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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55621928 No.55621928 [Reply] [Original]

Alright here are the rules anon.

1. Post MEMES about chainfaggots
2. Hit them with truth
3. Short Link with a small amount and post position
4. Also let's talk about XRP, how it's much better than PonziLink

>> No.55621960

kek fuddies

>> No.55621961
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When chainfaggots celebrate remember their portfolio is down -%80

>> No.55621980

let's see, they are doing price feeds, random numbers for nft scams, execute javascript, multichain, gaming. are they doing "environment" and "dao" yet?

>> No.55621984
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When they do holywood tier technobla just tell them that you are bulgarian and immune

>> No.55621983

So you sold during the winter huh

>> No.55621989

chainlink, like cuckolding, is the thinking mans fetish

>> No.55622018
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In the heart of Bulgaria, a group of individuals known as the Bulgarian FUDDERS patrolled the online forums, including 4chan, searching for projects that raised red flags and threatening the financial security of unsuspecting investors.
One fateful day, the Bulgarian FUDDERS stumbled upon a cryptocurrency called Chainlink. Intrigued by its promises and soaring popularity, they delved deep into its whitepaper, dissecting its intricacies with meticulous precision. As they peeled back the layers, they noticed something amiss.

Their instincts proved right. The Bulgarian FUDDERS unraveled the hidden truth behind Chainlink, discovering a well-crafted Ponzi scheme cleverly disguised as a revolutionary project. Armed with evidence and a mission, the Bulgarian FUDDERS began to spread their findings across the online community. Their messages served as beacons of caution, warning others about the dangers of investing in LINK tokens, which they believed were rendered useless within the broader market.

Their words echoed through the digital landscape, catching the attention of countless fanatical Link investors who had been captivated by Chainlink's seemingly promising prospects. Doubt began to creep into the minds of those who had initially considered investing, thanks to the relentless efforts of the Bulgarian FUDDERS. As the truth gained momentum, the 4chan investors opened their eyes to the grim reality. They realized they had narrowly escaped financial ruin, thanks to the vigilant efforts of the Bulgarian FUDDERS. Gratitude filled their hearts as they turned away from Chainlink, avoiding the potential devastation that awaited those caught in its web. Recognizing the significance of the Bulgarian FUDDERS' heroic actions, the online community rallied behind them. Their courage and selflessness had saved many from losing their hard-earned money to a deceitful scheme.

>> No.55622048
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>1) A leader is the ultimate authority.
Sergey is the ultimate truth, anything he says is bound to happen even though most of the stuff he said was untrue and totally unrealistic

>2 ) The group suppresses skepticism and forbids criticism.
Any single person who dares criticize Link is a paid discord tranny, a Bulgarian employed by NEXO or a salty person who lost his stack on Bancor and Celsius.

>3)The group delegitimizes former members.
People who get out of the cult are called no-Linkers or swingies, they are often verbally attacked by the most fanatical Link marines

>4) The group is paranoid about the outside world.
Link marines legitimately believe there is a global Bulgarian conspiracy involving NEXO, the MEV mafia and Binance to suppress their rank 25 premined token. Nobody can explain why they would do that but they seem to be 100% convinced of this insane delusion

>5) The group relies on “shame” tactics to maintain conformity.
Any person who dares raise criticism is a potential “FUDDER”

>6) The leader considers himself above the law and moral standards.
Sergey dumped 140 million tokens and made roughly $500 million off retail investors but that’s perfectly okay for Link marines.

>7) The leader uses different means to weaken the minds.
Sergey uses sleazy conman tactics to string along the community with SmartCon and other cringe Twitter memes after more than 6 years.

>> No.55622067
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>anyone criticizing my dead 2017 altcoin is a bulgarian!
>da jooz are hiring people on a mongolian basketweaving forum to make fun of me and my shitty coin!

never touched chainlink, did my own research and realized it's a ponzi

>> No.55622090
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I’ve been a professional psychiatrist for the past decade, let me please enlighten you on the delusions of so called Link Marines.

These group of bagholders exhibit clear signs of paranoia and schizophrenia towards the outside world. The so called “FUDDERS” are just a figment of their imagination, there is no global Bulgarian conspiracy to suppress their token but they have decided to double down on their delusions rather than admit they were wrong after 6 years. This is obviously a clear sign of stark cognitive dissonance.

Moreover the constant white knighting towards Sergey clearly symbolizes some sort of financial submissiveness fetish they have. I personally call it the bagholder Stockholm Syndrome. Instead of blaming the dev Link Marines would rather idolize him and elevate him as the cult leader while attacking anyone else that questions his “authority”.

There is no doubt that Link Marines have also a quite peculiar sexual fetish towards cuckoldry. The amount of rage and anger this word triggers is a clear indicating factor that the cuckold nature of the Link Marine is a true reality. As Freud said, the sexual fetishes a person exhibits are a clear reminder of a person’s true desire. After years of studying these so called bagholders…I have concluded with absolute certainty that Link Marines are cuckolds.

>> No.55622140
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Fuddies are so demoralized they have to hide in a general. And the price is only $8 dollars.

The future does not bode well for disgusting fuddies.

>> No.55622253

i can't do this anymore guys... no amount of fudding will give me my stack back... what's the fucking point...

>> No.55622296

me on the left

>> No.55622546

It’s literally going to 1k why not buy now for 8? Are Elmer (glue eaters) fudders that dumb?

>> No.55622583

Sell your everything and buy it from $8 and post proof.

