle and one family friend around the same age who both text me monthly
>It's time to go make some money!! Get a job!!
Meanwhile this graph

>> No.55624386
File: 1.44 MB, 2962x1816, debt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You seem to be under the impression that currencies should maintain a fixed "value" over time.
Yes, I do. Sorry I don't think that the our dollar should be rapidly deteriorating in value to the point that I nor any of my peers are capable of ever retiring.
>Currencies are a medium of exchange not a savings vehicle.
Holy fuck... This has to be bait.

>> No.55624404

Not him, but not everyone at the top of the system is happy with the way things are going. It's pretty terrible to see the poor delude themselves they deserve this or it will fix if they just work harder and meanwhile your fellow rich are getting more dysgenic each generation and are perusing unreality instead of tending to anything.

>> No.55624444

This isnt how it works. The way it works is this
>democrats get elected
>raise taxes across the board for poor, middle, rich, and corporations
>republicans get elected
>roll back taxes on corporations, and rich.
>Democrats get elected and raise taxes...
Repeat ad infinum.

>> No.55624474

I’d like to hear this theory. I think the creation of the welfare state is to blame for current tax obligations personally but if you want to cast blame on a certain group I’d like to know why an anon feels that way

>> No.55624544


It goes back to the civil war. The triumph of Lincoln and the Hamiltonians created an all powerful. corrupt federal government. If the south had won things would be much better.

>> No.55624568

ngmi left right brainoor

>> No.55624573

I think what you and the other poster are getting at is the feeling that something is deeply wrong with the world. The purpose of that feeling is to get you to take action in your own lives to improve the situation. Those "at the top" have the most power to change things, so the responsibility is even more weighty for them to get clear on exactly what to do. Only the effortful exercise of free will can alter the course of things. Aspects of the world that cannot be changed are not worth sulking over.

>> No.55624684

>Only the effortful exercise of free will can alter the course of things.

Except this isn't a fair game we're living in. Wish in one hand, shit in the other...

>> No.55624713

This video explains how and why taxes were increased.

Yes, taxes are a scam.

>> No.55624727

1. the chart is of % of total tax revenue; what the chart doesn't visualize is how much LESS tax revenue the federal government was collecting before the 20th century. used to be basically the only thing the gov did to raise revenue was tariffs.
2. tariffs were lowered across the world by a massive amount after the great depression. During the depression everyone raised their tariffs to try and protect local industry and jobs but it was widely considered to have actually fucked everything up worse, because consumer goods and resources became more expensive and with less trade it resulted in less demand and therefore more failing companies and more unemployment

>> No.55624819

Taxation apologists like you need their entire families beheaded.

>> No.55624902

>Except this isn't a fair game
Who said anything about fairness? An improvement in fairness is one outcome you may wish to achieve though the exercise of will, but it is not something that is given by default.

>> No.55624913

In this case: the tree is sick because of the bugs (jews [filth])

>> No.55624918

Case in point.

>> No.55625639

strawman tongue my anus

>> No.55625661

Did you let this anus-tonguing strawman write your last post?

>> No.55625687

No the fuck it is not you absolute mongoloid. The point of taxes is to fund a government who doesn’t control the money supply…

>> No.55625789

And who do you think is importing all the welfare sucking negros?

>> No.55625818

Three reasons: 1. people are easily bamboozled, 2. the increase in taxes was accompanied by an unrelated increase in prosperity that made most people wealthier in spite of the increasing taxes, and 3. many people discovered ways they could be on receiving end of the flow of tax money and so began to favor taxes.

>> No.55625850
File: 85 KB, 1206x637, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened
we stopped taxing the richest Americans and passed that burden onto the poor and middle-class

>> No.55625912

Millenials and zoomers really never had a chance, huh

>> No.55627238

Proof that both political parties are the same and neither give a fuck that the peons do anything except work for the machine.