>> No.55622589

i hope you guys agmi t schizo

>> No.55622744

pussy then faggot. This screenshot bet won’t you bet wouldn’t it do won’t. No oriabsky hokd link yu Fock you. Shit have this fuck fudderr prove shit you

>> No.55623020

>the kekfuddie general is just the same 2-3 fud trannies hopping ids and replying to themselves
Business as usual eh faggots?
S and H

>> No.55623247

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. I need to make it to 300k before mainnet for fucks sake. Link is only going to $10 max. Right now I might make 1MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 2MM, but more likely 3MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link where about $60 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen anymore.

The singularity is cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to $10. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this board will hold from 20 cents, to $10 and then hold all the way back to sub $1 again because you all believe the 1k eoy memes, and just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 19k, you will do the same with Link at $10. Looking at the current charts depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 100k Link, nowhere near enough to make it.

At best I will have 1-2 sweet years, and then return to wagecucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted freedom and know what I am missing out on.

The pure delusion. You retards actually think you have fundamentally analyzed link and are som

>> No.55623272

e sort of elite investor. You know about link because its been shilled to fucking death on this shitty board with terrible infographics and extremely far reaching claims with no evidence. I guarantee none of you have actually even tried to use the mainnet or have even considered the token economics at play here. The mainnet is a piece of trash centralized (it uses one source) API scraper that uploads data into a non self executable smart contract. A fifteen year old could write the code to do this, it tests nothing envisioned in the whitepaper. Now for the token economics 35% of the total supply is in the hands of Sergey himself. The top 100 wallets control 85% of the supply of this coin and it's not exchanges. Binance, the biggest exchange owns ~2% of total supply. Your investment can be quite literally wiped out overnight without a moments notice. Going all into this project is probably one of the stupidest things you can do with your money but retards like you keep lining up thinking you are the next Warren Buffet. Chainlink is so far from a sure thing.
I love it how all you gullible fucks think you've already made it just by purchasing a bunch of meme tokens on a meme cat picture trading platform which does nothing just because a bunch of anons on a kosovo organ trading board said they will be worth a lot someday. Their arguments sound so convincing, so well researched, but the painful truth is that you've been fooled into investing in a honey-worded fairytale of a solution to a problem that isn't even needed outside its whimsical world of princesses and dragons. Starting to notice the pattern? I mean, the project leader is a fucking philosopher for fuck's sake.

I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something lik

>> No.55623293

Imagine taking time out your life to post this shit lmao

>> No.55623307

imagine not being able to recognize one of the oldest pastas around

>> No.55623342

He neesa to go bck 2 deddti andfagglt be

>> No.55623351

for fucks sake, stop posting from your shitty and broken phone you third world imbecile

>> No.55623353

Pay up, it's not that expensive

I also don't believe you hold xrp, xrp holders have always been bros

>> No.55623485

Et my as fegget yiu

>> No.55623760
File: 34 KB, 261x182, linklapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time I eat ze bugs I poop link can anyone explain this?

>> No.55623787

What’s the new telegram channel? Always hilarious when baggies try to defend their useless token.

>> No.55624054

XRP is fuckin giving pussy experience Anon. Added more to my portfolio from tokenmetrics early signal on the TM rating list. It's melting faces all the way.

>> No.55624368

This thread was created by a linkcel with XRP living rent free in his head.
Attention newfags: there is a linkcel discord and every single fud post you see comes directly from there.
Reminder to S&H if you’re tired of seeing them like everyone else is.

>> No.55624994

Linkies' law
As a /biz/ thread approaches 300 posts, the probability of a ink baggie bringing up BBC and cuckoldry approaches 1.

>> No.55625005
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>> No.55625097

Fat Sergej meme always makes me laugh,

>> No.55625114
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I'm here for nothing more than keking at link trannies and obviously to praise Arkham ticker (ARKM), seethe and cope faggots

>> No.55625126

you're all the same nigger, linktards, avaxfags, and (You) are exactly the same

>> No.55625151

Anon, it's literally the opposite kek, LINK is being attacked with no evidence and you blame us?

>> No.55625204

oh ffs fuck right off nigger

>> No.55625209

Yes, you're infested, only solution is a napalm bath

>> No.55625225
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1619883113956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you get the point of this thread but still, fuck you nigger, you shouldn't treat trans people bad just because you don't like them

>> No.55625654

Newfag spotted

>> No.55626329
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Kek baggies

>> No.55627328

ARKM has already lost over 50% since its launch anon. It might just end up as another SUI, I'd rather ape based gems like Dot, Krest and Flux which have been building during the bear market.

>> No.55627528

>3. Short Link with a small amount and post position

This is the most important part. Post your shorts so we can laugh at you.

>> No.55628718

I only have 200 in this. I'm cool with that. I hope you guys become billionaires. I'll be cool with a fresh 50k or something.

>> No.55628821

Market movers don't need bribes to sell, they sell when they know that the jig is up and the pump is over.

>> No.55629451

It sucks being a baggie anon, although I was lucky to make gains on my Link long position a few days back with confirmation from the TM grade on an AI backed research platform.

>> No.55629846

Xrp holders are in line for based gains anon, especially with the recent moves in the space. I'd continue my DCA on the alt alongside Zcash, Ride and Crt which have shown potential for mass adoption.

>> No.55630992

>they didnt buy link under a dollar
lmaoing at youre life

>> No.55631690

Time for another big dump LINK FAGGOTS. HAHAHAHAH BACK TO $6

>> No.55631855

I've already dumped all mine for ORE and deleted all the linkmemes. I can't participate.